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Best way to cope with a breakup?


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Best advice would be to not think about it and go do something else, read the hobbie thread for ideas.



I'm glad that I'm working 60 hour weeks for the next fortnight. Should help a little bit.


Just hard to forget about someone you've spent over three years with. That's life I guess. Plenty more fish in the sea.

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Either shag for Britain for a bit (itl upset your ex whatever he says) or do all the stuff you put off for ages, get fit, go travelling etc. and do the whole 'life overhall' thing.



No, get pissed.

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Either shag for Britain for a bit (itl upset your ex whatever he says) or do all the stuff you put off for ages, get fit, go travelling etc. and do the whole 'life overhall' thing.



Hang from a chandelier?


I find suicide usually does the trick. :(

Edited by DotBum
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Either shag for Britain for a bit (itl upset your ex whatever he says) or do all the stuff you put off for ages, get fit, go travelling etc. and do the whole 'life overhall' thing.



Sage advice, if given to a man.


But you're basically telling her to behave like a slut for a bit. Never wise. Sorry if that's a double standard but it's a fact.


Keep your pants on for a while.

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to be honest you'll need to go through the whole rigmarole(sp?) of post break-up healing if you're a girl.


The "I want to be alone" phase

The "I want my girlfirends to comfort me and console me" phase

The "I hate all men as all men are bastards" phase

The "I want to get back in the game phase, lets go out and get tiddly" phase

The "I didn't find the perfect amalgam of Orlando Bloom, Jonny Depp, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Colin Farrel on my first night out therefore all men are bastards and I'm destined to be alone" phase

Finally you'll move onto the "I found someone who'll.. do" phase and then you'll be fine



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to be honest you'll need to go through the whole rigmarole(sp?) of post break-up healing if you're a girl.



Finally you'll move onto the "I found someone who'll.. do" phase and then you'll be fine





Only someone that will do?? Good grief!


It's so true about girls and having to go through the motions, the ex seems to be holding up really well ..like nothing has happened at all. Is it a guy thing to not care or process feelings and emotions? I would have thought that after spending so long with someone (even living with them!) that it would hurt to breakup. Obviously not. :)

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women always settle for someone who'll do, if they actually waited until their perfect partner came along they'd all be gay. Fact.


anyhoo, you'll only try to change whoever it is you settle for

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oph and just because he's not showing his emotion, doesn't mean he's not feeling it.


everybody deals with things in different ways, it's a cliche but it's true.


he might go out and get hammered with his mates in five years time and something will trigger a memory of you and he'll break down in tears.


conversely he might just be putting his straight face on around you and people who know you, so that he seems strong and independent, but inside he's pretty cut up about the whole thing.


OR he could actually be over it and may have processed this faster than you.

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I also found that when feeling particularly bad about an ex, i had a wank and for a good ten minutes after i didnt care anymore!




that's also a fine way to recover from heart ache. Wrist Strain! :)

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As a girl (yes its true) I find how I get over things depends on why it broke down...


I seem to have a trend tho, stay in for a bit and do the whole quiet thing, then i seem to go party mad, find myself loving music and nights out , and dont care what anyone says, I go and have lots of sex....its not a rebound thing but just cos I can and I dont have a partner...stay out till 5am, go dancing on the beach with my mates with a bottle of vod till dawn...


then i stay in again wishing i hadnt spent so much money...


dont settle for someone who will just do tho, do what you want and things will come round and catch u unawares and one day you will realise you are smiling, could be a month could be a year, but its all ok in the end. Enjoy what you can, plenty more people to meet and clubs to dance in and friends to make.

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