Guest alex Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 When Souness finally leaves, I hope that fat c*** of a chairman sticks to his word for once and resigns. I know it's not going to happen, but it's about time that he stopped hiding behind the manager and is shown up for what he really is - a pathetic excuse of a chairman and the real cancer at this club. We haven't brought any players in because FFS doesn't want us "to be taken for mugs" (what kind of statement is that? You just look at him and you know all you need to know about the way the club is run) and because all he's interested in is lining his own pockets. I've never been a fan Souness, but I feel sorry for him and if I was him, I'd resign today. 16423[/snapback] Good post! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49970 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 Aye I agree about the Souness resignation thing - I would walk if I was him, because Shepherd is taking a lend. If Shepherd can get through this transfer window without spending any more cash, you can guarantee that a good chunk of what's available will be earmarked as dividends for him and Dougie. Shepherd knows that and that's why he keeps falling just short with these signings. I am so sick of the fat wanker at the minute - I really don't believe that he even wants these transfer attempts to be successful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23681 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 When Souness finally leaves, I hope that fat c*** of a chairman sticks to his word for once and resigns. I know it's not going to happen, but it's about time that he stopped hiding behind the manager and is shown up for what he really is - a pathetic excuse of a chairman and the real cancer at this club. We haven't brought any players in because FFS doesn't want us "to be taken for mugs" (what kind of statement is that? You just look at him and you know all you need to know about the way the club is run) and because all he's interested in is lining his own pockets. I've never been a fan Souness, but I feel sorry for him and if I was him, I'd resign today. 16423[/snapback] Don't feel sorry for Souness, for God's sake, this is at least partly his fault. Oh, and he won't resign, because that would mean know pay-off. He's going to be handsomely rewarded for his part in wrecking our club. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa Lazaru 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 When Souness finally leaves, I hope that fat c*** of a chairman sticks to his word for once and resigns. I know it's not going to happen, but it's about time that he stopped hiding behind the manager and is shown up for what he really is - a pathetic excuse of a chairman and the real cancer at this club. We haven't brought any players in because FFS doesn't want us "to be taken for mugs" (what kind of statement is that? You just look at him and you know all you need to know about the way the club is run) and because all he's interested in is lining his own pockets. I've never been a fan Souness, but I feel sorry for him and if I was him, I'd resign today. 16423[/snapback] Don't feel sorry for Souness, for God's sake, this is at least partly his fault. Oh, and he won't resign, because that would mean know pay-off. He's going to be handsomely rewarded for his part in wrecking our club. 16446[/snapback] I know, i'm sick to death of people saying they feel sorry for Souness! For fuck sake (or jesus wept!) the man is getting paid a fortune to fuck us up and will ge another fortune if he's sacked for doing a shite job! As for him not getting the money to buy players, well theres fecking hundreds of managers around not getting the money they want, some however will do a good job regardless because they have talent, brains, tactical knowledge and haven't got rid of players they needed. I don't feel sorry at all for somebody who is getting paid obscenely to ruin my club, nor would i feel sorry for Shepherd is 50,000 fans spent 90 minutes callign him a fat cunt in the next home game. Neither deserves any sympathy as they are both pricks who if they had any decency and charater about them (and actually cared a toss about the fans) would resign right now and not take a penny from us, hands up who thinks either of them have that much dignity??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 im gonna get very drunk now! i`m coming to find fa freddy! 16285[/snapback] wouldn't worry about it, he's probably the next Viana We would then make a heavy loss on him, and people would scream at Shepherd to splash the cash...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sweetleftpeg 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 Like I mentioned earlier in the week, Little Duggie's wife has filed for divorce citing 'unreasonable behaviour'. He's going to have to pay out a pretty penny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gemmill 49970 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 Like I mentioned earlier in the week, Little Duggie's wife has filed for divorce citing 'unreasonable behaviour'. He's going to have to pay out a pretty penny. 16464[/snapback] That tache alone was reasonable grounds for a divorce. