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I love how the Royals tell this little anecdote as some sort of innocent jape with zero self-awareness that some poor cunt had to come after them to clean the mustard off the ceiling, floor and furniture.

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  On 21/09/2021 at 15:46, ewerk said:



I love how the Royals tell this little anecdote as some sort of innocent jape with zero self-awareness that some poor cunt had to come after them to clean the mustard off the ceiling, floor and furniture.



My mate used to sit in the living room and flick snots at the ceiling. You could see them all collected above his chair. That's the Felling version of this game. 


If he had one that was too sticky to leave his finger, he'd just call the dog over to lick it off. 

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  On 21/09/2021 at 16:57, Gemmill said:


My mate used to sit in the living room and flick snots at the ceiling. You could see them all collected above his chair. That's the Felling version of this game. 


If he had one that was too sticky to leave his finger, he'd just call the dog over to lick it off. 


What did he do with the snot? 

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  On 21/09/2021 at 16:57, Gemmill said:


My mate used to sit in the living room and flick snots at the ceiling. You could see them all collected above his chair. That's the Felling version of this game. 


If he had one that was too sticky to leave his finger, he'd just call the dog over to lick it off. 


That’s the “asking for a friend” version of the story for sure.

But it’s good to hear that you’re getting along well with the dog…

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The missus usually does an online shop and I'll nip out for bits and bobs, usually at Sainsburys in Heaton, I reckon it's usually at least 90% - 95% masked people even now in there. I needed some salad so thought I'd save a car journey and just walk around the corner and go into lidl's in walkergate and apart from me there was only one other person in the shop with a mask on! That's some fucking swing with just a mile separating the shops. :lol:

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  On 24/09/2021 at 15:43, Howmanheyman said:

The missus usually does an online shop and I'll nip out for bits and bobs, usually at Sainsburys in Heaton, I reckon it's usually at least 90% - 95% masked people even now in there. I needed some salad so thought I'd save a car journey and just walk around the corner and go into lidl's in walkergate and apart from me there was only one other person in the shop with a mask on! That's some fucking swing with just a mile separating the shops. :lol:


What's the latest science on this btw? Didn't they say that you had to be within 2m of someone indoors for 15mins to catch COVID? In which case the 35,000 cases daily are probably being caught from family members and work colleagues?


Not a dig at you, I just wonder whether there's any science behind wearing masks in shops where you're unlikely to be within 2m of someone for more than 30 seconds at a time? 

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  On 24/09/2021 at 15:48, Kid Dynamite said:

What's the latest science on this btw? Didn't they say that you had to be within 2m of someone indoors for 15mins to catch COVID? In which case the 35,000 cases daily are probably being caught from family members and work colleagues?


Not a dig at you, I just wonder whether there's any science behind wearing masks in shops where you're unlikely to be within 2m of someone for more than 30 seconds at a time? 


No idea exactly but if you were advised to wear one previously with a less transmissible version and cases are going up I don't see the problem wearing one if you pop in a shop? Masks are compulsory at my work even now despite us already wearing a lot of stuff and some of us working in hot conditions.....then you go to Lidl and think, 'who's in the right here?' I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle but there's two extremes going on in my daily life when it comes to masks. (The greasy spoon with the old spacey in it had a clientele where covid could come in and just look at them, laugh, blow on them and knock them down in a oner and although obviously nowhere near the amount of people in it than a supermarket, I was the only fucker in there with one on and I'd wager I'd handle a dose of it better then all in there who didn't have one on). 

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Clearly less risk in a well ventilated supermarket but it's a no brainer to wear a mask unless you're a selfish cunt. It's similar with the metro, most people have masks in the morning but no fucker bothers when I return in the evening.




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  On 24/09/2021 at 16:09, Alex said:

There’s definitely a correlation between not wearing masks and being in high risk groups 



Aye. The bigger the bingo wings, the lower the chance of a mask being worn. If you see some absolute grapefruits with legs, you can pretty much guarantee no mask. 

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Definitely feels like mask compliance has slipped in London this past month.  I have been out and about more and more and have forgotten to put my mask on once or twice in busy places myself where as a few months ago that would never have happened. Partially COVID fatigue but also just that feeling that normal life is resuming - people heading back to work, hospitality fully functioning again. 

Most people down here are carrying on like the pandemic is over, which I think it is, kind of. It’s endemic now, no longer spreading exponentially. Just a massive inconvenience/threat hanging over us indefinitely. 

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A man threatened to beat me up in a petrol station in Honiton today. He turned to me in the queue for the till and complained that I was standing too close to him, I was probably a yard & a half behind him. Said in a voice loud enough so the whole shop could hear “you’re affecting my anxiety” . Trouble was he was speaking without a mask on directly into my fully masked face. He got to the door and suggested that if I thought it was that funny (the whole shop was giggling)  then he’d see me outside. I pointed out to him he was a very brave boy shouting that from the other end if the shop by the exit door and that it wouldn’t be good for his anxiety in the long run. Then I nearly ran over two twelve year olds (approx) on their scooters on the way home at a set of lights. They shot out in front of me just as the lights turned green. I beeped my horn at them, one of them turned round and gave me the wanker sign . I’ve just changed jobs. Today and yesterday I’ve been paired up with a manic racist Chelsea supporting (obvs) Freemason who speaks to himself. 


Have a good weekend everyone :huh:



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