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The Sho's Over


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From the Chronicle, Monday:


"It's a fair bet that Michael Owen will not play again this season and neither will Shola Ameobi once he has an operation on his hip in the next couple of weeks."


Quotes from Roeder made last week regarding the number 23:


Shola's carrying this hip injury and it's a condition which isn't going to go away,. He's waiting for surgery and whether we can get him through to January is debatable.


"Hindsight's a beautiful thing and we went into the season probably not realising how much it had deteriorated. At the moment, he's not asking for the operation but the hip's becoming very stiff and achy and, to be honest, in the last few days, it's started to show."


Nicked from NUFC.com. Not the headline, that was all my own work.


Anyway, it's looking like Shola will be going under the knife sooner rather than later. That would leave us with Martins, Luque, Sibierski and Rossi until January. Now as much as people complain about Shola, he's looked the one striker on our books capable of scoring goals before his hip really deteriorated. I don't see Luque getting much of a game, so we're down to Rossi and Martins as the first choice pairing, any injuries and we're screwed.


Amazingly a load of idiots on NO (our very own MattM4 included :lol: ) are celebrating this news. Quite what there is to celebrate about a team 3 points off the bottom of the Premiership losing one of only a handful of strikers from an already shit strikeforce, and the ONLY one that's looked capable of scoring regularly this season, is beyond me.

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So who will be sold to fund any strikers as we are that skint it will have to be "sell before we buy"? The only two obvious deals where we could get any decent money back are Milner and Emre imho


James, make sure you have your digs sorted out for Birmingham after Christmas son.

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luque should look at this as a chance to put himself in the shop window.


he's basically our only other option unless we promote a couple of kids.


...what was it leazesmag was saying about planning again?

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Shola is genuinely sub-standard and in truth its an horrendous indictment of the (overall) management of the club that he's still part of first team selection in the 2006/7 season, however having said that he's also been our most effective striker this term and unless we do get someone in then we're going to miss him badly and perhaps fatally.


Before I'm accused of defective logic, that admission is not a contradiction of the first point-the fact that we have nobody to replace him is a sign of even more spectacular mis-management.

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I wish we could find out exactly what advice NUFC received regarding Sherla's hip. Quite why they didn't bite the bullet at the first opportunity and have the op, just bewilders me.


As has been said, pinning our hopes on Shola Ameobi *shakes head in pure disbelief*. Have we really sunk this low, or am I dreaming?

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From the Chronicle, Monday:


"It's a fair bet that Michael Owen will not play again this season and neither will Shola Ameobi once he has an operation on his hip in the next couple of weeks."


Quotes from Roeder made last week regarding the number 23:


Shola's carrying this hip injury and it's a condition which isn't going to go away,. He's waiting for surgery and whether we can get him through to January is debatable.


"Hindsight's a beautiful thing and we went into the season probably not realising how much it had deteriorated. At the moment, he's not asking for the operation but the hip's becoming very stiff and achy and, to be honest, in the last few days, it's started to show."


It was a wonderful thing in the summer too, you fucking cock-nosed twat! Might as well be listening to Souness now, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck Off.

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From the Chronicle, Monday:


"It's a fair bet that Michael Owen will not play again this season and neither will Shola Ameobi once he has an operation on his hip in the next couple of weeks."


Quotes from Roeder made last week regarding the number 23:


Shola's carrying this hip injury and it's a condition which isn't going to go away,. He's waiting for surgery and whether we can get him through to January is debatable.


"Hindsight's a beautiful thing and we went into the season probably not realising how much it had deteriorated. At the moment, he's not asking for the operation but the hip's becoming very stiff and achy and, to be honest, in the last few days, it's started to show."


It was a wonderful thing in the summer too, you fucking cock-nosed twat! Might as well be listening to Souness now, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck Off.


The hindsight clock at Newcastle resets every close season. The previous season of continued problems with his hip doesn't count. :lol:

Edited by Gemmill
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From the Chronicle, Monday:


"It's a fair bet that Michael Owen will not play again this season and neither will Shola Ameobi once he has an operation on his hip in the next couple of weeks."


