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Without getting all preachy or owt, take a moment today to thank all those that gave everything so that we can have the choices we have today.

D-Day, 67 years ago today

I saw a documentary last night about the specifics about the D Day landings but as usual it was about the Americans so I switched off. Nothing against the Yanks but it's a bit repetitive gaining only one sides insight into this event or any battle of WWII. Whilst it's aknowledged they got the shit end of the stick at Omaha Beach the Americans made up slightly less than half of the Allies who invaded Normandy.

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Was at the Metrocentre today with Mrs Howman. I've got to say, there seemed to be a very high percentage of some seriously fit blurt around, but the one who took the plaudits was Mr Llovenkrands lass. :rolleyes: About a month ago we went over there they eat in the same place as us (some American rib type place), and this time we were in that 'Rice' place and in they came again. I'd be worried if I was Lovelyhands, she's obviously got her eye on the Corner Graduate, like.

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Guest alex
The Google logo is good today, its a guitar to mark Les Paul's 96th anniversary.

Aye, that doc about him (on BBC 4 I think) a little while back was good too.

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Yeh It was a great watch! He was still playing well into his 90's and he'd have some awesome guest on stage like Slash or Eric Clapton in a little bar in New York!


He was a very clever bloke and experimenting with music technology back then was a lot harder than it is now, for instance most people could discover something new on a digital program by cubase or messing about with a multi effects pedal!


He had to build the machines himself, from scratch!


Here's my Les Paul :rolleyes:



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The Google logo is good today, its a guitar to mark Les Paul's 96th anniversary.


If you drag the cursor over the strings, you can have a nice strum (in the musical, not physical, sense). My CD will be in all good record shops soon :rolleyes:

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Yeah I knew you could play a tune on it Snakey thats why I thought it was good and mentioned it! :lol: You can record and play back too!

Edited by Toonraider
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Yeah I knew you could play a tune on it Snakey thats why I thought it was good and mentioned it! :lol: You can record and play back too!


No, you mentioned the logo. I merely passed on the full facts of the matter i.e. that a tune could be played on it :icon_lol:


Now, bend over for a spank.

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Yeah I knew you could play a tune on it Snakey thats why I thought it was good and mentioned it! :lol: You can record and play back too!


No, you mentioned the logo. I merely passed on the full facts of the matter i.e. that a tune could be played on it :lol:


Now, bend over for a spank.


Ouch!!! :icon_lol:


I mentioned the logo meaning it was good because of what it did!!! Dopey!

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What happened then? :icon_lol: That was a blip :lol:


IPS Driver Error

There appears to be an error with the database.


Then.......This site is suspended. Bandwith limit exceeded :lol:

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Just been watching Sheilagh Fogerty (sp) presenting her show on Radio 5 Live.


They're [5 Live] now doing a show from some theatre in Manchester with an orchestra playing all the favourite cinema theme tunes. However, the web cam from Fogerty's prog is still on so I'm looking at an empty room. Inspiring!!!


*wonders if the theme music from Pretty Peaches will get an airing*

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It could only happen to me, like.


Whilst being out in the Town the need came on to visit a toilet. Where to go though? Where could I go that wasn't like the Bog from Trainspotting? I have a think and Fenwicks comes to mind, thats always in good nick as they don't want to offend the middle class oldies who frequent the shop.


In I go, champion. The place is spotless and empty apart from the trap next to me, oh well, can't have it all I thought. So I get on and do what I've got to do when all of a sudden a voice comes from the next trap.....


"Alreet, mate?"


Fucking hell! It could only happen to me, like. The only lunatic in the World to shop in Fenwicks has decided to have a shite at the same time as me. Oh well, I thought, I'll humour the nutter.....


"Aye canny" I say smiling to myself and hoping thats the end of it. Not a chance as the voice pipes up......


"What ye deeing like?"


I don't believe this, I'm having a conversation with some nutter on the bog. I reply a little forcefully....


"Whey y'knaa, just trying to have a QUIET shite, what about you?"


I felt that that would be a big enough hint until the voice spoke again.....


"Hang on, mate, I'll have to ring you back, there's some nutcase talking to me in the next toilet!!"



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It could only happen to me, like.


Whilst being out in the Town the need came on to visit a toilet. Where to go though? Where could I go that wasn't like the Bog from Trainspotting? I have a think and Fenwicks comes to mind, thats always in good nick as they don't want to offend the middle class oldies who frequent the shop.


In I go, champion. The place is spotless and empty apart from the trap next to me, oh well, can't have it all I thought. So I get on and do what I've got to do when all of a sudden a voice comes from the next trap.....


"Alreet, mate?"


Fucking hell! It could only happen to me, like. The only lunatic in the World to shop in Fenwicks has decided to have a shite at the same time as me. Oh well, I thought, I'll humour the nutter.....


"Aye canny" I say smiling to myself and hoping thats the end of it. Not a chance as the voice pipes up......


"What ye deeing like?"


I don't believe this, I'm having a conversation with some nutter on the bog. I reply a little forcefully....


"Whey y'knaa, just trying to have a QUIET shite, what about you?"


I felt that that would be a big enough hint until the voice spoke again.....


"Hang on, mate, I'll have to ring you back, there's some nutcase talking to me in the next toilet!!"






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