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trophyshy last won the day on April 16 2022

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About trophyshy

  • Birthday 05/22/1972

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    Still on that feckin island

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  1. The Deep State, if it exists, needs to sort this out asap.
  2. The swede Andy Cole. Harbinger of swedish Shearer?
  3. I reckon Gordon's reaction yesterday was related to him being floored by VDV earlier in the season, which went completely unpunished. Irony off the charts if true.
  4. Depends who starts the match threads.
  5. Best chance to lose to City in the final for 20 years.
  6. Sickening. Appeasement has always worked so well in the past. DICKHEAD.
  7. Happy about that with an eye on the final. Wilson has a lot to prove. Let him get to it.
  8. My dad got a ticket for £20.50.
  9. I’m sure he’s got more kids on the way.
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