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I did Politics A-Level and hated every minute of it. It wasn't that I couldn't understand it, but because I was so uninterested I never tried to. History of Political Thought - Marx, Rousseau, Madison etc. Life does not get any more dull.

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Trigonometry. An absolute bastarding torture.





That's all you need




Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale

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Trigonometry. An absolute bastarding torture.





That's all you need




Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale



How the fuck is that easier than soh-cah-toa, Stephen fuckin Hawking? :razz:

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Trigonometry. An absolute bastarding torture.





That's all you need




Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale



My teacher was fond of


"The Cat Sat On An Orange And Howled Horribly"


More confusing than helpful tbh, took me 6 months to work out it only works in grid form..





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Trigonometry. An absolute bastarding torture.





That's all you need




Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale



My teacher was fond of


"The Cat Sat On An Orange And Howled Horribly"


More confusing than helpful tbh, took me 6 months to work out it only works in grid form..






How rubbish is that? :razz:

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Tenses in French. Granted probably not that easy, but toooo tough for me. They should all learn English tbh. Rule Brittania and all that.



Aye. I did Spanish at school, and I was alright, apart from the f*cking tenses


o as a aimos ais an, o es e eimos eis en. We used to get taught some silly saying to help us remember. 'I talk to you about he or she, but you are too polite to answer back.'


Never worked.

Edited by Tom_NUFC
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Tenses in French. Granted probably not that easy, but toooo tough for me. They should all learn English tbh. Rule Brittania and all that.



Aye. I did Spanish at school, and I was alright, apart from the f*cking tenses


o as a aimos ais an, o es e eimos eis en. We used to get taught some silly saying to help us remember. 'I talk to you about he or she, but you are too polite to answer back.'


Never worked.




I'm wondering, in case I break into some Spanish or french... may I use the familiar tu form with you people? Instead of usted? Because I think usted is gonna be a little too formal for this crowd. I feel already I've established the kind of rapport than I can, I can jump into the tu form with you! That quickly! I'm taking a tu liberty with you, I'm gonna use the tu form, and that's it! You can't talk me out of it. You know, Caesar used the tu form with Brutus, even after Brutus stabbed him. He said "et tu Brute," and I think that's a little too informal when someone's trying to assassinate you.

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I did Politics A-Level and hated every minute of it.  It wasn't that I couldn't understand it, but because I was so uninterested I never tried to.  History of Political Thought - Marx, Rousseau, Madison etc.  Life does not get any more dull.



Are you sure - what about accountancy? :razz:


Subjects I have struggled with have mainly been mathematical. However, I don't think they are particularly easy:

Calculus (especially advanced integration)

Imaginary numbers


Long division of polynomial equations (ffs!)


Anatomy was rock too but for entirely different reasons. Everything else has been a piece of piss. :drinks:

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Rationalising denominators of conjugate compound surds is far simpler than it sounds.



Piece of piss tbh.



Can a piece of piss ever be irrational in the first place?












Christ! I've descended as low as shit maths jokes. :razz:


I'm off to swim with a stingray.

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That is piss easy but you could not get to grips with (not talking about the school slag)


Me it was (and still is) fractions :razz:  I'm shite at them.




Ditto. :drinks:

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I'm wondering, in case I break into some Spanish or french... may I use the familiar tu form with you people? Instead of usted? Because I think usted is gonna be a little too formal for this crowd. I feel already I've established the kind of rapport than I can, I can jump into the tu form with you! That quickly! I'm taking a tu liberty with you, I'm gonna use the tu form, and that's it! You can't talk me out of it. You know, Caesar used the tu form with Brutus, even after Brutus stabbed him. He said "et tu Brute," and I think that's a little too informal when someone's trying to assassinate you.



:razz: Aye, class. I'm hoping you didn't just recite that from memory.

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I did Politics A-Level and hated every minute of it.  It wasn't that I couldn't understand it, but because I was so uninterested I never tried to.  History of Political Thought - Marx, Rousseau, Madison etc.  Life does not get any more dull.



That sounds a lot like the History theory modules I have to do for my History degree. They drive me mad. I find Postmodernist theory the most annoying, infuriating and contradictory load of shite. Postmodernists are a bunch of arseholes, but even some of the more traditional theories like Marxism are dull.

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Trigonometry. An absolute bastarding torture.





That's all you need




Some Old Harvesters Can Always Have Tankards Of Ale



My teacher was fond of


"The Cat Sat On An Orange And Howled Horribly"


More confusing than helpful tbh, took me 6 months to work out it only works in grid form..







At our school it was Sex On Holiday Can Always Help The Old Age. :drinks:


For me it was simultaneous equations. Absolutely could not do them for ages and always made my sister do my homework if it involved them, then one day it just clicked and I found them piss easy after that. :razz:

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What were quadratic equations again? I seem to remember them being a pain.


I hate hate hated the quantitative methods statistical shit I had to do for my degree. Didn't understand it and have no idea how I passed the exam.

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On the subject of learning aids, what are peoples favourite mnemonics? Mine was Oh, oh, oh, to touch and feel a virgin girls vagina and hymen.



:razz: Mary Wept!

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