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Ever had a bad accident


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  Gemmill said:
Any word on how the elderly couple and their dogs were like, you self-obsessed bint? ;):)



She's taking a long time to type 'don't care'.

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  Gemmill said:
  Toonraider said:
Nothing too serious thankfully, never broken a bone.


Worst accident ive had was when i was 14, whilst a pillion on a motorbike we knocked over an elderly man and lady (and their dogs) Apart from scratches and bruises myself and the rider were fine, luckily we were thrown clear of the busy road. I actually got an endorsement on my driving licence because the rider hadnt passed his test!  :)



Any word on how the elderly couple and their dogs were like, you self-obsessed bint? ;):(



Actually i started to type what happened to them but thought you lot would think it irrelevant...(sorry, thats the impression alot of you give)!


The elderly man broke a few bones but recovered, the lady was ok. Unfortunately one of their dogs was killed :P

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  DotBum said:
Would you trade places with that dog if you had the opportunity?



No...because i've done far more good in my life for people than that dog could have achieved. Plus although i was at fault for being on the back of a learner, the accident wasnt really our faults, the elderly couple walked out in front of us without looking.

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  Toonraider said:
No...because i've done far more good in my life for people than that dog could have achieved. Plus although i was at fault for being on the back of a learner, the accident wasnt really our faults, the elderly couple walked out in front of us without looking.



Given some of your posts, I have to wonder. :);)

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  Toonraider said:
Nothing too serious thankfully, never broken a bone.


Worst accident ive had was when i was 14, whilst a pillion on a motorbike we knocked over an elderly man and lady (and their dogs) Apart from scratches and bruises myself and the rider were fine, luckily we were thrown clear of the busy road. I actually got an endorsement on my driving licence because the rider hadnt passed his test!  ;) 




Unlucky with the endorsement, mind you were fairly fortunate to have a licence at 14

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  DotBum said:
  Toonraider said:
No...because i've done far more good in my life for people than that dog could have achieved. Plus although i was at fault for being on the back of a learner, the accident wasnt really our faults, the elderly couple walked out in front of us without looking.



Given some of your posts, I have to wonder. :P:)





aww thats mean, i actually do alot for my family and loved ones and believe it or not im a helpful and reliable person in my work :(

Infact, im the one who's always put upon by people :finger:

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  spongebob toonpants said:
  Toonraider said:
Nothing too serious thankfully, never broken a bone.


Worst accident ive had was when i was 14, whilst a pillion on a motorbike we knocked over an elderly man and lady (and their dogs) Apart from scratches and bruises myself and the rider were fine, luckily we were thrown clear of the busy road. I actually got an endorsement on my driving licence because the rider hadnt passed his test!  ;) 




Unlucky with the endorsement, mind you were fairly fortunate to have a licence at 14





Obviously i didnt have a licence :( The endorsement was to run from the date i applied for my first one.

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ran through a glass door at 2


split my head open on the corner of a wall while I was playing in the back garden, foot went into a plant hole, twisted and struck the top of my head off the corner of the wall


dislocated my shoulder at 7, jumping off the wall bars at school trying to look cool by spinning in the air, landed on my locked arm and it popped out.


knacked my ankle when I jumped off a 6' fence, landed on my Boot Bag and twisted my ankle, Doctor said I shouldn't walk on it for a fortnight and shouldn't play football for a month.. was walking on it after a week and playing football after a fortnight which has thoroughly screwed it and is the ONLY reason I'm not a professional footballer.


crashed my car about 6months after passing my test but there were no serious injuries in either car. However there was one twat in my mates car who clapped his hands on his neck and the base of his spine the minute he heard sirens. the twat claimed compensation for loss of earnings which is bollocks cos there was nowt wrong with him.


thing is, he wasn't even one of our mates, he was like a mate of a mate of a mate who had been asked purely because we needed one more person to even out the numbers for Paintball.

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  Toonraider said:

I'll probably start having nightmares again thinking about it  ;)





You've just reminded me about a brilliant nighmare I had last night. A levitating baby was chasing me around. Then Glynn off big brother threw it at me and it turned into a sort of dart and it's face turned into a little demon.


I was shitting myself.

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At age ten I went head first over the handlebars on my bike while racing my cousin.... multiple stitches on that one.... 2 car accidents (only one where I was the driver I thank you) and tooooo many times in the ER while competing in show jumping.... damned rails come down hard especially when you're thrown into the fecking fence.

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I was going down a pretty steep hill and hit both brakes, back brakes didn't work so I went up and over the handle bars, somehow managed to land on me feet (no I didn't somersault or owt. ) just as the bike flipped past me head. scarey shit, but I was the only one around so nobody I've told believes me.


oh and SLP, is your sig not an Ice Hockey quote?

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Car accident got my knees completely f*cked smashed botrh femurs. One was forced through the back of me pelvis. Broke 5 ribs me clavicle dislocated both shoulders broke me wrist. Now have serious back probs. Took ages to recover to where I am now (just slightly less f*cked) . just to discover I have a heart issue.

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  Happy Face said:


You've just reminded me about a brilliant nighmare I had last night.  A levitating baby was chasing me around.  Then Glynn off big brother threw it at me and it turned into a sort of dart and it's face turned into a little demon.


I was shitting myself.



:D You wouldn't be so fucking sensitive if you'd been battered within an inch of your life every waking moment.

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  The Fish said:
I was going down a pretty steep hill and hit both brakes, back brakes didn't work so I went up and over the handle bars, somehow managed to land on me feet (no I didn't somersault or owt. ) just as the bike flipped past me head. scarey shit, but I was the only one around so nobody I've told believes me.


oh and SLP, is your sig not an Ice Hockey quote?



It is, and you're still shit at riding a bike. :D

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  sweetleftpeg said:
  The Fish said:
I was going down a pretty steep hill and hit both brakes, back brakes didn't work so I went up and over the handle bars, somehow managed to land on me feet (no I didn't somersault or owt. ) just as the bike flipped past me head. scarey shit, but I was the only one around so nobody I've told believes me.


oh and SLP, is your sig not an Ice Hockey quote?



It is, and you're still shit at riding a bike. :D



i came off my bike once in wet conditions. i pressed the brakes a bit too hard and the front wheel slid out from beneath me.


i got a lush gravel burn from my wrist to my elbow and my knee to my hip on my left side.


Fucking KNACKED!

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I came off my bike after playing knicky knocky nine doors. Karma tbh. I went down this huge hill and turned the corner onto a dirt road, and the bike just skidded away from under me. Spectacular grazing down pretty much the whole of my left hand side. :D

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  Gemmill said:
I came off my bike after playing knicky knocky nine doors.  Karma tbh.  I went down this huge hill and turned the corner onto a dirt road, and the bike just skidded away from under me.  Spectacular grazing down pretty much the whole of my left hand side. :D




Ever played five a side at the lightfoot.


That was the king of grazing.

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  sweetleftpeg said:
So, in summary, we're all shit at riding bikes.



yep, I'll add to that. When I was 13 I was fielding in cricket up at (the then) Slatyford school, the balls heading my way so Im stood there below it in the proper position, hands up cupped ready to catch it and it falls about 2 foot short, bounces and smacks me dead in the nose. Broken all over the place.


A week later and Im out riding me bike getting some shoppin for me mam when the bag catches in the front wheel and I go arse over tit over the handlebars, thinking "shit me nose!!!" I protect it with my arm and end up dislocating the shoulder. Another trip to casualty for me!


Oh and when I was 11 I stuck me hand through a plate glass window, still got the lovely long scars down the wrist to show for it.

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