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Guest Toplass-101

There are only 3 toilets in the country I can dump on, my own, my Mams and I am now able to use Puds loo, so using that for a number two is out the question, id go for a wee there though, but only if I was dying to go and it was dark.

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Guest Toplass-101
  wykikitoon said:
Aint dumping & peeing the same more or less for birds?  You have to sit for both so why not include them in the same category?


Oh no they are totally different.


I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo.


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo ;)

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  Toplass-101 said:
  wykikitoon said:
Aint dumping & peeing the same more or less for birds?  You have to sit for both so why not include them in the same category?


Oh no they are totally different.


I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo.


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo ;)




I do :D if you needs one you haves to go.....

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  Toplass-101 said:
I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo. 


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo  ;)



Ugh I never could on an unfamiliar toilet.


Hovering is a necessity on ALL public toilets, which is why I never wait until I'm absolutely desperate for a wee if I'm out in public because I can't balance for too long. :D

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  Radgina said:
So then...if you were in a pub and an attak of the squits came over you would you just cack your pants or use the "unfamiliar" loo ??? ;)



I'll be sure to let you know first if that ever happens. :D

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  alreetlike said:
  Radgina said:
So then...if you were in a pub and an attak of the squits came over you would you just cack your pants or use the "unfamiliar" loo ??? ;)



I'll be sure to let you know first if that ever happens. :(



Thanks :D

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  Toplass-101 said:
There are only 3 toilets in the country I can dump on, my own, my Mams and I am now able to use Puds loo, so using that for a number two is out the question, id go for a wee there though, but only if I was dying to go and it was dark.



what gets me is mine is one of the 3, I know my loo thats why I wont use it ;)

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  peasepud said:
  Toplass-101 said:
There are only 3 toilets in the country I can dump on, my own, my Mams and I am now able to use Puds loo, so using that for a number two is out the question, id go for a wee there though, but only if I was dying to go and it was dark.



what gets me is mine is one of the 3, I know my loo thats why I wont use it ;)



Get the Domestos out... :D

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  Toplass-101 said:
  wykikitoon said:
Aint dumping & peeing the same more or less for birds?  You have to sit for both so why not include them in the same category?


Oh no they are totally different.


I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo.


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo ;)


totally agree....and its a right problem if you're on your hols :D

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  Toonraider said:
  Toplass-101 said:
  wykikitoon said:
Aint dumping & peeing the same more or less for birds?  You have to sit for both so why not include them in the same category?


Oh no they are totally different.


I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo.


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo ;)


totally agree....and its a right problem if you're on your hols :(




So do you take immodium constantly when on holiday and just dump it all when you get back ?? I find this really strange as long as the toilet is clean then I don't see the problem. You could always carry around a pack of those toilet seat cover thingys or failing that an antiseptic spray or something... :D

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  Radgina said:
  Toonraider said:
  Toplass-101 said:
  wykikitoon said:
Aint dumping & peeing the same more or less for birds?  You have to sit for both so why not include them in the same category?


Oh no they are totally different.


I dont know of any lasses that poo on a strange loo.


If the loo is really strange and looks a bit yuck then Id hover, though id not hover on that outside loo ;)


totally agree....and its a right problem if you're on your hols :(




So do you take immodium constantly when on holiday and just dump it all when you get back ?? I find this really strange as long as the toilet is clean then I don't see the problem. You could always carry around a pack of those toilet seat cover thingys or failing that an antiseptic spray or something... :D



Its not really because of germs on the toilet at all....most places ive stayed the loos are clean and fine. (cept race tracks, but doesnt bother me, i just use wipes for the seat) Its really more a case of i dont feel right so i cant go :( If its communal loos on a campsite or somewhere, i just cant go with people in and out and sat in the cubicle right next to me! A quick wee is ok but thats it!


Course after a couple days you end up feeling bloated and uncomfortable and eventually you manage to go, but its not the same :D

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I dont get this "cant shite in a bog Im not familiar with".


What happens when you move into a new house? Crap in an old sock until you and Mr New Bog have got to know each other?


Then what if the new bog is hard to get to know? You could end up waiting for ages.


Im wondering how you know the time is right?


As for that see-through-loo Im just impressed its got no grafiti on it. Wouldnt get that in the toon.

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  wykikitoon said:
Aye this was on GMTV or summit like that.


You could polish one off easily in there and have loads of fodder  :D



First thought that crossed my mind. :lol:

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  JawD said:
I dont get this "cant shite in a bog Im not familiar with".


What happens when you move into a new house?  Crap in an old sock until you and Mr New Bog have got to know each other?


Then what if the new bog is hard to get to know?  You could end up waiting for ages.


Im wondering how you know the time is right?


As for that see-through-loo  Im just impressed its got no grafiti on it.  Wouldnt get that in the toon.



keeps an agreement with the people that bought her house so she can nip back for a crap. Its in the contract called a "deed of shitenant" or summit.

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Aye, bet she sneaks that in with the things she's leaving in the house "Carpets, Light fittings, Tv aerial, ....


<small print> Bog that I have this really good relationship with. I am allowed to return to at any time as deemed necessary by my bowel movements. This agreed statement supercedes any previous agreement. <end smallprint>

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Guest Toplass-101
  JawD said:
I dont get this "cant shite in a bog Im not familiar with".


What happens when you move into a new house?  Crap in an old sock until you and Mr New Bog have got to know each other?


Then what if the new bog is hard to get to know?  You could end up waiting for ages.


Im wondering how you know the time is right?


As for that see-through-loo  Im just impressed its got no grafiti on it.  Wouldnt get that in the toon.


The loo in the house you have bought becomes "your" loo.


I know this will be hard for men to understand (and some lasses), but its just something within ya mind tells your body not to poo.


Whatever that is tells me and my sister we can poo when we are at Mam & Dads house, when either of us visit there we always seem to need a dump. Often my Mam has asked if we only go there to use her loo.

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Wooa, Im seeing the Womans mind working here and it psychadelic man....


Ok, lets see....


The loo in the house you have bought becomes "your" loo.


Aye, but surely you dont really know it yet? When you first move in you must know it as much as you know the bog in a pub? Granted, you might not have the need to "float" in your new house, but is there no courting period with the new bog or do you do the blokey thing and christen it on the first day? (or better yet when viewing the house, after alll its one of the most important times and it has to feel right).




Whatever that is tells me and my sister we can poo when we are at Mam & Dads house, when either of us visit there we always seem to need a dump. Often my Mam has asked if we only go there to use her loo.


Ok, so what you are saying is, you and your sis have a collective thought that tells you when to crap? worse yet, it always seems to be in te same house? Hmmm, Ive heard stories about houses that talk to people, never like this like, maybe it has a fetish about seeing lasses crap. Or maybe it likes the feeling of the crap sliding down its pipe.

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