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By American standards? Surprised you could get in the building, or that the place didn't implode under its own gravity and become a black hole. I bet there was a good mullet ratio too, and plenty of women with big hair badly dyed blonde.

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By American standards? Surprised you could get in the building, or that the place didn't implode under its own gravity and become a black hole. I bet there was a good mullet ratio too, and plenty of women with big hair badly dyed blonde.


Aye. And that was just the singers. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

got in at 06:30 and I'm pretty much done for the day... can't leave til 18:50 though... :D


ffs you lot better be on form today!

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I could phone in a bomb warning for the Lewisham Shopping Centre if that would help.

Cheers, wouldn't really change our approach to covering that area though... that kind of thing is fairly mundane for Lewisham.


Now, if you could, for example, drive a nice car through the area? that would shake things up a bit...

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See you when you say "bling" I want to imagine it covered in sparkles and pink dildos... but I've met you. It's more likely to be plastered in adverts for good whiskey.




you corporate whore, you

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See you when you say "bling" I want to imagine it covered in sparkles and pink dildos... but I've met you. It's more likely to be plastered in adverts for good whiskey.


That's just the public me. In Lewisham it'd be plastered in adverts for bad whisky. Or I'd just be plastered on bad whisky and the adverts can go swivel.


This week I am mostly translating a report on the housing market in North Rhine-Westphalia state. :D

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See you when you say "bling" I want to imagine it covered in sparkles and pink dildos... but I've met you. It's more likely to be plastered in adverts for good whiskey.


That's just the public me. In Lewisham it'd be plastered in adverts for bad whisky. Or I'd just be plastered on bad whisky and the adverts can go swivel.


This week I am mostly translating a report on the housing market in North Rhine-Westphalia state. :D


How you changed Meenzer, I remember a time you'd be happy swapping chewing gum with a house frau called Greta*, now look at you.. Hob knobbing with North Rhiners, like it's cool.


Don't forget your roots Meenzer




















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Why do spiders like living behind the glass of wing mirrors so much and how do they get there?


Every car I've had has had a pet spider at one time or another.


Rubythroats can achieve a speed of more than 50 miles per hour, and even more when flying with the wind. Typical speeds for house sparrows and barn swallows are 17 and 20 miles per hour, respectively. All birds generally fly faster when migrating, and of course, when fleeing predators.


Flight is an essential part of rubythroats’ foraging behavior because they hover in front of flowers as they drink nectar and pick off insects. They require lots of energy to keep their wings going and have a very high metabolic rate. Compared to other birds, proportionately, hummingbirds have the largest heart, about 2.4 percent of their body weight.


To support their energy requirements, rubythroats must feed almost constantly during the day, at least every ten minutes. Each feeding lasts about 30 to 60 seconds. They feed at nectar sources not by sucking, but by licking three times each second. The rubythroat’s tongue is grooved and forked. The nectar moves up the tongue by capillary action (the same action by which water rises within plant roots) and is then swallowed.


At their normal metabolic rate, rubythroats would starve to death in a few hours without food. When food sources are scarce, as well as during cool spells, hummingbirds can enter a state of torpor to conserve energy. In torpor, their metabolism slows and uses less energy. Their body temperature drops, and their heart rate slows to about 50 beats per minute. Even their breathing becomes irregular and there are short intervals when they stop breathing. Rubythroats can be in a state of torpor for as much as eight to 14 hours. When they emerge from torpor, an hour may pass before their heartbeat and breathing are back to normal. Their body temperature must rise back to at least 86 degrees F before they can fly. Torpor allows hummingbirds to survive food shortages and severe weather. However, incubating females usually do not go into torpor because they need to keep their eggs warm.


Rubythroats have a voice, although they do not sing. Squeaks, twitters and grating notes are used in a variety of situations, such as when a hummingbird discovers an intruder in its territory. They also make sounds with their wings or tails, and often it is unclear whether sounds are vocal or not. Once you identify a sound as a rubythroat sound, it will alert you to their presence in your yard.

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  • 2 months later...

BBC Breakfast newslady, Sian Williams just done a very nice sharon stone leg cross this morning while looking into the camera and say "Its very nice down there". :o:woosh::icon_lol:


Sharon Stone





Sian Williams



That'l get the younguns watching and taking an interest in the news :razz:

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BBC Breakfast newslady, Sian Williams just done a very nice sharon stone leg cross this morning while looking into the camera and say "Its very nice down there". :o:woosh::icon_lol:


Sharon Stone





Sian Williams



That'l get the younguns watching and taking an interest in the news :razz:

She's a little cutey despite getting on a bit, (that photo must be a few years old). The bloke who she usually works with is a bit of a tit, though.

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