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You're the PM what 5 bits of leglislation would you bring in?


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I'll start the ball rolling


1 out of the EU. Lets rule our own country


2 Tougher sanctions on immigration. Stop the take over, we cannot take anymore.


3 National Service Get some respect / education you charver bastards


4 Death Penalty. Kill the murdering scum like Huntley, Bradey


5 Abolish family benefit. Don't have the kids if you can't afford them. Might stop 15year olds starting families



come on then lets be having you :D

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I'll start the ball rolling


1 out of the EU. Lets rule our own country


2 Tougher sanctions on immigration. Stop the take over, we cannot take anymore.


3 National Service Get some respect / education you charver bastards


4 Death Penalty. Kill the murdering scum like Huntley, Bradey


5 Abolish family benefit. Don't have the kids if you can't afford them. Might stop 15year olds starting families



come on then lets be having you :D


I disagree with everything you have said, in fact I think you are talking out your arse.

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I'll start the ball rolling


1 out of the EU. Lets rule our own country


2 Tougher sanctions on immigration. Stop the take over, we cannot take anymore.


3 National Service Get some respect / education you charver bastards




come on then lets be having you :D


I agree with your top 3.


4. Zero tolerance on drink driving, any alcohol detected, lose licence for life.


5. Abolish road tax and increase petrol prices instead, the more you drive the more you pay.

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Was there a Mr. Men called Mr. Argumentative Tosspot, or am I just thinking of Renton? :D


Well let's see. How are we going to benefit from withdrawing from Europe? It would be a disaster. As for immigration, Shinton is a bit vague on what he means here in a Leazes-esque way, so I'll not comment. National service? I think the British army might put a dampener on that idea. Capital punishment? Would solve nothing. Abolish family benefit? What good would that do other than hit the poorest families most making society even more unequal, and perpetuate our social problems?


Needless to say I'm glad Shinton is not PM, if this is what he believes in he should probably vote UKip, one of the most odious and brainless political parties going.

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I'll start the ball rolling


1 out of the EU. Lets rule our own country


2 Tougher sanctions on immigration. Stop the take over, we cannot take anymore.


3 National Service Get some respect / education you charver bastards


4 Death Penalty. Kill the murdering scum like Huntley, Bradey


5 Abolish family benefit. Don't have the kids if you can't afford them. Might stop 15year olds starting families



come on then lets be having you :D


I disagree with everything you have said, in fact I think you are talking out your arse.










to be honest I disagree with some of them. I just wanted to start a thread going.


As for talking through my arse, yes I agree to doing that a lot.

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Was there a Mr. Men called Mr. Argumentative Tosspot, or am I just thinking of Renton? :lol:


Well let's see. How are we going to benefit from withdrawing from Europe? It would be a disaster. As for immigration, Shinton is a bit vague on what he means here in a Leazes-esque way, so I'll not comment. National service? I think the British army might put a dampener on that idea. Capital punishment? Would solve nothing. Abolish family benefit? What good would that do other than hit the poorest families most making society even more unequal, and perpetuate our social problems?


Needless to say I'm glad Shinton is not PM, if this is what he believes in he should probably vote UKip, one of the most odious and brainless political parties going.


Do you think you might be taking this a bit seriously? :D I don't think shinton has any plans to run against Gordon Brown. :D

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Was there a Mr. Men called Mr. Argumentative Tosspot, or am I just thinking of Renton? :D


Well let's see. How are we going to benefit from withdrawing from Europe? It would be a disaster. As for immigration, Shinton is a bit vague on what he means here in a Leazes-esque way, so I'll not comment. National service? I think the British army might put a dampener on that idea. Capital punishment? Would solve nothing. Abolish family benefit? What good would that do other than hit the poorest families most making society even more unequal, and perpetuate our social problems?


Needless to say I'm glad Shinton is not PM, if this is what he believes in he should probably vote UKip, one of the most odious and brainless political parties going.


Do you think you might be taking this a bit seriously? :D I don't think shinton has any plans to run against Gordon Brown. :D




Sorry, the first one got to me, I simply don't understand the anti-European scepticism in this country, and it irks me a lot. I am all in favour of the Euro, I'm sure we would have benefitted by now.


