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Gemmill last won the day on January 7

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  1. Ah nah I'd forgotten about that. He wanted nailed with a strap on too didn't he?
  2. But of a weird one like. I think he's massively overrated and his football is unwatchable, but he did have a knack of getting enough out of his teams to stop up when it came to the crunch. I've run it all through the master computer and the verdict is clear:
  3. I'm not even gonna push for an apology for those comments about me from Rayvin. I'm just gonna float the idea and it'll get the better of him.
  4. Fewer. And nein, the fact that you're German doesn't excuse you.
  5. Is he a Rogan wannabe? Cos he looks like one. I've seen him on things where he argues against professional fans of other clubs quite well, but I shall NOT be subscribing.
  6. "suggests the comment contributed to her losing her seat" Yes, the comment alongside the fact that everyone knows she did, in fact, crash the economy. If she didn't, perhaps she'd like to explain to Kwasi Kwarteng why he got the fucking sack. Imagine thinking that, but for Starmer's comments, she'd still be an MP. She's mentally ill.
  7. This thread will never die as long as we have dickheads that want to shame the OP. Which is to say, this thread will never die.
  8. Brendean Fosterm sounds Roman, I think they were gone by the time Gateshead Stadium opened. The plot thickens.
  9. "Am I tough enuss? Hell yes I'm tough enough." He'd rehearsed this fucking shit line a few times, just enough that he got to the s of the yes two words too early.
  10. I voted Yes cos Hell Yes just isn't my thing.
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