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spongebob toonpants

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spongebob toonpants last won the day on June 7 2020

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  1. You beat me by 2 weeks. Wynn the Leap 1-0 Man City
  2. Toon Toon Toon, let me hear you say whey aye as I remember it
  3. Black Doves was trash. Wishaw was completely unconvincing, and the only reason Knightly could pull of being an cold blooded spy is because her acting range doesn't include being able to show emotion Jackal was still harmless hokum but much better acted and much more fun but the finale was just bizarre almost as if they changed everything so thet could have another season. Do we not have spoiler tags btw, just had to delete A load of plot stuff Slow Horses is a completely different ball park. Tightly plotted, great acting and fantastic dialogue
  4. I'd be happy for twitter to be banned completely tbh. I don't know where you draw the line on free speech, but this cunt is over it for sure
  5. If you do watch it at least wait til series 3 comes out because at least you'll get a conclusion and maybe this series won't seem so bad. Honestly not worth watching in isolation
  6. Squid game 2 Boring shite. Loved the first series, and the great thing about k-dramas of which I have watched a shitload over the last couple years, is that they are 1 series and done. This is so obviously a cash in after the success of series one and is completely pointless. Also ends on a fucking cliffhanger when I didn't know there was a series3 in the offing Avoid
  7. Yeah, go for series 1 first, you can binge away if you like it. It's fucking fantastic
  8. I was also in the farmers rest before the game for that. Sat in our usual spot in the corner underneath the horrible pottery fox. Spent the evening in the company of Wes Saunders afterwards getting lashed in the Grey Horse in East Boldon. He said after the Gary Bennet foul Kenny Wharton screamed at him, Stay down, the mackem bastards off
  9. Nice. Don't do Facebook so can't see any info, but really hoping they come to town. Be an absolute must see for me
  10. Just keep going Rents, you can't change yesterday. Try to make the best decision for the moment you're in
  11. My youngest had headphones on and wasn't actually listening to the interview but looked up and said why is that bloke doing an Al Pacino impression
  12. Mrs Spongebob bought me a set of Japanese kitchen knives for Christmas, insisted on washing them herself as Ive been drinking since 10o'clock and is now sitting holding her thumb in the air waiting for the bleeding to stop
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