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Meenzer last won the day on July 24 2023

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About Meenzer

  • Birthday 11/17/1978

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  1. It really is. Lovely way to travel. I've got a Rail & Sail ticket so I've had a nice afternoon slowly making my way here via Ely, Ipswich, the quaint station platform pub at Manningtree (don't tell them, Pike!) and then a decent Turkish meal in a godforsaken suburb of Harwich after getting thoroughly sandblasted during the briefest of walks on the seafront. And now Fernandes just got sent off. Happy days
  2. Just boarded the Harwich-Hoek van Holland ferry. I was going to read my book and sip mocktails in the deck lounge like the classy motherfucker I am, but I might have to retire to my windowless cabin (don't get too excited, MF) and watch MOTD2 instead
  3. I think the warehouses were mostly still just (ex-)warehouses when I was at Aston Uni, so I mainly associate Digbeth with ill-advised late-night curries at Manzils, the Custard Factory, and waiting in the cold and dark at the (pre-renovation) coach station - those were the days, take me back, kids these days don't know they're born etc. - to get to Stansted for a 6am Ryanair in the glory days of last-minute flights for under a fiver
  4. I don't wish him dead, but I don't think there's anything wrong with saying I think the world would be better off without a bad person in it. Sorry if that offends your snowflake sensibilities
  5. And a similar distance away from Betws-y-Coed but in the other direction, you could make a decent little day trip out of Porthmadog, Portmeirion (which is gloriously odd) and Harlech Castle. CT is right though (it feels weird even writing those words), Betws itself and the immediate surrounding area are very nice in their own right. They must be, because my parents had their honeymoon there. Different times.
  6. Also I assume you'll have the car with you, but if not, while obviously the trains are decent enough, this is worth knowing about: https://www.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/en/Residents/Parking-roads-and-travel/Travel-passes/1bws-Ticket.aspx
  7. Day trip to Llandudno sounds good to me if the weather is with you. Have a walk up and around the Great Orme headland, which is really nice. The North Shore beach and promenade are full-on old-school seaside town (complete with pleasure pier), while the West Shore beach is more rustic and has a decent enough café. Then pop to Conwy while you're in the neighbourhood - an hour is enough to walk on the town walls a bit, mooch around the waterfront, look at the castle, and stock up on sweet and savoury stodge at the Popty Conwy Bakery (if you can get past the daft name).
  8. SleazyJet do it from Newcastle. The environment is overrated anyway.
  9. Wales is a good call generally I'd say. The Pembrokeshire coast is gorgeous (St Davids as Fish says, or Tenby as a more touristy base but one that should have plenty of holiday lets), or if you want somewhere easier to get to, there's some nice spots along the north coast (Anglesey is very nice, Llandudno is old-fashioned in a good way and a good jumping-off point for exploring the region), though there's some absolute tat around there too. I've heard horror stories about Devon and Cornwall ever since the Covid staycation boom, but I suppose it'll be all right in February as long as it's not half-term?
  10. Meenzer


    Smashing, thank you!
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