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Leaving things to the last minute...

Scottish Mag

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...somehow i was yet to finish my dissertation which was due to be handed in today at 3pm. Ended up having to do an all nighter so have been on the go since 6.30am yesterday.. :icon_lol:


Ah well, one essay and an exam then its back to working in the real world again... :lol:

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I know the feeling, I've got an essay due in for Tuesday which I haven't started yet and another essay and a dissertation for the 16th May which also haven't been started.


So if anyone has any special knowledge of the economics involved in S.2 (2) of UCTA 1977/Race in the Anglo-American New Right/Civil Liberties in post 9-11 America be sure to let me know.

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If you didn't leave it to the last minute you wouldn't have put enough effort in and therefore it wouldn' t be good enough. Say if you actually started a piece of work in reasonable time, you'd still be fannying on with it with three minutes to go before hand so why not leave it for six months and then knock it all out the night before. It's what I do and look where I am.

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When I did my final year dissertation, I left it all until the beginning of April and ended up filling my face with ProPlus for a week! :icon_lol:


I passed though...

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Very true - I'm one of those who works well under pressure which is caused by me not being arsed to do something until the last possible moment :icon_lol:

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