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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:

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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :icon_lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


I've checked everything and theres no reason why you shouldnt have been able to play unless this was your first post of the day, in which case yeah, you couldnt play until after you posted this which would have meant that psoting this post would give you the priviledge to play but then really the post shouldnt be there cos its now redundant so you should have deleted it thereby giving you no posts and no access to the arcade, best put a post on questioning why you cant play and wooohooo yea you can play now but then that means the post wasnt needed as ther.......... <_<:lol:

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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:


Sorry, but this is nonsense. What's next? A post moderation?

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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:


Sorry, but this is nonsense. What's next? A post moderation?


If you like.....


It was in place before the upgrade so I see no reason for not continuing it. And one post per day is hardly back-breaking stuff - you put something in, you get something out....



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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:


Sorry, but this is nonsense. What's next? A post moderation?


If you like.....


It was in place before the upgrade so I see no reason for not continuing it. And one post per day is hardly back-breaking stuff - you put something in, you get something out....




I love it when you talk dirty, Craig.

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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:


Sorry, but this is nonsense. What's next? A post moderation?


If you like.....


It was in place before the upgrade so I see no reason for not continuing it. And one post per day is hardly back-breaking stuff - you put something in, you get something out....




Well, I don't use the Arcade that much, so I've never noticed. Still, I think it's starting to become über-regulating. There are days I don't see any threads that are worth to write something in.

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Is 573 posts not enough to use the arcade? :lol:


I'm all for keeping out the lurkers, but that's a bit extreme isn't it?


50 post-count requirement AND at least one post per day! :icon_lol:


Sorry, but this is nonsense. What's next? A post moderation?


If you like.....


It was in place before the upgrade so I see no reason for not continuing it. And one post per day is hardly back-breaking stuff - you put something in, you get something out....




Well, I don't use the Arcade that much, so I've never noticed. Still, I think it's starting to become über-regulating. There are days I don't see any threads that are worth to write something in.


Start some then?

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Sort it out, its friday afternoon I like to play my games


Sort what out exactly?

It wasnt let me in at first but now it is


my bad


Keep it to a min of 10 posts


Minimum of 10 posts? Jesus wept it says above there's a requirement for 1, that's ONE post per day.

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I have no problem with the 1 post per day rule.


I do however have issue with the blatant GMT bias on what constitutes a new day.


Edit: er... :lol:

Edited by Zathras
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I don't see the point of the rules. If someone is blatantly spamming then just warn them and if they persist ban them. Just my opinion like.


Which rules? The having to post rule?


The arcade uses up bandwidth - we don't want non-posters to have that right.

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I don't see the point of the rules. If someone is blatantly spamming then just warn them and if they persist ban them. Just my opinion like.


Which rules? The having to post rule?


The arcade uses up bandwidth - we don't want non-posters to have that right.


We could make it easier and remove the fucking thing - at least it'd stop all the pointless arguments.


(Apologies for the apathy, but I've had a really shite day and can do without having to explain the same point five times in one day, particularly when it's been in place for quite some time...)

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I don't see the point of the rules. If someone is blatantly spamming then just warn them and if they persist ban them. Just my opinion like.


Which rules? The having to post rule?


The arcade uses up bandwidth - we don't want non-posters to have that right.


We could make it easier and remove the fucking thing - at least it'd stop all the pointless arguments.


(Apologies for the apathy, but I've had a really shite day and can do without having to explain the same point five times in one day, particularly when it's been in place for quite some time...)



Booooooo :lol:

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SILENCE German boy!


Are you still in Birmingham btw or are you back in the Fatherland?


Just had my last day today before heading off to the great land of Über-Fascists on Monday.


And I do my daily posting stuff from now on the Ritchie-way by just starting a new thread by copy&pasting some articles I find via newsnow... :lol:

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