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Scottish Mag

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. . with the smell and personal discomfort of friction-bound HOT MUD making them more vulnerable .

Revelling in their stinky life, as they watch their sitter subordinates being torn to shreds by scat hungry beasties.

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See cowardly did get the last word after all. When it was blocked and I couldn't reply. My last say on this gimp of a human being, if someone can put a link to 2 interesting unique posts, or a post he's made which have made 3 people laugh ever, I swear now I will never abuse this tragedy again. Its the impossible task I know.

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That's fair enough Cath. What do you think of his behaviour yourself? Do you think he's a geeky arsehole yourself? I know your a pacifist so probably best to say nothing tbf.

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It was a bit naughty locking the topic after he had the last word.


It's alright. When Ant finally MANS UP and phones him he can't go using his mod powers then.

he's not going to do that, hed be like rainman when it comes to any meaningful form of communication. That much is clearly evident, you can see it and so can everyone else. What makes these people like that is the question though.

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Can someone explain to me why the above doesn't show signs of a potential mass murderer. Is it noirmal behaviour at 104am. He's been badly exposed today this lad like. People go on about mental ages and what not but read the above and the effort he's went to. Bullied at school at the very least imo. Read what he's written and ask yourself, why would you go to all that effort. From board designer you can definitely pencil in "potential wrongun". Anyone can see it. Even StevenL who normally says fuck all.

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I didn't lock the topic you cretin i didn't even notice it was locked as those things don't apply to me with my account.


as for me being a coward you've some fucking cheek, you've bottled every thing you've started on here, "ooo i've a bad jaw baggio" "no you come meet me here j69" "please ant/pud delete the wynn topics because the old bill are involved"

"if anyone posts up that picture of the crowd i don't want to be seen because i'm too fat at the minute" "hey whose this wrongun", i've never came across someone so paranoid in my life it's tragic.


make an arse out of yourself so try to act the hard lad, all while taking mirror shots with your iPhone and posting about using moisturiser with self tan in it, where in the name of fuck do you get the idea you're intimidating?

next time you're taking one of those gut pics to have a whinge about your weight on here, put the phone to one side reach down and check your balls haven't rescinded.


Ya know why people don't bother with your requests Stevie, it's because you're an arsehole and most sensible people can't be fucked wasting their time.

you lasted less than 24 hrs as predicted, an attention seeking try hard who spends too much time on twitter.


As for you're interesting posts and great insight with nuggets like the below it makes you wonder what the other 30k tweets were...jesus wept



now if ya don't like it do one :) as said, if you want to stay shut your mouth stay on topic or i'll hoof ya simple as that, this time you'll actually be right when you're crying to people about being banned

(ironically will make you the first person i've banned)


fuck me between this stuff and the leazes shite you're unreal ya really are.


(edit > i've removed your laptops i.p from the filters, you're welcome, feel free to stop giving tom and Darrel hassle about it on twitter now i'm sure they can't be arsed listening to it any more than i can)

just actually read this, threatening to ban me. Its not up to you who is and isn't banned. You're a fuckin gimp mate, do u think they respect you? What they think is isn't he canny for building this site. Personally I think it was better before u started fuckin about with it, but diont get any delusions about being flavour of the month. Fair play for building the site, but I won't even ask, "do u want a medal?" Cos u do. You complete mug. I'll tell you now, if you never posted again, no one would notice. Not one person. People notice mancmag being gone, they noticed Alex big time, they've even noticed Gene not posting as much. Not one person wud notice u, until the site crashed and even then it would be admin. What do other admin think of Ant's threat to ban me, because I think he's a cunt? What are the other administratrs thoughts on his assumed authority? What a fuckin absolute dickhead. I'm no saint, I may not even be liked but I tell you what it is a significant amount of people will read ur patter and think "what a cunt" they will as well, I've had messages already. Where I come from people avoid cowardice, can't say that about everyone.

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