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White working class tempted to opt for BNP


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I've just heard on the news about this. What are your opinions on it? I'm really worried about the future if these guys manage to win people over. If they did take over would they be able to do the same thing to Muslims that Hitler did with the Jews, i.e. lambast them, make them scapegoats. I really despise the BNP.

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The BNP have a place in our democracy and they are entitled to speak.


Thankfully (in my opinion) that place is limited as they represent the views of a very small minority and provoke such stong opposition in the majority that they can never be more than a dot on the landscape.


Some groups try to censure the BNP but I say let them speak- they will put off more voters than they will attract.

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There's a lot of talk about political campaign funds and whether it should be state funded. If state money went to the BNP I'd have a big problem with it.


Can't see it happening like, but it has been mentioned.

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vote for our way of life babes or in 10 years time we are no more its as simple as that i like this forum i like geordies im one but you fuckers need a kick up the arse young shits :-)



It's a shame you only use punctuation marks for smilies.


Translation, anyone?

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goodnight fucking geordies goodnight i wish you well till we meet again ill sing this song  la lo la la ragina mmmmmm every day



well I for one am happier in the knowledge that our fabulous care in the community are still working. Even at such a late hour on an Easter weekend they still manage to let them have ten minutes use of the internet.


Night nght little window licker, sleep tight.

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I can see them becoming as big over here as what Jean-Marie Le Pen is over in France in 10-15 years time.




Onr of the problems with France is that in EVERY election since about 1880 an extreme party or parties gets up to 20% of the votes in total - bit worrying that

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