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The Mighty Hog

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The Mighty Hog last won the day on August 24 2019

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    Blaine the Mono

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  1. The dog was terminally ill and organised the whole thing.
  2. Lewis is out of contract too so one less from the Ashley era off the books.
  3. Looks like it's that Graeme Bailey's website. So yeah, like you say probably bollocks.
  4. Not knowing much about.. well anything really, but especially the building and maintenance of a stadium I'm wondering how long the current site can be viable. Not talking about expansion, but how long could it realistically be maintained to a high standard before things are not able to be fixed?
  5. It's been hinted at most of the season that this summer they want to be one of the vultures circling if clubs are struggling due to PSR rather than scrambling to meet it again.
  6. https://www.podmasters.co.uk/origin-story looks like it's available to the masses if you scroll down.
  7. Aye, I'd not watched it in years then just caught it again. It just hits the notes just right, Some canny acting talent came through there too.
  8. Early Doors is on the iPlayer if you haven't seen it.
  9. Worth mentioning that it's consistently been reported that even if the Guehi transfer had gone through it would have meant fuck all happening this month and some outgoings. It seems like there is wiggle room but it's really fine around the margins and they'd rather take a gamble on potential PSR fire sales.
  10. Honourable mention to Merson too, takes real ability to survive so long as a pundit while being so moronic.
  11. Probably Rio, has the unfortunate mix of being thicker than a castle wall and having a bad case of the "Hello fellow kids...".
  12. Paul Dan-gone. 46 is no age https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn93gnz7853o The consumate Z-Lister
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