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A kid I went to school with won 250k on a scratchcard and the first thing he bought was a moped.



"When I get me moped out on the road oym gonna royd royd royd"


Jasper Carrot. One for the older listeners :o

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A kid I went to school with won 250k on a scratchcard and the first thing he bought was a moped.



"When I get me moped out on the road oym gonna royd royd royd"


Jasper Carrot. One for the older listeners :gettin:



There are so many things I hate about him,I don't know where to start

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Against my better judgement I actually love it. I think it's all the girly frills (lanterns, windmills etc) despite the fact I don't do girly frills.


I'm confusing myself now.. :o


I am rather taken with it myself Cath :gettin:

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It's the necessity to have the pic of the laptop with the glass of beer which gets me. Why?? He's always going on about having a pint or Kronenberg or some such shite. Who fucking cares?? He sounds like that tosser Billy Furious from The Mag (Kriss Knights) going on about Jack D or summat, when the reality is probably more cocoa and triangular-cut cucumber sandwiches.

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Two egyptian men turn me from buying a scratch card tonight because i look under 16, ballbags. Think they can come into my country and demand me for ID for a fucking scratchcard?! What made it worse is they told me to give the money to my friend beside me to buy it :o


Yes, they clearly can.



Is it your birthday soon? I forget.…


Nah man, 18 on friday. Thats my birthday... friday.


Two egyptian men turn me from buying a scratch card tonight because i look under 16, ballbags. Think they can come into my country and demand me for ID for a fucking scratchcard?! What made it worse is they told me to give the money to my friend beside me to buy it :crylaughin:


Yes they can, why would they lose their licence/face prosecution for a whingey little shit


Because i'm over 16 you doilum :crylaughin:

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Been overpaid by £600, I know what it is, I got a deal through a few months ago, but the cunt fucked off after 3 weeks meaning we had to pay a £3500 rebate, which would effect my wage. They've obviously forgot, cos it hasn't come off me wage, ethically I should say look you've overpaid me, cos this won't show up on the radar at all now, yet at the same time I'm thinking fuck it :)

Edited by McFaul
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I got £200 holiday money this morning for amsterdam on monday. Buying a snazzy outfit up the town for tomorrow night then saving. Gonna take around £600 hopefully

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I'll look out for them in amsterdam. Need to go to a cigar shop aswell, want a big fat cuban cigar and act badass walking through the streets with a suit on :)

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There about £15 quid man. Just get a few pints and save yourself some money!


Yes but i've never smoked a proper cigar. pints? i can drink pints anywhere! im going to the 'dam my man!


I'll look out for them in amsterdam. Need to go to a cigar shop aswell, want a big fat cuban cigar and act badass walking through the streets with a suit on :)


Buy a hat, you can't look badass and be ginger at the same time


I already have a few in the house, no need to buy anymore.

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