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bombadil 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 When Souness finally leaves, I hope that fat c*** of a chairman sticks to his word for once and resigns. I know it's not going to happen, but it's about time that he stopped hiding behind the manager and is shown up for what he really is - a pathetic excuse of a chairman and the real cancer at this club. We haven't brought any players in because FFS doesn't want us "to be taken for mugs" (what kind of statement is that? You just look at him and you know all you need to know about the way the club is run) and because all he's interested in is lining his own pockets. I've never been a fan Souness, but I feel sorry for him and if I was him, I'd resign today. 16423[/snapback] Don't feel sorry for Souness, for God's sake, this is at least partly his fault. Oh, and he won't resign, because that would mean know pay-off. He's going to be handsomely rewarded for his part in wrecking our club. 16446[/snapback] Souness is a highly mediocre manager and he has to take a share of the blame for the mess we're in, especially for the way his shambolic man-management destroys the value of the players he falls out with. But the truth is that he, too, is a victim of the fat clown's false promises, incompetence and unprofessionalism. It's obvious that Souness told FFS who he wanted back in January (Boa Morte) or at the end of last season and yet he is (deliberately) not backing his manager, like he did with Robson last year. I'm convinced that not even Souness would have agreed to sell so many players at the start of the summer if he hadn't been promised sufficient funds for replacements. If we don't get anyone in before the end of the month, which is looking increasingly likely, it will be because FFS failed to do his job and not because Souness is happy with the squad he's got. We will then lose most of our early season games and FFS will succumb to public pressure and once again sack the manager, before finally choosing a successor from his "No foreigners!" shortlist. We can do better than Souness, but the problems won't go away as long as that fat wanker is in charge. What manager would want to work for a club where he is told by the chairman who he should buy and where the chairman refuses to come up with the money for the players the manager has targeted? Souness has probably worked hard and done well to persuade Luque to join us, but there's not much he can do if FFS refuses to do his job and agree a deal with the player's club. I'm sick of him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheInspiration 1 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 The joke of a chairman is acting as if he isn't at all interested in the progress of the club. 1.4 million the difference? For fook's sake... any club who deperately needs a striker, and is searching for someone of the talent of Luque should happily hand in that much extra unless they're in trouble financially. The clwon doesn't have a clue what he's doing and would proabbly rather spend the miniscule amounts of money we get for players (who are worth a lot more) on having a huge feast for himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crawford01 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 Don't know transfer deals with the Depor president are always a on/off saga (remembering Makaay, Pandiani and a couple more). At least that's what I still hope. Otherwise we still can turn to Paul Dickov, can't we... 16240[/snapback] Would Dickov be any worse than Shearer in his current form? 16242[/snapback] It's not just Shearer's bad form, it's also the entire team around him and our tactics, or have you somehow missed that? Shearer + no supply or support = no goals. Like Dickov is going to fix it..... 16246[/snapback] No I haven't. Have you noticed that when we do have posession of the ball in midfield that the complete absence of any movement from Shearer up front leaves the midfield scratching their heads as to quite what to do with the ball? Or have you somehow missed that? 16255[/snapback] He was by himself, completely isolated, and his only supply was the long ball hoof. What the hell do you expect him to do playing under that system? Of course if we had Bellamy or Robert.... There's no need for any scape goat other than Souness for the mess we are currently in. 16261[/snapback] are u insane why do u think we can't get luque? Its all down to freddie and his need to exploit the fans loyalty! if you are gunna blame anyone then blame the board for pitys sake not souness who has done little wrong! y is it souness fault that we didn't sign luque! This is just great this everyone blaming souness just as that fat bastard predicted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 It is partly Souness's fault though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crawford01 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 what for being appointed by ff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 what for being appointed by ff 16501[/snapback] For his getting rid of players. