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ewerk last won the day on April 27

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  1. Yeah but it did create some good moments too.
  2. After the election he said that he didn’t want to return to teaching and wanted to help rebuild the Tories i.e. a cushy number in party HQ and even they don’t want him.
  3. Aye, it says something about the people of Stoke that they saw fit to elect a man to represent them and make our laws who can’t even get a job as a teacher in an industry crying out for them.
  4. Even you could turn it on for 90 minutes a week.
  5. Aye, and you're still wrong. I wouldn't have him if they paid us.
  6. If only the cunt had shown half that passion when playing for us.
  7. Aye, it’s bad form to have only one UNITED player on the panel. Things will return to normal when Neville joins them at FT.
  8. It’s just a shame we don’t play them until after Christmas when no doubt they’ll be in the middle of a new manager bounce.
  9. Mainoo walking off before the substitution is made leaving UNITED with nine men.
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