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Holy Smokes!

Brock Manson

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I've been away on a goalie camp, during which I found I have a fan. ;)


But that's OLD news people.


Today I was wearing a Seol shirt to the Reading Smoggies match, and walked past no other than the man himself! :lol:


Anyways, later on I hear an: "Escuseme?" and turn to see two korean chappies, one bearing a proper TV camera!


Turns out, they wanted to interview me because they saw me shirt, and I'll be on South Korean telly. B) ...Saying: "Middlesborough are shite...I mean not very good, so I reckon it'll be 2-0 Reading."


Bless em, they asked if I was excited that Seol had signed, and if he'd be good in the premiership. Based on today, yes he will.


A few minutes later, I have some fat koran chap tap me on the shoulder and say: "Escuseme, can I have photo of your shirt?"


So here's me standing in the middle of the pavement looking up at the sky (no idea why he wanted me doing that) with a few of the asian fellows snapping away.



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I've been away on a goalie camp, during which I found I have a fan.  ;)


But that's OLD news people.


Today I was wearing a Seol shirt to the Reading Smoggies match, and walked past no other than the man himself!  :lol:


Anyways, later on I hear an: "Escuseme?" and turn to see two korean chappies, one bearing a proper TV camera!


Turns out, they wanted to interview me because they saw me shirt, and I'll be on South Korean telly.  B) ...Saying: "Middlesborough are shite...I mean not very good, so I reckon it'll be 2-0 Reading."


Bless em, they asked if I was excited that Seol had signed, and if he'd be good in the premiership. Based on today, yes he will.


A few minutes later, I have some fat koran chap tap me on the shoulder and say: "Escuseme, can I have photo of your shirt?"


So here's me standing in the middle of the pavement looking up at the sky (no idea why he wanted me doing that) with a few of the asian fellows snapping away.





Maybe they were taking photos of your bandana for an appearance on the korean version of Trisha.

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Is that Brock??


Mustve had a shave. :lol:




I take it the picture loaded then, I can't see it, something dodgy going on here



try clearing oot your cookies and your cache.

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what does emptying your cache do?



when you browse the web - your browser stores all the images on each web site in a folder. the idea is that it s quicker to display the images if theyre stored on your hard rather than re-download everything again.


so if you delete your cache then it forces your browser to re-download the images again.


(btw - images can be smilies, icons, reply buttons - not just porn pics). :lol:

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what does emptying your cache do?



when you browse the web - your browser stores all the images on each web site in a folder. the idea is that it s quicker to display the images if theyre stored on your hard rather than re-download everything again.


so if you delete your cache then it forces your browser to re-download the images again.


(btw - images can be smilies, icons, reply buttons - not just porn pics). :lol:




Better empty that then ;)

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