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Now let me tell you a story about how I lost my cherry to Caroline Flack in the car park of the Nag's Head.


What a fucking tit. Of all the shit he's spouting though, his recounting how many taliban he killed in Afghanistan and what the British Army said about them is fucking stupid. He's put himself at risk, his family at risk, and probably other ex-service people at risk in general. All to make a few quid on a book. What an arsehole.




Edited by Renton
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It’s not really about privacy, it’s about H & M being in control of their own narrative, not Piers fuckin Morgan. Harry has realised that his grandmother prevented not only his own father from marrying the woman he loved when he wanted to (meaning that if this had happened in the 70s when it should have he wouldn’t exist) but she also did it to her own sister previously. He also saw his fathers entire family & the snivelling servile flunkies they pay to keep them where they feel they should be treat his mother like a brood mare then promptly jettison her when she’d served this purpose (they are also the ones he’s chiefly fingering for his own wife’s unhappiness, not that am certain that she’s entirely blameless herself) Then he saw his mother chased to her death by grasping ghouls desperate to feed a media she had foolishly got into bed with herself at one point. Made to wander through the streets of London following her coffin with billions across the planet watching on before his bollocks had dropped, without as much as a comforting cuddle from his father apparently. 

Given all this no wonder he’s fucked up. He’s the one actually trying to be normal because the UKs deference to these fuckin sub normal twats definitely isn’t normal. His father and his brother are just going along with it as before, whistling away, “nothing to see here” and keeping their fingers crossed that the arseholes represented by  THE GREAT BRITISH PUBLIC TM don’t tipple that they’re taking the fuckin piss and metaphorically chop their fuckin heads off.


Harry has handled it badly though, but I suppose  it was never going to be easy, trying to change 1000 years of arse kissing and patronage. But that’s where $2663478860000 worth of US style therapy gets you I suppose…get it all out there… The ball is now firmly in The Firm’s court. I expect nothing whatsoever of any significance will change at all though. Why should they change when they look at the crowds flocking to mourn a 96 yeah old harridan they’d never met who died of natural causes?  They need to be made to take jobs, Charles can be a gardener for the National Trust, William can fly the people he wants to continue to kiss his arse until he pops his clogs to Majorca every summer, he’d suit the EasyJet uniform. His wife and step mother can run the local Sue Ryder and Oxfam shops, they’re definitely that type.  I couldn’t give a fuck how the whole dysfunctional bastard tribe are viewed from abroad, they don’t have “magic”, all the have is a bunch of murderous rampantly ambitious ancestors who were even bigger cunts than the current crop. Power over anything significant needs to be removed from all of them. It’s fundamentally wrong that in the US & most of Europe any child born within a nation state’s borders can conceivably become the principle citizen of that country but in the UK and large parts of it’s fuckin “empire” that’s not possible, it’s reserved for one utterly dysfunctional family who are literally no better than any other fuckers family 




Edited by PaddockLad
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12 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

It’s not really about privacy, it’s about H & M being in control of their own narrative, not Piers fuckin Morgan. Harry has realised that his grandmother prevented not only his own father from marrying the woman he loved when he wanted to (meaning that if this had happened in the 70s when it should have he wouldn’t exist) but she also did it to her own sister previously. He also saw his fathers entire family & the snivelling servile flunkies they pay to keep them where they feel they should be treat his mother like a brood mare then promptly jettison her when she’d served this purpose (they are also the ones he’s chiefly fingering for his own wife’s unhappiness, not that am certain that she’s entirely blameless herself) Then he saw his mother chased to her death by grasping ghouls desperate to feed a media she had foolishly got into bed with herself at one point. Made to wander through the streets of London following her coffin with billions across the planet watching on before his bollocks had dropped, without as much as a comforting cuddle from his father apparently. 

Given all this no wonder he’s fucked up. He’s the one actually trying to be normal because the UKs deference to these fuckin sub normal twats definitely isn’t normal. His father and his brother are just going along with it as before, whistling away, “nothing to see here” and keeping their fingers crossed that the arseholes represented by  THE GREAT BRITISH PUBLIC TM don’t tipple that they’re taking the fuckin piss and metaphorically chop their fuckin heads off.


