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Got contact lenses recently. Geeting used to putting them in now, they were a bastard initially though.


Ive had them for a couple years now and theyre still a bugger to put in like, sometimes they go in a treat, other times me eyes gan redder than a deeply penetrated anus


Got the right eye in alright and thought I had the hang of it, lefty started acting the cunt though and took a few mins.


Only put them in as I have footy this evening after work and not sure if I'd have time to be fucking about with them later.

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I know this sounds like a 'well my fish was this big' brag but I've worn lenses since I was 12 and can pop both in without a mirror in less than 10 seconds. Keep with it, it gets easier as your eyes get used to them.

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I know this sounds like a 'well my fish was this big' brag but I've worn lenses since I was 12 and can pop both in without a mirror in less than 10 seconds. Keep with it, it gets easier as your eyes get used to them.

:lol: Ye should be on Britain's Got Talent yee like.


Anyone who wears them can get them in in 10 seconds. I've had mine since I was 17, best invention ever, still considering lazer treatment though.

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I know this sounds like a 'well my fish was this big' brag but I've worn lenses since I was 12 and can pop both in without a mirror in less than 10 seconds. Keep with it, it gets easier as your eyes get used to them.

:lol: Ye should be on Britain's Got Talent yee like.


Anyone who wears them can get them in in 10 seconds. I've had mine since I was 17, best invention ever, still considering lazer treatment though.


As soon as I had them in the first time, I thought; this is fucking great-I'm getting my eyes lasered.


I'm getting a bit better at putting them in, I spent ages last week trying to pop one in though and the bastard kept sticking to my finger, then I think it went in inside-out. Tantrums ensued.

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I know this sounds like a 'well my fish was this big' brag but I've worn lenses since I was 12 and can pop both in without a mirror in less than 10 seconds. Keep with it, it gets easier as your eyes get used to them.

:lol: Ye should be on Britain's Got Talent yee like.


Anyone who wears them can get them in in 10 seconds. I've had mine since I was 17, best invention ever, still considering lazer treatment though.


As soon as I had them in the first time, I thought; this is fucking great-I'm getting my eyes lasered.


I'm getting a bit better at putting them in, I spent ages last week trying to pop one in though and the bastard kept sticking to my finger, then I think it went in inside-out. Tantrums ensued.


I had lenses for a couple of years before I got lasered (and between ops) and remember once being that pissed I spent the train ride home (35 mins) trying to get a lens out that had actually popped out on the first attempt. bit of a sore eye the next day and I was also glad it was my left eye which I had disposables for - my right needed a "proper" one due to astigmatism.

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Wey I first got them a couple year ago and i used to wear them everyday, but my eyes started to become more irritable than what they were with glasses on.


I can take them off no bother, never takes more than a few seconds, its just putting them in sometimes which can be an arseache, recently theyve been alright putting in and just slip on no bother but before then they'd sting when i put them in, so now I just put them in when i'm playing football or going out on the town to throw my best shapes about :lol:

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Couple more hours at work then I'm off until May 16th. I will be spending most of my holiday at this hot and happening destination:




Bring it on. :lol:


what is it?

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How can you do something every day for two years, and still be shit at it (Shola excepted)? :lol: It took me about 2 weeks before I was international class at putting my lenses in.


I havent put them in for everyday for two year, I only use them once a week or so, never more than twice a week, well it is my own fault for doing so, i wore the one day contacts for a few days at a time when i first got them and it kind of buggered my eyes, so i tone down putting them in just incase they irritate my eyes anymore, I can put them in no bother just sometimes they sting my eyes cos of me knacking me eyes up :lol:

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what is it?






Guys what's the deal with sick pay? I'm out for 6 weeks, can i claim any sort of pay if I'm part time/under 18/still in full time education?

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How can you do something every day for two years, and still be shit at it (Shola excepted)? :lol: It took me about 2 weeks before I was international class at putting my lenses in.


I havent put them in for everyday for two year, I only use them once a week or so, never more than twice a week, well it is my own fault for doing so, i wore the one day contacts for a few days at a time when i first got them and it kind of buggered my eyes, so i tone down putting them in just incase they irritate my eyes anymore, I can put them in no bother just sometimes they sting my eyes cos of me knacking me eyes up :lol:


Buggered your eyes? What happened?

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Theyre not knacked or nowt, its just with is having the one day contact lenses in for a few days at a time my eyes werent getting as much oxygen as they should, so the red veins on my eyes a bigger than usual and the whites of my eyes are a touch darker than they should be, plus it doesnt help that ive got a blood disorder cos my body kills off most of me red blood cells cos theyre a dodgy shape, but im a little trooper :lol:

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CT, is the Anglers Arms kid/baby friendly. Taking the brood out for a day Up County tomorrow and might go there for lunch.



First of all, IMO "Kid Friendly" is a state of mind. If your paying good money then the staff need to suck it up and get on with it.


Regarding the AA, lots of high chairs available and a big fuss made of our kids. Kids beer garden / activity centre out the back and over the bridge, a public footpath along the riverbank.


Also only five mile outside of Rothbury, the Raul Moat tour and the river which is walkable across.


I would go for it.

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Gemmill, has the Cook and Barker Inn still got those giant blackboards with millions of specials on?


loved that place but haven’t been there for 4 or 5 years.


We had great lunch at The Coach Inn in Lesbury (on the way to Alnwick Railway station) a couple of years ago — it’s like a lot smaller version of the Cook and Barker. They had a few signs up saying ‘no kids in the bar’ though which is weird because it’s a small place. The restaurant in the evening was fully booked for days. Because of a delay we only got there at 3pm but they were very accommodating — most places would have said their kitchens were shut.

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Went to the Cook and Barker Inn. Very nice. Then had a bit mince round Alnwick Garden. Very nice but 11 quid to get in and the same again to get in the castle! Fuck me.



Gemmill code for "ok, wish Id gone with CT". :lol:

Woooo, get you ,you green eyed bitch :D


Cheers for the info on the Anglers, heading there tomorrow ,after Brinkburn Priory in the morning. Might play "Cops and Moaty" in the afternoon. ;)

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