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HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray

Kid Dynamite

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Surely anyone with any sense will wait until a) it becomes apparent which of the two formats will be most popular and b ) the prices come down.


The dweebs who have to be first to own these things either end up buying the wrong one or paying massively over the odds. I like having a decent widescreen telly, and when I go into Bainbridges or whatever and see the HD TVs, the picture is amazing, but I'm not THAT arsed that I would hand over thousands of pounds. It doesn't make the programmes you watch any better. :lol:



I may not have any sense, but I just bought a blu-ray burning laptop for the simple reason that it can hold lots (50gb) of data on one disc.

As far as I know, you can't yet buy a computer that can burn - not just play - HD-DVD, so that decided it for me. I'm not even that bothered if HD-DVD eventually "wins", because the blu-ray discs will always be compatible with my computer, and that'll do me for the next 3 years or so.




Are you sure about that?




A far as I know, so far HD-DVD can only do 30GB - another reason why I think Blu-Ray will prevail...

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i thought the 50gb capacity was still only achievable in laboratory conditions but obviously not.


hd-dvd and blue ray will soon be overtaken by holographic storage and solid state storage.








And this could be the future - a 50tb disc



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A far as I know, so far HD-DVD can only do 30GB - another reason why I think Blu-Ray will prevail...


dont think it will be an issue as theres no reason why anyone needs that amount of storage. Tbh Ive got to question your sanity going for that at the moment. What on earth do you need 50Gig disks for? Could have just bought 10 DVD-Rs for a few quid instead

Edited by luckypierre
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that's what peopel have said about every new storage medium since they started chipping symbols on bits of rock


and just recently


"Why do you need to carry around a thousand music tracks FFS?"


we'll find a way of filling it - no worries

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that's what peopel have said about every new storage medium since they started chipping symbols on bits of rock


and just recently


"Why do you need to carry around a thousand music tracks FFS?"


we'll find a way of filling it - no worries


not quite the same issue Rob but nevermind

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It is - remember the original IBM PC didn't have a real hard disk - you used a tape recorder


People alwys say "we'll never use all that storage" but they do

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no its not Rob. In this case we have two formats. The issue is why buy one over the other now and pay a premium for it based on a function there wont possibly be any real need for in the short/medium term.


The winner wont be decided on by storage capacity it'll be decided by mass market entertainment. Sony are banking on using videogames to leverage Blu ray. Theres very few games that use the full capacity of a 9 Gig DVD nevermind a 50. Movies on HD-DVD are better quality currently because of better compression, not capacity. Both will have a hard time imo. The consumer wont see the benefit like they have with the jump to DVD.


Im not saying we wont be able to fill up a 50 Gig disk but by the time we get a winner out of this we could very well have moved on to digital distribution or another form of media like Lazarus points out

Edited by luckypierre
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I wasn't arguing about that - I agree with you - it was just the statement


"dont think it will be an issue as theres no reason why anyone needs that amount of storage"


I was getting at

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The issue is why buy one over the other now and pay a premium for it based on a function there wont possibly be any real need for in the short/medium term.




For anyone dealing with high-definition video (eg: Anyone buying a new high-def camcorder to go with their hd telly ie: lots of people this Christmas), there's already a real need for this higher capacity.

It's naive to think that this difference in capacity won't influence the eventual winner in this particular fight, since both formats only exist because of the need for greater capacity than that offered by a DVD.

Edited by NewOrleansGeordie
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The issue is why buy one over the other now and pay a premium for it based on a function there wont possibly be any real need for in the short/medium term.




For anyone dealing with high-definition video (eg: Anyone buying a new high-def camcorder to go with their hd telly ie: lots of people this Christmas), there's already a real need for this higher capacity.

It's naive to think that this difference in capacity won't influence the eventual winner in this particular fight, since both formats only exist because the need for greater capacity than that offered by a DVD.



i need the capacity and i dont have HD anything yet!

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