Harry has handled it badly though, but I suppose  it was never going to be easy, trying to change 1000 years of arse kissing and patronage. But that’s where $2663478860000 worth of US style therapy gets you I suppose…get it all out there… The ball is now firmly in The Firm’s court. I expect nothing whatsoever of any significance will change at all though. Why should they change when they look at the crowds flocking to mourn a 96 yeah old harridan they’d never met who died of natural causes?  They need to be made to take jobs, Charles can be a gardener for the National Trust, William can fly the people he wants to continue to kiss his arse until he pops his clogs to Majorca every summer, he’d suit the EasyJet uniform. His wife and step mother can run the local Sue Ryder and Oxfam shops, they’re definitely that type.  I couldn’t give a fuck how the whole dysfunctional bastard tribe are viewed from abroad, they don’t have “magic”, all the have is a bunch of murderous rampantly ambitious ancestors who were even bigger cunts than the current crop. Power over anything significant needs to be removed from all of them. It’s fundamentally wrong that in the US & most of Europe any child born within a nation state’s borders can conceivably become the principle citizen of that country but in the UK and large parts of it’s fuckin “empire” that’s not possible, it’s reserved for one utterly dysfunctional family who are literally no better than any other fuckers family 





But think of the revenue they bring to this country! I'd say I can't stand them all, which I can't, but I hate the sycophants more. Politicians really grind my gears as well when they metaphorically lick the royal hoops. 

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36 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

It’s not really about privacy, it’s about H & M being in control of their own narrative, not Piers fuckin Morgan. Harry has realised that his grandmother prevented not only his own father from marrying the woman he loved when he wanted to (meaning that if this had happened in the 70s when it should have he wouldn’t exist) but she also did it to her own sister previously. He also saw his fathers entire family & the snivelling servile flunkies they pay to keep them where they feel they should be treat his mother like a brood mare then promptly jettison her when she’d served this purpose (they are also the ones he’s chiefly fingering for his own wife’s unhappiness, not that am certain that she’s entirely blameless herself) Then he saw his mother chased to her death by grasping ghouls desperate to feed a media she had foolishly got into bed with herself at one point. Made to wander through the streets of London following her coffin with billions across the planet watching on before his bollocks had dropped, without as much as a comforting cuddle from his father apparently. 

Given all this no wonder he’s fucked up. He’s the one actually trying to be normal because the UKs deference to these fuckin sub normal twats definitely isn’t normal. His father and his brother are just going along with it as before, whistling away, “

nothing to see here” and keeping their fingers crossed that the arseholes represented by  THE GREAT BRITISH PUBLIC TM don’t tipple that they’re taking the fuckin piss and metaphorically chop their fuckin heads off.


Harry has handled it badly though, but I suppose  it was never going to be easy, trying to change 1000 years of arse kissing and patronage. But that’s where $2663478860000 worth of US style therapy gets you I suppose…get it all out there… The ball is now firmly in The Firm’s court. I expect nothing whatsoever of any significance will change at all though. Why should they change when they look at the crowds flocking to mourn a 96 yeah old harridan they’d never met who died of natural causes?  They need to be made to take jobs, Charles can be a gardener for the National Trust, William can fly the people he wants to continue to kiss his arse until he pops his clogs to Majorca every summer, he’d suit the EasyJet uniform. His wife and step mother can run the local Sue Ryder and Oxfam shops, they’re definitely that type.  I couldn’t give a fuck how the whole dysfunctional bastard tribe are viewed from abroad, they don’t have “magic”, all the have is a bunch of murderous rampantly ambitious ancestors who were even bigger cunts than the current crop. Power over anything significant needs to be removed from all of them. It’s fundamentally wrong that in the US & most of Europe any child born within a nation state’s borders can conceivably become the principle citizen of that country but in the UK and large parts of it’s fuckin “empire” that’s not possible, it’s reserved for one utterly dysfunctional family who are literally no better than any other fuckers family 





What a brilliant polemic mate, fully agree.