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crawford01 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 i concur and its so annoying that earlier in the summer they said we would be pleasently surprised with the people who want to come to nufc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 I don't want to sound like FFS's apologist, but he does have a point in not wanting to be taken for a mug. Farcelino, Viana, and Cort spring immediately to mind where NUFC have been taken for mugs. FFS was persuaded to splash the cash only to find out that the vast sums spent proved to be money completely wasted. WASTED. He must be getting a bit pissed off being persuaded that player x is the ideal man for the team and to meet the asking price. He has already paid over the odds for Boom. Yes, he's a decent CB but not worth £8m. Now, he's being told that Luque is the perfect man for the team. The difference is only £1.4m and a lot of people are telling him/us that he should meet the price as Luque is exactly what we need. The truth is is that none of us know that Luque is 'the man' but we are so desperate for a striker that we want him to come - just so we can have another forward and for no other reason imo. Yes FFS MUST shoulder a lot of the blame, but he does have a point in NUFC being taken for mugs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShearersElbow 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 If he's getting pissed off at backing managers with OUR bloudy money then he should be out of there. He hasn't invested his money so why should he be so bothered, he has to back his managers judgement. Get the cunt out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 I don't want to sound like FFS's apologist, but he does have a point in not wanting to be taken for a mug. Farcelino, Viana, and Cort spring immediately to mind where NUFC have been taken for mugs. FFS was persuaded to splash the cash only to find out that the vast sums spent proved to be money completely wasted. WASTED. He must be getting a bit pissed off being persuaded that player x is the ideal man for the team and to meet the asking price. He has already paid over the odds for Boom. Yes, he's a decent CB but not worth £8m. Now, he's being told that Luque is the perfect man for the team. The difference is only £1.4m and a lot of people are telling him/us that he should meet the price as Luque is exactly what we need. The truth is is that none of us know that Luque is 'the man' but we are so desperate for a striker that we want him to come - just so we can have another forward and for no other reason imo. Yes FFS MUST shoulder a lot of the blame, but he does have a point in NUFC being taken for mugs. 16520[/snapback] I totally agree. If the manager wants more money, it's up to him to play his part, not devalue his players, and exercise better judgement when making his own buys. We simply cannot expect Shepherd to bale out Souness just because Souness has screwed his own transfer money. He has had enough backing considering he took over a top side. A better course of action would be to sack him before he wastes any more. Or to have sacked him before he binned players he shouldn't, then all this wouldn't have been so relevant anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 If he's getting pissed off at backing managers with OUR bloudy money then he should be out of there. He hasn't invested his money so why should he be so bothered, he has to back his managers judgement. Get the cunt out. 16524[/snapback] Why is it our money ? It isn't. Once you've bought something from the club, it's theirs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sweetleftpeg 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 (edited) I don't want to sound like FFS's apologist, but he does have a point in not wanting to be taken for a mug. Farcelino, Viana, and Cort spring immediately to mind where NUFC have been taken for mugs. FFS was persuaded to splash the cash only to find out that the vast sums spent proved to be money completely wasted. WASTED. He must be getting a bit pissed off being persuaded that player x is the ideal man for the team and to meet the asking price. He has already paid over the odds for Boom. Yes, he's a decent CB but not worth £8m. Now, he's being told that Luque is the perfect man for the team. The difference is only £1.4m and a lot of people are telling him/us that he should meet the price as Luque is exactly what we need. The truth is is that none of us know that Luque is 'the man' but we are so desperate for a striker that we want him to come - just so we can have another forward and for no other reason imo. Yes FFS MUST shoulder a lot of the blame, but he does have a point in NUFC being taken for mugs. 16520[/snapback] Difference is we've got a depepleted squad who look like going nowhere, a well 'over the hill actually in the next valley' centre forward, another centre forward who plays like a newborn foal, and no width whatsoever. We're crying out for strikers and a winger and we've got a week left to get them. We should have had our squad complete by now, and we don't. So FF has to take some of the blame for that being the man who brokers the deals. Edited August 23, 2005 by sweetleftpeg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23681 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 what for being appointed by ff 16501[/snapback] For his getting rid of players. 