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another for Chez


Not exactly my cup of tea tbh, if we're going down the housey housey route, then that C.9ine - Chasing i posted above is more my sort of thing. Or a bit of this.



Listened to the new Gang Gang Dance album last night, which is very good indeed.

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A B SIDE and also my favourite Oasis song. Am probs the only one in the world who would say that. The chorus is very VERY poignant for me. It's good to be free :lol: and it is.

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Blymee Sammy, that's rolled back the years. Was partial to 'Kinky Love' back in the day, remember it being on an indie compilation tape I used to play to death.


Pale Saints were one of those bands that just got lost after 90s shoe gazing.

After them popping up on itunes the other day I had a bit of a search for what Ian Masters is up to now, lives in Japan still writing music but you'd never know he's still working as a musician - a bit like Adam Franklin from Swervedriver.

It's funny I was listening to a podcast of a radio show from Melbourne on Swervedriver's formative 5, so the five songs that influenced Adam and Jim to their sound, and then I had a look who else they'd interviewed, only to find the girls from Lush had contributed to an earlier show and in it Miki makes this comment how she hasn't been interviewed for about 15 years!!!


So what Ian Masters has been up to since the Pale Saints.






Download the whole Saw & Steel album here for free.

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