Barack Obama Applause GIF by Obama


Unfortunately you lost Finbar Monkey's Fist at this point though.



he’s chiefly fingering for his own wife’s unhappiness, 



Edited by Renton
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I can’t blame him. The shit his wife has gotten from the press purely for the fact she isn’t an English rose has been ridiculous. Knowing that your own family have been fanning the flames must be enraging. Add into that that he was cut off financially and also had his security withdrawn then it’s hard to blame him for cashing in with a book. The details he’s sharing are all directly related to him, he could release a ten volume series of books if he were to reveal details of other royals.

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23 minutes ago, ewerk said:

I can’t blame him. The shit his wife has gotten from the press purely for the fact she isn’t an English rose has been ridiculous. Knowing that your own family have been fanning the flames must be enraging. Add into that that he was cut off financially and also had his security withdrawn then it’s hard to blame him for cashing in with a book. The details he’s sharing are all directly related to him, he could release a ten volume series of books if he were to reveal details of other royals.


Wasn't he financially cut off because he wanted to withdraw from royal duties? And if he's bothered about security he might think better about antagonising the most extreme bunch of religious zealots on the planet? 


I applaud the work he's doing on taking down the UK monarchy. But he says he still believes in the monarchy itself. So this is all about his personal grievances rather than any desire for constitutional reform. Fuck him, and fuck his blood family. 

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I think talking about killing 25 people is the only thing that bothers me for the reasons already spoken about. Other than that anything that might bring the monarchy down is only a good thing. It’s a massive part of everything that’s wrong with this country 

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17 hours ago, Alex said:

I think talking about killing 25 people is the only thing that bothers me for the reasons already spoken about. Other than that anything that might bring the monarchy down is only a good thing. It’s a massive part of everything that’s wrong with this country 


Context is everything:



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Change of subject, fucking utility bills:


June 2022 £293 in credit (which they refunded) paying £146/month, they put it up to £258/month coming off a fixed tariff.


July 2022 to Jan 2023, £248 in credit paying the above increased amount and yet they're putting it up to £304/month.


Wholesale gas prices are below what they were before Ukraine (their excuse) happened.


What the actual fuck, robbing cunts.

Edited by Toonpack
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17 hours ago, Gemmill said:

He can write what he wants for me. It's his life and his story to tell. 


This is my story!

This is my song!

Follow royal Harry and you won't go wrong

For some say that William and Charles are just grand,

But Harry and Meghan's the best in the land,

C U N, T and S 

If you cannae spell it, here's what is says,

Cunts, cunts, royal fucking cunts,

It's down in the south that they bide 

For the talk of London toon 

Are the royal fucking loons 

And I hate everyone of them with pride. 


(Just because I'm bored, OK!?) 😁




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7 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:

Was good catching up with @PaddockLadthe other day and having a bit dance. :good:






There's a section of metro line between Meadowell and Percy Main where you can witness sights like this pretty much guranteed any time after 1 pm when the locals wake up.


I've just wasted a shit load of time trying to get one of these smart bulbs to work on my network. Thought it'd be easy, but nooo. Won't recognise my phone because it's on the 5 GHz network apparently, even though my router says its on 2.4 GHz when Im upstairs. So apparently I have to split my router into both bandwidths and risk having to reenter the password for all my devices? Fuck that, I'll just keep on using the fucking light switch thanks. 



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You'll never truly live the dream with that attitude. By which I mean telling Alexa goodnight and having her power down all the downstairs lights and TV and simultaneously turning on both the bedside lamps.


Or having an outside light which turns on when the back door is open and off when it closes. 


Keep using your light switch, old man. 

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Wish I could understand why folk devote so much time towards getting outraged over the Harry thing. His mam was no saint, his "dad" is a bit fucking weird and his family spent a pretty insane amount of money covering for his nonce uncle. 


I've little to no interest in reading his side of the story but he's fully entitled to tell it. I'm far more worried about the folk who seem so emotionally invested in it all. I'd have thought most of us commoners had far bigger fish to fry right now.

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