16505[/snapback] But it's not just that though. It's the fact he seems to be incapable of creating a team with less than £30M at his disposal. How many people on here have seen Luque play enough to know that his transfer fee of £10 M (or whatever it is now) and wages of £65K are justified? Not many I bet, but I'm not surprised Shepherd is reluctant to release a collossal amount of money on a relative unknown who might not even adapt here. FFS, Souness has had money, and he inherited a top 5 squad. Why can't people see this? The answer isn't always to throw money away (although that doesn't mean I am happy with Shepherd's role in all this). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zico martin 101 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 i concur and its so annoying that earlier in the summer they said we would be pleasently surprised with the people who want to come to nufc 16509[/snapback] yeah im not surprised in the slightest that no-one decent wants to sign for this shambles of a club tbh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isegrim 10354 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 He has already paid over the odds for Boom. Yes, he's a decent CB but not worth £8m. 16520[/snapback] That what annoys me about some people as well. I can't understand how many people are welcoming to pay over the odds for players. It's not that Newcastle are in the position of Chelsea paying 1m too much here 3m too much there. To me the figures that have been offered for those players we were after more than matched their value in the market. What I blame Sheepheart for is that he allowed us to look desperately and be held to ransom by not trying to do the deals at right point of time but when time is running away. And I am in no way sorry for Souness. Since January he provided a string of rubbish performances. He isn't able to demonstrate that the team is playing with a game plan and I don't think this would change if he had more strikers available for selection. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 what for being appointed by ff 16501[/snapback] For his getting rid of players. 16505[/snapback] But it's not just that though. It's the fact he seems to be incapable of creating a team with less than £30M at his disposal. How many people on here have seen Luque play enough to know that his transfer fee of £10 M (or whatever it is now) and wages of £65K are justified? Not many I bet, but I'm not surprised Shepherd is reluctant to release a collossal amount of money on a relative unknown who might not even adapt here. FFS, Souness has had money, and he inherited a top 5 squad. Why can't people see this? The answer isn't always to throw money away (although that doesn't mean I am happy with Shepherd's role in all this). 16541[/snapback] I completely agree with this. Also totally agree that there comes a point when something is just too much of a gamble. Shepherd has backed his manager, he's allowed him all the freedom to bin players he wanted, he's also backed him when selling them for less than they are worth [which is the same thing as paying over the odds] and he has backed him by paying over the odds for Boumsong. A top 5 team doesn't need much done for it go higher, only a few new faces, better quality and freshening up in the right places not an overhaul of the whole club. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 If he's getting pissed off at backing managers with OUR bloudy money then he should be out of there. He hasn't invested his money so why should he be so bothered, he has to back his managers judgement. Get the cunt out. 16524[/snapback] Why is it our money ? It isn't. Once you've bought something from the club, it's theirs. 16535[/snapback] As a fact that is undeniable. However it can be argued that fans have pumped money in with the expectation that will actually spend some on players. While the board are entitled to spend that cash as they see fit, they should not be surprised if the supporters reciprocate by watching games in the pub from next season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeazesMag 0 Posted August 23, 2005 Share Posted August 23, 2005 (edited) If he's getting pissed off at backing managers with OUR bloudy money then he should be out of there. He hasn't invested his money so why should he be so bothered, he has to back his managers judgement. Get the cunt out. 16524[/snapback] Why is it our money ? It isn't. Once you've bought something from the club, it's theirs. 16535[/snapback] As a fact that is undeniable. However it can be argued that fans have pumped money in with the expectation that will actually spend some on players. While the board are entitled to spend that cash as they see fit, they should not be surprised if the supporters reciprocate by watching games in the pub from next season. 16570[/snapback] we have spent plenty of money on players. But too much has been wasted on the wrong or poor players, and not just by Souness, whose sales are disastrous to boot. Edited August 23, 2005 by LeazesMag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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