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Howay last won the day on September 23 2023

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  • Birthday March 4

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  1. Won’t be long and he will be trying to sell whatever bit he owns.
  2. Ignoring the fact it’s a surprise to learn Elton John is a mackem, it’s fucking mental that they’re carrying on like they’re heading for promotion - the only thing that’s kept them away from relegation this season was Mowbray getting the squad to overperform early on in the season. It’s more likely they’ll be battling the drop tbh.
  3. He’s class isn’t he. As if getting the marketing department to come into the office is going to turn the club around. Everything he does is purely for external image - just meaningless gestures. The Ashworth bit here proves Gemmill’s point, it’s just guff and bluster from a bloke that thinks he can just strong arm people into doing what he wants - which he will do within his business, the difference here though is he’s not got a fucking ounce of leverage and is dealing with people far, far richer than he is. I always find the Man U fans whinging about this funny, acting as if it’s some big issue for us when in reality Ashworth was put on leave and we immediately set about moving forward leaving him and Man U to sort it out - we’re just waiting for them to either give a proper offer or let him hang about on leave.
  4. My main concern with Kelly is he’s seemed to struggle with injury’s the last 2 seasons, so out of the two I’d lean more towards signing Tosin.
  5. It’s not really a surprise the media are all over our best players leaving, they’re fucking desperate. He’s clearly very happy at the club, is playing brilliant football, and said himself he joined the project. I find this story of a wage reduction for missing out on the CL to be a bit weird given that we hadn’t qualified for CL football when he signed for us (and it was a massive longshot), unless he got an increased wage and now it’s dropping? But seems a little weird to put in when signing for a club that at the time was far off CL spots. From the clubs side he’s probably the last player we should ever think about selling. Strikers are one of the hardest positions to fill never mind one who is arguably world class (or at least heading towards that bracket).
  6. Glad to see the reaction on here as the first response I saw on Twitter was a bloke going “absolutely class tattoo for Miley on his 18th birthday 👏” and thought my eyes were getting worse as it’s a fucking shocking tattoo .
  7. That clip is exactly why Keane is a hopeless pundit. He just calls everyone shite, it’s played out and boring tbh. The direction NUFC is heading is clear to anyone but he comes out with that patter as always. Of course plums like that mackem lass on there lap it up, without thinking through what his opinion of their club is given where NUFC are compared to most.
  8. I’m really enjoying it mind. The Man U fans are in a massive melt down how unreasonable Newcastle are being saying no one will want to work for us now. So Man U go directly to an NUFC employee, who has important insider knowledge of the club, and create a position where his role is untenable, then they launch several public attacks at Newcastle (including insulting the people running the club) before supposedly offering around 10% of his clause. In reaction to all of the above Newcastle have simply asked the terms of the contract be met, some rumours state they may have even shaved 25% off the fee (despite having no reason to do so), and this makes us unreasonable? Maybe the correct approach would have been to show some fucking respect, approach the club immediately and negotiate from there? You know like we did with Brighton and we still ended up paying £6m and him having 8 month or so leave…
  9. Don’t Man U fans hate them after the mackems all did that Poznan celebration after Man City won the league on the last day? So another unrequited love to go with the Bilbao obsession.
  10. Btw Pickford really has been fucking hopeless for a while now, cannot believe Southgate still just picks him regardless.
  11. Yeah Chelsea have played all their easy fixtures for the season after this one tbh, whereas we have a lot of the relegation fighters to play.
  12. They’re fewmin Clarke isn’t in there, despite him having less impact than all the other forwards and finishing mid table.
  13. Good, fucking disgraceful by those charlatans. It’s honestly hilarious that they’ve done all this to end up with a squad that’s probably worse than they started with.
  14. The same idiots will call themselves classy while constantly making up racist names for the club because of the owners. Exile has well and truly lost the plot mind . We have scored about 70 goals this season so far we don’t need to pay teams off we’re just very good going forward . You’d think someone that can play better through balls than a Brazilian international could appreciate the movement of Isak Gordon and Barnes.
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