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Smooth Operator

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Mines usually the Daily Star or at home whatever book i'm reading at the time, at the mo it's De niro's autobiography.


Used to be the likes of FHM and GQ but wor lass doesn't like such publications in the house. Plus at nearly £4 a mag I myself am loath to buy them anymore.

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Used to be the likes of FHM and GQ but wor lass doesn't like such publications in the house.


Did that go to the ballot too, Mr. UTT. :lol:


For shizzle, although if Tweedy or Longoria are on the covers they get purchased and hidden in my secret blue stash hole!


Much rather get the pages stuck together at my mates houses on their copies anyway.

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FHM, FOURFOURTWO or whatever novel I've got on the go.


I've also got a copy of Passing Time on the loo which is great, its full of condensed classics and two page biography's, perfect lavatorial reading.

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Why do you always piss when you have a shit? Anyone know?

Have you also ever thought that if you have a piss first, then you drop the bomb, the splashes hitting your cheeks are of piss?

I've pondered that many a time

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Why do you always piss when you have a shit? Anyone know?

Have you also ever thought that if you have a piss first, then you drop the bomb, the splashes hitting your cheeks are of piss?

I've pondered that many a time

The obvious solution is to put a few sheets of Charmin' down the shitter first... :lol:

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Why do you always piss when you have a shit? Anyone know?

Have you also ever thought that if you have a piss first, then you drop the bomb, the splashes hitting your cheeks are of piss?

I've pondered that many a time

The obvious solution is to put a few sheets of Charmin' down the shitter first... :lol:

You reeker!

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Saw this as well, while searching for that:


Dear Cecil:


Do unborn babies pee and/or defecate in the womb? --Realtime, via e-mail


Cecil replies:


That's two questions, so two answers. Number one: yes, and it's a good thing they do. Number two: yes, but you better hope they don't.


Fetal urination is normal. It's part of that "miracle of life" folderol the nature programs exalt just before they hit you with something you'd rather not know. Naturally, fetal urine isn't quite the same as yours or mine. It does contain urea, but much of the nitrogenous waste enters maternal circulation for mama to clean up. Fetal urine isn't yellow, either. Fetuses and newborns lack enzymes to convert bile pigments to urobilin, which colors the output of older children and adults.


Urine production begins late in the first trimester, about the same time the two-inch embryo becomes a fetus. In the second half of pregnancy, fetal urine is an important constituent of amniotic fluid. By the time the kid is about ready to pop out, he or she is passing roughly a liter a day. Where does it go? Seems kids learn the benefits of recycling early on--they swallow it. They'd better, too, lest polyhydramnios (a potentially dangerous buildup of fluid volume) result. When fetal urination is impaired, the opposite complication, oligohydramnios, usually occurs. More


:lol: So we're depraved water-sports experts before we even get out of the womb? Not a bit of wonder we're all so fucked up.

Edited by ObaGol
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