Quotes from Roeder made last week regarding the number 23:


Shola's carrying this hip injury and it's a condition which isn't going to go away,. He's waiting for surgery and whether we can get him through to January is debatable.


"Hindsight's a beautiful thing and we went into the season probably not realising how much it had deteriorated. At the moment, he's not asking for the operation but the hip's becoming very stiff and achy and, to be honest, in the last few days, it's started to show."


It was a wonderful thing in the summer too, you fucking cock-nosed twat! Might as well be listening to Souness now, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck Off.


The was no need for hindsight like, it was known in the summer he needed the operation and it was idiotic to delay it for the sake of the intertoto cup.


How screwed are we now?

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From the Chronicle, Monday:


"It's a fair bet that Michael Owen will not play again this season and neither will Shola Ameobi once he has an operation on his hip in the next couple of weeks."


Quotes from Roeder made last week regarding the number 23:


Shola's carrying this hip injury and it's a condition which isn't going to go away,. He's waiting for surgery and whether we can get him through to January is debatable.


"Hindsight's a beautiful thing and we went into the season probably not realising how much it had deteriorated. At the moment, he's not asking for the operation but the hip's becoming very stiff and achy and, to be honest, in the last few days, it's started to show."


It was a wonderful thing in the summer too, you fucking cock-nosed twat! Might as well be listening to Souness now, as far as I'm concerned. Fuck Off.


The hindsight clock at Newcastle resets every close season. The previous season of continued problems with his hip doesn't count. :icon_lol:


True, lessons are never learned at his club. Mind don't forget, there is no such thing as planning. :lol:

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Does anyone know the exact nature of the hip problem? 'Hip' problem tell us nothing, it could be a massive number of different aspects of the hip (acetabulum, femoral head, cartilage, ligaments, tendons etc). Some of the problems are not possible to predict without invasive diagnostic tests. Imaging (ultrasound, x-ray) can only reveal certain things. Important to remember it would have been an orthopaedic surgeon who looked at it not Winsper or Roeder.

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Does anyone know the exact nature of the hip problem? 'Hip' problem tell us nothing, it could be a massive number of different aspects of the hip (acetabulum, femoral head, cartilage, ligaments, tendons etc). Some of the problems are not possible to predict without invasive diagnostic tests. Imaging (ultrasound, x-ray) can only reveal certain things. Important to remember it would have been an orthopaedic surgeon who looked at it not Winsper or Roeder.


I've not heard what the specific problem is, it's always described in the most vague way possible. Wouldn't surprise me if he's completely fucked it though, by being forced to play on it whilst on steroid injections.

Edited by Renton
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Does anyone know the exact nature of the hip problem? 'Hip' problem tell us nothing, it could be a massive number of different aspects of the hip (acetabulum, femoral head, cartilage, ligaments, tendons etc). Some of the problems are not possible to predict without invasive diagnostic tests. Imaging (ultrasound, x-ray) can only reveal certain things. Important to remember it would have been an orthopaedic surgeon who looked at it not Winsper or Roeder.


I've not heard what the specific problem is, it's always described in the most vague way possible. Wouldn't surprise me if he's completely fucked it though, by being forced to play on it whilst on steroid injections.


Which makes it hard to say they should have done something over the summer. If, for example, he had child dysplasia and this is a deterioration of a long standing problem, i know that this is pretty impossible to predict.


I got my orthosurg level 1 badge a few years back.

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Any news on NO on who their new boo boy is going to be? Perhaps they could spend 90 minutes jumping on the back of Sibierski.




All hatred should be directed solely at Shepherd during every match from now on. Sadly, it's not going to happen.

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I still can't understand why he didn't have the Op in the summer, did he really think Sven was going to call or something?


I'm pretty sure it wasnt his decision. Didnt the club doc say he just needed to rest up?













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