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1 hour ago, Howmanheyman said:

Anyone have any guesses who this is?



is it Mariella Frostup or whatever the fuck her hurdy gurdy hassenfassen name was? .. is she still the voice of Orange Mobile customer services call centre options? :cuppa:

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10 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

is it Mariella Frostup or whatever the fuck her hurdy gurdy hassenfassen name was? .. is she still the voice of Orange Mobile customer services call centre options? :cuppa:


8 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Is it Josie Lawrence? 



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Daphne from neighbours. (At least you'll have heard of her unlike the kid who died from Hollyoaks).


Carry on. :cuppa:

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I was just talking about her and Des the other day. :lol:


Reminiscing about the storyline where Des had a personal trainer called Arnie who wouldn't leave him alone and just kept turning up at the house and beasting him. 


Great stuff. 

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22 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Has Claudie Winklemann got jaundice or does she have Trumps tanning machine? 


You should see her without the wig. 




Only kidding Claudia love. 

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48 minutes ago, wykikitoon said:

Has Claudie Winklemann got jaundice or does she have Trumps tanning machine? 



"Claudia muthafuckin Winkleman. Face like granddad's old, I say, old leather wallet. (Last used 1987)."

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1 hour ago, Renton said:

Not that bothered. Don't think she was ever in the bank whilst Charlene was around. Relieved it isn't Frostup who very much was in the bank. 

You can keep Charlene and Daphne, I only ever tuned in if this minx was going to be on…


Straight in to the High Interest Account, along with Mariella  Hurdy Gurdy Hassenfassen :lol:

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1 hour ago, PaddockLad said:

Fuck me. The winter nights must fly by…:cuppa:

Scene. Gemmill’s living room, he plonks a bucket of sauerkraut and 6 sourdough flatbreads down and throws the Mrs. her matching Mr. Blobby onesie, (he’s already kitted up). 
“ Settle in pet, I’ve got seasons 1-10 of Neighbours lined up for us. 
You’ll never guess what Daphne looks like now …”

Mrs. G, putting her coat on as she heads for the door … 

“ Sorry love, my Dad’s coming round for a shite or two, I’m off to the pub!”

Gemmill- “ Oh…Throw my tiger feet slippers over, would you?”

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7 hours ago, wykikitoon said:

@RobinRobinwill tell you 


Bbc Reaction GIF by Line of Duty


6 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:


































Daphne from neighbours. (At least you'll have heard of her unlike the kid who died from Hollyoaks).


Carry on. :cuppa:



Bbc Reaction GIF by Line of Duty

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57 minutes ago, ewerk said:

You kids of the eighties must have been hard up for wank bank material.


You have no fucking idea. We didn't have pornography at the click of the button. We had to use our imagination. Or hunt around in bushes for the shredded remains of a porno mag which were inexplicably everywhere. 

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5 hours ago, Renton said:

Or hunt around in bushes for the shredded remains of a porno mag which were inexplicably everywhere. 


Hedge porn was the lifeblood of most teenage lads. 

That, and nicking your old man’s unimaginatively hidden* Hustlers. 



* under his side of the mattress- what a surprise :lol:

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I got a rash (no you DIRTY BASTARDS!) on my torso I saw the doc about.  After finally speaking to one (---->;)<----). He has given me a perscription for a cream.  Went to collect it yesterday was asked if I pay for my meds.  I don't for my epilepsy meds, so I just said 'I don't for my epilepsy stuff, but will for this'  then got told that if i have an exemption card I don't pay for any meds full stop.


I find that a bit mad.  Surely this is costing the NHS millions? 

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I've thought the same thing (I also have a condition that entitles me to an exemption card), but I suppose it makes pharmacists' lives quicker and easier rather than having to work out what's exempt and what isn't and potentially argue the toss every time.

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