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Elvis Costello - Secret, Profane & Sugarcane


Lovely jubbly.


I was listening to The Very Best of Elvis Costello and The Attractions yesterday and when Shipbuilding came on it made me realise (reaffirm maybe) what a fucking brilliant songwriter Declan is.


the necks - drive by (worth a listen if you can find it.)


edit: yes yes I know he only wrote the lyrics of shipbuilding

Edited by sammynb
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I've been listening to the self titled album by new band Chickenfoot. For those who don't know who they are; they are a group of little known musicians from different bands/backgrounds to form a rock band. Sammy Hagar (ex-Van Halen) - Vocals, Michael Anthony (ex-Van Halen) - Bass & backing vocals, Chad Smith (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) - Drums and Joe Satriani - Guitar.


Currently listening/watching their video podcast which talks about each song on the album - 12 Days of the Foot.


Mad Bastids :razz:


I could have sworn there was a 'devil horns' rock smiley. Must be getting my forums mixed up :lol:

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