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Scottish Mag

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He was Catholic.


Protestant, Catholic, Jedi Knight. An absolute tragedy whatever side of the street he was from. Pointless, needless, will achieve absolutely nothing except deprive his poor family of him.


Not getting at you Kevin by the way.

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I've just put my suit on for the national and the pants won't fit, haven't worn it since last year must have put on a few pounds


from now on I'm on a diet, will have to go for a run every day from now till friday and try and shed some pounds

Get yourself a new one man.

£10.99 on ey-eybay


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I've just put my suit on for the national and the pants won't fit, haven't worn it since last year must have put on a few pounds


from now on I'm on a diet, will have to go for a run every day from now till friday and try and shed some pounds


I'm not surprised given some of your posts in the cooking thread.

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I'm meant to be doing some coursework at the moment for a marketing course. First bit of coursework I've done in about 4 years, proper struggling to settle down to it!


Don't think I'll bother doing any other qualifications after this one.

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I'm meant to be doing some coursework at the moment for a marketing course. First bit of coursework I've done in about 4 years, proper struggling to settle down to it!


Don't think I'll bother doing any other qualifications after this one.


I went on a few training courses at a place called Learning Tree 3 or 4 years ago - 3/4 day things with an exam at the end on a Friday afternoon - you get a nice certificate which really counts for nowt but the actual courses are pretty decent.


Anyway I remember one where a lad didn't bother with the exam as he said that he'd vowed after leaving university never to take another test in his life - pretty weird attitude I thought.

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I'm meant to be doing some coursework at the moment for a marketing course. First bit of coursework I've done in about 4 years, proper struggling to settle down to it!


Don't think I'll bother doing any other qualifications after this one.


I went on a few training courses at a place called Learning Tree 3 or 4 years ago - 3/4 day things with an exam at the end on a Friday afternoon - you get a nice certificate which really counts for nowt but the actual courses are pretty decent.


Anyway I remember one where a lad didn't bother with the exam as he said that he'd vowed after leaving university never to take another test in his life - pretty weird attitude I thought.


Is quite strange to do the course but not do the exam. Got some qualifications last year which was purely exam based but doing this coursework is a bit of an arse.

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Absolutely dead on here at the minute.

83 guests viewing at the minute- what have we done???


I agree, place has been uber shit these days.

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Probably been mentioned already but the slowness of this forum is becoming unbearable!

It's like being on dial up tbh. I've telt the powers that be, paypal option the forum, everyone chip a 5a in and get a proper server.

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Pearl Vx22 Fusion kit. Bass has got an immense sound to it so can't wait to mic it up and hear how it does. Unsure on the floor tom but mic'd up, it should get a better sound to it. The hardware looks like it could be thrown about the room with no damage too.

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