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Noelie last won the day on April 6 2018

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About Noelie

  • Birthday 12/13/1932

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    Anaheim, California.

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  1. This is my next post, ..... and my last. Apparently my prior post was erased for whatever reason. That's fine as long as I'm informed as to why, but I wasn't and that doesn't sit well with me. Cheerio.
  2. No surprise today, the surprise would have been if Bruce hadn't parked the bus. Gayle matches the word Wail, a goal for us would have been a game changer. Actually there was a surprise today, they only scored 2 and one was a spot-kick, credit to Darlow, he put in a good shift. Maxie wasn't MoM today, and Woelinton wasn't too woe full. I fault Bruce for the shambles of the first half, 5 at the back was absolutely stupid.
  3. Was introduced to Peter Beardsley outside the Los Angeles Colosseum in 1986. England had just played Mexico in a friendly prior to the world cup. The lad I was at the match with had known and played with Beardsley when they were kids. Bumped into Jackie Charlton twice, once at St. James' when he was just a spectator, and once at North Shields fish quay where we had both gone for fish n' chips. Chatted with him on both occasions. Spoke to Pop Robson once in a newsagents shop he co-owned in Gateshead. At the time I was a friend and playing with Clyde Best who was a pal of Pop's from his West Ham days and he asked me to look up Pop and give him his regards. Best of all, I had a conversation with Bobby Robson at St. James'. I had gone there with a friend who was going there to get a free blood-pressure test they were giving. As we were leaving Bobby pulled up and got out of his car. I audaciously went up to him and introduced myself. It was a Wednesday and there was a game that night and he asked me if I was going and did I have tickets(I did). Said he had been to California and loved it. We shook hands and he went into the offices. Sadly he was sacked the following Monday.
  4. Yeah, I think yer right, it is all over, all over the place infinitesimally.
  5. Howaylads, 2 points hoyed doon the netty again FOR FUCKS SAKE!! A nail-biting finish and I thought the Villans were going to pull it off. Woelinton? .........give me Carroll any day. Well done Gayle, too bad it wasn't the winner. What happened to the team that beat Sheffield? Typical Newcastle United, takes an inner pain lover strength to be a supporter, I know!!
  6. Wishful thinking: I would like to see us score a barrel-full of goals as our goal difference is appalling and it's costing us position in the table.
  7. Didn't say he put in a poor performance, he can bring you to your feet with his skills but he needs to be fed the ball more often and I don't think he got that today.
  8. I shouldn't say this but I wanted Liverpool to win against Everton solely to keep us above them in the table but it didn't happen and the one point for the draw moved them above us.
  9. I think against Sheffield he was a bit starved of the ball and didn't show us what he's capable of as he has done in other games. They need to keep feeding him a bit more so he can build on his performances.
  10. That's true, but with 10 men they kept the ball a tad more than we did and their passing overall was better than ours. I saw Rose pass directly to them 4 times. Miggy missed a sitter but put in a good shift. Maxie took good care of the defenders blooper. Woelinton guilty of a howler but made up for it by getting one. Ritchie's was a cracker. Good game, great 3 points. 3 points against the Villans should dispatch any fears or relegation.
  11. My senilitized dementialized gray matter thinks it won't, .................................but hope it will even if it's just to get shot of Ashley.
  12. Howmanheyman, you one of them got the clap.
  13. I have to think that because this buy out is dragging on for so long with no end in sight, it just ain't gonna happen. The saying says, "where's there's smoke there's fire" but in this case I think it's just a fucking big smoke-screen and not even a spark. I'm not bored, I'm just fed-up with the whole scenario.
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