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Toonpack last won the day on March 9

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About Toonpack

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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    The Kingdom of Northumbria

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  1. Well Mr King did say it was for the "thinking man". Silo books excellent btw.
  2. Fucking young'uns, I used to post with clay tiles on ToonTablets.
  3. That’s preposterous, like they have fucking offices in Australia, offices are for civilised countries who have dispensed with the tache and mullet combo.
  4. In retrospect it’s not suitable for those with the attention span of a goldfish tbh.
  5. Works for me, although I wonder if Willock is physically ready for a full game. If he's not, I'd rather he was a sub and brought on later when opposition tire, as opposed to have to be taken off.
  6. Hmmmm, mates with LM. You're in Aussie, yes ? Is there anything in particular that aborigines wouldn't like ? If so, do you have a shed covered in it ?
  7. Them were the days, Ting Tong 😂 (and Harfey Plice surely 🤷‍♂️)
  8. Just looked, me too 18/8/2005. (Not the half life bit) Did have a sabbatical for a while mind.
  9. I expect, when he puts his foot down, his Focus (Vignale mild hybrid) goes broom broom
  10. 5 months, and no, sorry but, it doesn't happen loads at the level of senior/executive employees we're talking about here, senior folks sort shit out themselves that's part of what they are paid for. If there's uncertainty about roles and responsibilities that would be laid out/clarified by the CEO and the subordinates would be expected to get on with it, they're supposedly professionals at the top of their professions for heavens sake. Eddie said himself, when asked if he'd spoken to Mitchell, "no, that's not unusual, we have different jobs". That sounds like boundaries are understood to me.
  11. On the Eales bit, we have no idea what he has or hasn't done, but if two extremely senior and well paid, accomplished professionals haven't got the wherewithall to iron out any issues between themselves without the headmaster summoning them in, it's frankly pathetic.
  12. If it comes to it, I support Eddie, but I think we have a mountain out of a molehill.
  13. It was frank and honest IMO, if he'd been vague he'd be getting even more slaughtered.
  14. Well young'un I never took the hump in the workplace tbh and I worked with slippery/slopey shouldered yanks. If you are professional and confident in your own ability (a'la Eddie), you just let whoever get on with it like an adult. You certainly don't get wound up about it UNTIL or unless they actually do something that makes your job more difficult and I see zero evidence Mitchell has done anything to make Eddie's job difficult. That said, just getting on with it and ignoring the noise is hard for Eddie when he's asked pointed questions every 5 minutes though. When Stavely left Eddie was widely reported by the usual suspects as being hugely pissed off and vulnerable, they've simply rekindled the narrative from that.
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