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A farmhand in Waalsssend was out checking farm fences in his 4 X 4 when he hit something.


He radioed the farm for advice.


"There's a pig stuck in the bullbar and is still alive but he's kicking and squealing so much I can't get him free" he said.


"Okay," said the boss.


"In the back of the 'cruiser there's a pistol Put it up to the pig's head and shoot it.


When its body goes all limp you'll be able to get it off the bullbar and throw it into the boot, we'll have it for dinner"


About 45 minutes later the farmhand called in again, "I did what you said, boss.I shot the pig in the head, he went all limp and I got him out of the bullbar, no problem.


But I still can't go on."



"Why not?" Asked the boss. "What's the problem?"


















"Well it's his motorbike ... the flashing blue light is jammed under the wheel-arch."


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There's alot of sucking and blowing to start with, then you lose your house. :unsure:

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