Anyway, I forgot we're only allowed one serious thread a week. :lol:

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Introduction of the euro; massive investment in public transport funded by toll roads (not just motorways but A-roads); close to 100% taxation of income in excess of (say) 100k p.a.; sterilisation of the wilfully unemployed and unemployable; free MENvelopes in every pub, shop and school. :D

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Was there a Mr. Men called Mr. Argumentative Tosspot, or am I just thinking of Renton? :lol:


Well let's see. How are we going to benefit from withdrawing from Europe? It would be a disaster. As for immigration, Shinton is a bit vague on what he means here in a Leazes-esque way, so I'll not comment. National service? I think the British army might put a dampener on that idea. Capital punishment? Would solve nothing. Abolish family benefit? What good would that do other than hit the poorest families most making society even more unequal, and perpetuate our social problems?


Needless to say I'm glad Shinton is not PM, if this is what he believes in he should probably vote UKip, one of the most odious and brainless political parties going.


Do you think you might be taking this a bit seriously? :D I don't think shinton has any plans to run against Gordon Brown. :D



Is that who the Stranglers sang about? :D

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Introduction of the euro; massive investment in public transport funded by toll roads (not just motorways but A-roads); close to 100% taxation of income in excess of (say) 100k p.a.; sterilisation of the wilfully unemployed and unemployable; free MENvelopes in every pub, shop and school. :lol:


I was with you until point 2. :D


What's a MENvelope? :D

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1) Introduce 3 day weekends and shorter working days


2) Legalise, regulate and tax all recreational drugs


3) Ban smoking in all public places


4) Make sure everyone can count to five. :D



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1 more controlled imigration


2 withdraw all funding for and tax relief related to faith schools


3 re visit human rights in relation to religion and those convicted of criminal acts


4 sterilisation for repeat offenders unemployable/ mentally unstable.


5 super duper duper tax for footballers.

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What's a MENvelope? :D

Free condom-and-lube packs that you can generally get in your local friendly poofy haunt somewhere in the Pink Triangle. :lol: Actually, while I wasn't exactly serious about handing them out on street corners or what-have-you, making free contraception available to all, and particularly those who need it the most (or need a kid the least), would certainly make it into my manifesto somewhere.

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What's a MENvelope? :D

Free condom-and-lube packs that you can generally get in your local friendly poofy haunt somewhere in the Pink Triangle. :lol: Actually, while I wasn't exactly serious about handing them out on street corners or what-have-you, making free contraception available to all, and particularly those who need it the most (or need a kid the least), would certainly make it into my manifesto somewhere.


I had a walk down Canal street in Manchester on Monday as it happens. Wasn't the gay Mecca I had expected, I have to say.


One thing that used to annoy me was pubs with novelty condoms in. Sometimes, all they would sell were ones that didn't frigging work! The Strawberry was a case in point iirc.

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I think fat tax would be a good idea..



Maybe a totalitarian state so people's fears and complaints are unheard.



Id probably have Big Pictures of myself everywhere to scare people and maybe change the name of the country and start a few imaginary wars and maybe a bit false flagging....


ok maybe not.



National Service for sure though..

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What's a MENvelope? :D

Free condom-and-lube packs that you can generally get in your local friendly poofy haunt somewhere in the Pink Triangle. :lol: Actually, while I wasn't exactly serious about handing them out on street corners or what-have-you, making free contraception available to all, and particularly those who need it the most (or need a kid the least), would certainly make it into my manifesto somewhere.


I had a walk down Canal street in Manchester on Monday as it happens. Wasn't the gay Mecca I had expected, I have to say.


One thing that used to annoy me was pubs with novelty condoms in. Sometimes, all they would sell were ones that didn't frigging work! The Strawberry was a case in point iirc.



What kind of alcy idiot wants to suck a whisky flavoured cock?

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What's a MENvelope? :D

Free condom-and-lube packs that you can generally get in your local friendly poofy haunt somewhere in the Pink Triangle. :lol: Actually, while I wasn't exactly serious about handing them out on street corners or what-have-you, making free contraception available to all, and particularly those who need it the most (or need a kid the least), would certainly make it into my manifesto somewhere.


I had a walk down Canal street in Manchester on Monday as it happens. Wasn't the gay Mecca I had expected, I have to say.


Much to your disappointment tbh. Blatantly cruising.

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1. Reintroduce a 2 or 3 tier university system. Vastly reduce funding for pointless degrees.

2. No road tax but higher fuel tax, as jimbo said, you pay for what you use.

3. NHS only to do essential, preventative and A&E stuff only, rest to be funded privately (IVF, cosmetic surgery etc)

4. common sense element in the law, if you don't have any common sense then tough shit. The aim of this is to stop the blame culture law cases "I was jabbing a fork into my and eye and it blinded me so i'm suing the fork company" type cases.

5. For the long term unemployed, to do community service in order to earn their benefits, the longer they are out of work the harder the service.

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