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World Cup Attire


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To ensure a warm welcome from our German cousins what should one wear???


Any suggestions??


I quite like these T's as an icebreaker:




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Don't wear strips. They're for kids :unsure:



damn, i've got my england top on today :o



what bout those nazi world cup helmets that were on eBay? :lol:

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Guest alex
might wear a pink shirt under a v-neck jumper, some linen trousers and sandals....




That's just how I picture you tbh :o



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Guest alex
..... why are you picturing me?



do I need a restraining order?


In a student bar, blocking the telly :unsure:



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Guest alex
well I wouldn't be able to watch a match with you anyway, the glint off yer bonce would blind me.




I actually predicted that reponse tbh :lol: You're going a bit Vera Lynn too thought aren't you :unsure:

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Guest alex
not a receeding hairline, just got an expanding face tbs tbs


Does a psychology student realise when they themselves are in denial though?



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no, no they don't.... isn't that a triple negative?


I've finally grown up, won't be wearing strips for a while.

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