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America defended Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Guest Ma12ryAnn

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Guest Ma12ryAnn

America defended Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The result? $70+ oil.

The U.S. law prohibits price-fixing. OPEC manipulated the oil price, driving it to 50 times above the cost oil extraction cost. Oil is more profitable than heroin.

The OPEC members use oil proceeds to fund religious fundamentalists who incite against America.

We prosecute foreign drug cartels which violate the U.S. law without entering the country. We can similarly do away with the OPEC

Stop the oil racket! Sign the petition to outlaw OPEC at www.petitiononline.com/opec


Another public initiative by www.SamsonBlinded.info. Google banned the site’s advertising and Amazon deleted all reviews


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Just HOW does OPEC set the price of oil?


Over 50% of production is non OPEC - and I seem to remeber that US companies dominate the market???


Ever heard of those good ol' yankee ideas of free markets, supply and demand...


If you lot drove smaller cars, ate less and used less ac maybe the world price would fall


and it would fall further if you stopped talking about invading Iran


and maybe even further if you ditched your unpleasant Zionist friends who stir up all the shit in the Middle East


Oh yes- you could also allow oil drilling off California and more in Alaska

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Rob, you're arguing with an auto-posting thing. :blink:




what's one of them???? :rolleyes::(


I don't CARE if its a bloody machine - it makes more sense than most posters on here

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Anyone else notice the random link to weight-loss pills at the bottom of the post? Might start doing that myself, could make a fortune on here. :blink:

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Just HOW does OPEC set the price of oil?


Over 50% of production is non OPEC - and I seem to remeber that US companies dominate the market???


Ever heard of those good ol' yankee ideas of free markets, supply and demand...


If you lot drove smaller cars, ate less and used less ac maybe the world price would fall


and it would fall further if you stopped talking about invading Iran


and maybe even further if you ditched your unpleasant Zionist friends  who stir up all the shit in the Middle East


Oh yes- you could also allow oil drilling off California and more in Alaska




did you research any of that or did you know it already?

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