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The worst thing you've seen on the interweb...

curry stained pilchard

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I'm not advocating a link to the worst things you've seen, more of just a description...


I was at a mates house (about 7 years ago) who had just got the internet and he showed me two videos.


The first was in the middle east somewhere, and it showed a man being held by three other men, one with a saw. The bloke with the saw proceeded to saw the captive's hand off from midway up the forearm. The sawing must have taken about 15 seconds. Absolutely gruesome... :lol:


The second video showed a woman tied to a chair in front of a camera. The woman was crying for her life as there was a man wandering around her with a gun. Then, her screams got more intense until finally she was shot in the head and blood was splattered all over the wall behind her. The website insisted that the video was set up, but still to this day it haunts me that it was real... :good:

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One of those beheading videos made me feel awful for a long time afterwards, though I didn't think it would beforehand. The amount of time it took, combined with his screams turning to blowing air as his windpipe was cut... :good:


Also, some fucking pricks that took a chainsaw to a pig.

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It was a strange feeling of being curious, I dunno. Anyway, there's absolutely no chance i'd watch one again; it was awful.


Same here, my morbid curiosity just got the better me. never again.

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Why would anybody watch a beheading?


I mean each to his own and all that but you couldnt pay me to watch something like that


I think it's important to understand what people are capable of. It sounds like I may have seen the same one described; numbing, gut-wrenching, can't really describe how bad it was to watch.

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Why would anybody watch a beheading?


I mean each to his own and all that but you couldnt pay me to watch something like that


I think it's important to understand what people are capable of. It sounds like I may have seen the same one described; numbing, gut-wrenching, can't really describe how bad it was to watch.


I don't think you have to actually sit through a video of torture to understand what some people are capable of. I agree with Spongebob in that if I knew what a link ocntained and it was of extreme cruelty/murder/violence I would choose not to watch it.


Back on topic, I saw a pic of a bloke the other day who's head had been eaten away by maggots and they were crawling around his brain - he was still alive aswell :good:

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