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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"


Also Hard Rock is a "fancy" Franky and Bennies. Which isn't saying much

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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"

Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.

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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"

Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.

:D true dat homes


By the by, have our Dads been talking again?

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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"

Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.

:D true dat homes


By the by, have our Dads been talking again?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm seeing my old man next weekend when I'm up for the GNR, but I'm reasonably confident our secrets are safe. :D

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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"

Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.

:D true dat homes


By the by, have our Dads been talking again?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm seeing my old man next weekend when I'm up for the GNR, but I'm reasonably confident our secrets are safe. :D

Also, meeting "the Lads" for Champions League viewing and pints on Wednesday if you're about?

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Something on a boat/on the river is generally a good call, but obviously December isn't necessarily the time for it.

Decent ideas, but they lived here for a decade or so when they were younger and my dad has seen Lonion from pretty mch every angle. That's why I was thinking nice hotel/restaurant rather than an "experience"

Ah, gotcha, didn't know that. Fried chicken bucket meal in deepest Peckham then? Even his experience of the oil-rich plutocracies of the world won't prepare him for half an hour on the top deck of the N171 at 3am.

:D true dat homes


By the by, have our Dads been talking again?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm seeing my old man next weekend when I'm up for the GNR, but I'm reasonably confident our secrets are safe. :D

Also, meeting "the Lads" for Champions League viewing and pints on Wednesday if you're about?


Mebbes. Should be being good in the run-up to Sunday really, but I might come along and snidely mock your worldview by drinking peppermint tea all night.

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My dad's turning 65 this December and I'm trying to think why to get him. Mam is taking him to watch Les Miserables in London and I was thinking that perhaps I could "pimp" that present.


The problem is my Mam and Dad aren't half as pretentious as I am, so getting them a couple of nights in a swanky hotel and paying for an expensive restaurant wouldn't really be there cup of tea... Any thoughts people?


I of course expect a proportion of the replies to be abusive but if one or two decent suggestions sneak through, I'd be grateful. :D


Send him on a daytrip to Paris on the Eurostar

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Hard Rock Cafe is awesome. The one in Amsterdam did the best whiskey sour I've ever tasted. Wasn't even on the menu but I still ordered it, and glad I did. :razz:



:lol: Not the most complex of cocktails either. I bet the barman still spat in it though :icon_lol:

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Hard Rock Cafe is awesome. The one in Amsterdam did the best whiskey sour I've ever tasted. Wasn't even on the menu but I still ordered it, and glad I did. :D



:lol: Not the most complex of cocktails either. I bet the barman still spat in it though ;)


I would've been too monged to care at the time. ;)


Still have yet to have a better one! Not the hardest of cocktails but one of my favourites.

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Working with a different guy I've not worked before and he told me about two of his mates trying to pull these girls. They we on a night out in Birmingham, and were chatting up these two birds, bigging themselves up and saying they're in the Navy. OK, you might be able to blag that, but then they were saying they work on a submarine and they've parked it up in a canal near the Bull Ring, and they could come round later. And the girls believed them. :lol:

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I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Brummies :lol::( that is all.



is it the lad from the other week?

No some cunt else now ;):(;):( My basic is decent don't get me wrong, but the commission I earn makes my pay good when I get it. I have to generate over £8000 in a month before I get any commission though. In August I made £11,800 and I get 12% of that as commission. A lad started today £4000 score, and he fucked off from the job after an hour due to disrespect being shown to him. So my figure goes down to 7800 £200 under the comm level. :D:( I could fuckin cry. Bastard.

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Give them the 200 quid yourself. Receive near a grand. Job done.


This the young girl giving you shit?

It's her company aye, but it's not her fault, I wouldn't care he only needed to complete a full day and we could've invoiced them anyway. I got a belta in yesterday too, felt so good now this fucking total kick in the teeth today. Life is up and down all the time.

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