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NJS last won the day on March 6 2021

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About NJS

  • Birthday 03/28/1964

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  1. I think we're being a bit harsh on Wilson - he's bound to be a bit rusty after the lack of any games this whole season. Of course whether he has enough time to turn it around given he's probably out the door is another matter.
  2. Well that slightly brightened my day.
  3. Ankle issue for Hall - to see a specialist apparently.
  4. It might be true about City but Real being all anti-creative accounting still stinks.
  5. I know it's an anarchic suggestion which might be painful but maybe we dropped off because Forest are a decent team who upped their game.
  6. I hadn't heard about this - I used to use calibre years ago when I had some torrented books but to be honest I only read on my kindle or phone now anyway so downloading them seems pointless - unless as you say you intend to move to another reader.
  7. I thought he must have been fouled for the winner at first view which would have been funny knowing it counted but then it turned out he was just hilariously shit instead.
  8. I saw the capacity (52,888) and couldn't help thinking if they were sort of channelling Bob Murray with a "couple of hundred seats more than SJP" decision. Scouse Mackems indeed.
  9. Incidentally does anyone want to join my conspiracy club where our match at West Ham was moved to the Monday night by Sky after realising the scouse cunts were in CL action on the Wednesday? I know it was announced before the second leg but I still smell a phone call from Liverpool to Sky - a call with the stench of burnt out cars and too many drugs.
  10. In 1998 I was in New York a few weeks before the world cup in France and we went to see an MLS game (though I'm not sure that's what it was at that stage) in the NY Giants stadium. It was a canny night out with the football obviously being shite but I overheard two blokes talking and one was trying to explain to the other how big the world cup was and he just wouldn't have it. The lad mentioned a TV audience of 2bn and the other replied but that's more than the superbowl - that's impossible. Yanks - nice but dumb since 1776 (and probably before).
  11. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    Without sounding like a Mackem and his multiplier, I've read that there were 22k NUFC fans there. RIP John Tudor - scorer of the first goals I saw line.
  12. McGinn is such a horrible dirty little cunt.
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