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Nine Nine


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Do furniture and computer companies really think people are so retarded that they'll hear a product's price described as "only three nine nine" and think to themselves "ooh, that's three single figures, that's not much money at all!"?


I swear I even heard £199.99 described as "only one nine nine nine nine" the other day.


I fucking hate adverts.

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I agree. The time those things worked are over. Marketing people should just get over it and sell it for £200. It would be a breath of no bullshit fresh air in a way.

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  Gemmill said:
Meenzer blatantly just turned up at DFS with £2.99 to buy a sofa.




I fucking hate people who applaud themselves on game shows, too.

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I agree with Meenz, it's not the fact it's 99 or 97, it's the use of nine nine or nine seven.. as if by removing the "ty" at the end of the first number we're suddenly financially flumoxed and will happily pay it safe in the knowledge we just saved our selves a tidy packet ;)


but to be honest I can't (off the top of my head) think of an advert which declares the prce of the product, which I didn't find entirely patronising and base

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I hate News reporters standing up.


also, is it just me or are the BBC correspondents on some sort of commission for wearing the shittest ties they can find?


is it a bet, like the 98 world cup squad.. they had to get song names into interviews without being found out?...

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  The Fish said:

also, is it just me or are the BBC correspondents on some sort of commission for wearing the shittest ties they can find?




None of them are a patch on this man.


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  Meenzer said:
"Your home is insured. Your car is insured. Even your pet is insured. But what about your children????"


Fuck's sake.



You think thats bad? I was up at the golf club yesterday and discovered that from £22.50 a year I can be covered for knocking some poor cunt out with a wayward drive. Peace of mind indeed.

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  MattM4 said:
I agree. The time those things worked are over. Marketing people should just get over it and sell it for £200. It would be a breath of no bullshit fresh air in a way.



It works, because people are fucking stupid. FACTOLOID!


I remember reading something about it a while back - prices ending in .97 are most successful, even more so than .87 etc. In the same bucket as £20 off being more successful than 20% off, even on items that cost more than £100.

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It must work because it's been done for donkey's years.


On a related note, I used to work in a shop in the US called "the 88 cent store" which was in direct competition with "the 99 cent store". What we didn't tell customers until they got to the counter with their Chinese tat was that ours didn't include sales tax, making it about the same price as our rival (which included tax). It worked though.

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I fucking HATE cyclists.


especially the contemptible knobheads who cycle with a chum (bound to be chums... sad bastards) two abreast..


and those fuckers don't pay road tax.


oh and obviously Caravans are only bought by people too tight to pay for a hotel and too middle class to use a tent.

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  The Fish said:


I fucking HATE cyclists.


especially the contemptible knobheads who cycle with a chum (bound to be chums... sad bastards) two abreast..


and those fuckers don't pay road tax.


oh and obviously Caravans are only bought by people too tight to pay for a hotel and too middle class to use a tent.




The worst is when you walk in the cycle path down from the Robinson Library and.....hark....what's that I hear? Dring dring........dring dring. Some WANKER ringing his bell to get you out of the bike path. Ex-fucking-scuse me, I'm well aware that it's the bike path and as such I shouldn't be walking in it, but the last thing you want to do to get someone out of your way is to ring your frigging puffy little bike bell. I'll take the chain off and beat you with it, you twat!

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That shampoo advert (I think it's head and shoulders) really gets on my nerves.


"did you know that washing regularly decreases the anti dandruff strength of your shampoo?"


swiftly followed by the scientifc explanation


"washing regularly decreases the anti dandruff strength of your shampoo"



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  The Fish said:


I fucking HATE cyclists.


especially the contemptible knobheads who cycle with a chum (bound to be chums... sad bastards) two abreast..


and those fuckers don't pay road tax.


oh and obviously Caravans are only bought by people too tight to pay for a hotel and too middle class to use a tent.



Funny you should bring up caravans, I had a massive debate with one of the blokes from work who has one. I reckon the fucking things should be taxed - he says not! ;)

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  Craig said:

Funny you should bring up caravans, I had a massive debate with one of the blokes from work who has one. I reckon the fucking things should be taxed - he says not!  ;)




wow, a real in-depth debate, the likes of which we haven't seen since Disraeli and Gladstone



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