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Babylon 5  :D





Also apart from the obvious Buffy/Angel try Jeremiah, Dark Angel and Weeds.



If you haven't seen the short-lived Firefly, it's among the best television I've seen in ages.

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Babylon 5  :D





Also apart from the obvious Buffy/Angel try Jeremiah, Dark Angel and Weeds.



If you haven't seen the short-lived Firefly, it's among the best television I've seen in ages.



They do like cancelling great tv series in the USA. Firefly, Futurama and about 3 times they tried to cancel Family Guy only for it to defy them everytime and come back stronger because it is one of the best tv programmes ever!

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Babylon 5  :D





Also apart from the obvious Buffy/Angel try Jeremiah, Dark Angel and Weeds.



If you haven't seen the short-lived Firefly, it's among the best television I've seen in ages.



I liked Firefly (especially the latter episodes) and it had a lot of promise and it shouldn't have been cancelled... but I had an irrational bias against it because Fox axed Dark Angel for it which I loved.


I now tend to wait and see if a series "makes it" before committing to it (I'm a download addict) because I'm sick of too many embryonic axes - most recently Threshold which I did take a risk in watching because of the Goddess Carla.

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Babylon 5  :D





Also apart from the obvious Buffy/Angel try Jeremiah, Dark Angel and Weeds.



If you haven't seen the short-lived Firefly, it's among the best television I've seen in ages.



I liked Firefly (especially the latter episodes) and it had a lot of promise and it shouldn't have been cancelled... but I had an irrational bias against it because Fox axed Dark Angel for it which I loved.




That was one of the really annoyign things about them axing Firefly. It had grown and grown over the course of the episodes and was showing exactly how good it could/would be for the rest of that series and beyond and it got canned!


With Dark Angel its ages now since i have watched it (i watched all of both series at the time though) and i think series 2 was the better series showing that like Firefly it was getting better with time not deteriorating and should have been kept on.

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Peep Show.


You'll have to download the first series, its not available on dvd anymore.



It is, they re-released the first two earlier this year:




I stand corrected.

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I haven't seen Firefly, but wasn' that what Serenity was based on?  One of the most vaccuous movies I've ever seen!



Yes but despite their efforts it only made sense imo if you'd seen the series and therefore were "invested" in the characters.


I didn't think the film was that good either in fairness though.

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I haven't seen Firefly, but wasn' that what Serenity was based on?  One of the most vaccuous movies I've ever seen!



Aye, but Joss Whedon isn't exactly a film producer; he's honed his skills on long plot-arcs and character development over the course of a series, not a two-hour film. The film would have been more in-depth if you'd had the back story which is in the series.

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I haven't seen Firefly, but wasn' that what Serenity was based on?  One of the most vaccuous movies I've ever seen!



Aye, but Joss Whedon isn't exactly a film producer; he's honed his skills on long plot-arcs and character development over the course of a series, not a two-hour film. The film would have been more in-depth if you'd had the back story which is in the series.



I must say I think Buffy and Angel were very well done, not really my kind of thing but I've got to respect it. Serenity just seemed...shiny.

Edited by DotBum
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Over There - Iraq drama, 1st episode was shit but the rest were good


Wanted - Crime action/drama - multi task force go after top 100crims


prisonbreak/lost/24 - go without saying


my name is earl - original and funny


the 4400 - x-files rip off but canny




There are so many good series on in america the last few years its too much to keep up with.


Sopranos series 1-5

CSI/Miami/NY etc

Shield series 1-???


Plus Miami Vice series 1 and 2 have just been re-released.


Just watched the ultimate fighter 2 and 3 re-runs on bravo too. Great show, and series 4 starts in 2 weeks!


American TV puts our TV to shame tbh. Why cant the BBC and ITV do shows like Fox and ABC, instead our most popular show is Eastenders. Compare that with 24 and its no wonder the yanks take the piss out of our TV.

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American TV puts our TV to shame tbh. Why cant the BBC and ITV do shows like Fox and ABC, instead our most popular show is Eastenders. Compare that with 24 and its no wonder the yanks take the piss out of our TV.



Deal or No Deal rates higher than 24 in the US. FACT!


Planet Earth has been the best TV from either side of the Atlantic this year.

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West Wing


the early series of Buffy

Band of Brothers

Over There- is supposed to be good, a lot of my mates have told me to watch it, but it's on Sky and I'm a pauper at the moment. So I'm recommending it even though I've not actually watched it.

8 Simple rules- recommended in the same way as Two and a Half Men, in that it's shit... I know it's shit, you know it's shit, they know it's shit....but it's easily watchable and there are some genuine laughing-on-the-inside moments

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I haven't seen Firefly, but wasn' that what Serenity was based on?  One of the most vaccuous movies I've ever seen!



I got it a couple of weeks ago, only watched about 4 episodes so far, its not bad, only bother with it you really loved Serenity.

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Has anyone caught any pilots of upcoming series due to start in the states, if so any recommendations?


The fall schedule has been announced, so much to choose from.. :D



List them tbh. :D Or at least link them.

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