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Renton last won the day on December 28 2024

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  1. I though we were over the CT baiting. He's a board treasure now iirc.
  2. We still agree with John Alovsius though, right?
  3. 'Kin hell. Looking forward to Farage and the gammons defending this one. Musk must be off his tits promoting this.
  4. And, unfortunately in the UK, ewerk is.
  5. The irony of the fentanyl story for me is, aren't the land of the Free able to make their own choices and face their own consequences? It's the individual's choice to dose up on opioids or not*. Take some responsibility you Hill Billy fuckers. * Not to mention, as two excellent drama series have shown, it was a US Pharma company that started this in the pursuit of profits.
  6. Am beginning to think this ridiculous fentanyl story is a false flag so Trump can make the excuse to first defeat Canada economically and then militarily. Would have felt extremely far fetched a few weeks ago but anything seems plausible now. https://x.com/atrupar/status/1897438489618026881?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1897438489618026881|twgr^3aa7fab57ba8cbe58e8073f38b3680d76d6af53a|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.readytogo.net%2Fsmb%2Fthreads%2Fthe-trump-thread.1637230%2Fpage-697
  7. OTOH, 4/9, I make that 44%, of the judges were fine with him blatantly breaking the law.
  8. China negotiates a (fair, or fairer) deal with Ukraine for rare Earth metals the US is completely fucked.
  9. Wow, powerful blast from the past that. Meanwhile the Dow is crashing.
  10. Not sure many Ukrainians would accept that after losing loved one in massacres like Bucha.
  11. Wrong, maybe not. Late, yes. I made the point weeks ago.
  12. Amusing to see Badenoch defend Vance and show herself to be a traitor. She's so incompetent she will let Farage squeal away.
  13. My this Russiafication is happening at pace. Who'd have thought the first country to join the new USSR would be the USA?
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