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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.

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Been over to Asda there, straight up I saw paulwyn42nufc with some skinny kid about 20. I'm already regretting not going over and saying something, but what a fat cunt. His head alone must weigh 8st, and he walks like he's paying homage to Peter Beardsley's shuffle. Was 100% him. He's like documentary on Channel 5 sized.

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Been over to Asda there, straight up I saw paulwyn42nufc with some skinny kid about 20. I'm already regretting not going over and saying something, but what a fat cunt. His head alone must weigh 8st, and he walks like he's paying homage to Peter Beardsley's shuffle. Was 100% him. He's like documentary on Channel 5 sized.


You should really take more photos like PP. :razz:

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.


Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.


Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.



Still flouncing but saw this and have to say you are both right.


Craig I sincerely apologise. Like a scouse dwarf, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever.


It was uncalled for and when the internets letting you get that rattled, its time for a break.

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.


Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.



Still flouncing but saw this and have to say you are both right.


Craig I sincerely apologise. Like a scouse dwarf, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever.


It was uncalled for and when the internets letting you get that rattled, its time for a break.

Good man.

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Never mind Kev, he was probably one of 'our boys'.


Anyhow, what is up with those pricks? Cowards and fools the lot of them.


That doesn't make sense, i dont think many of the police are english.


Only 25 as well :razz:

This is the reason i wouldnt wanna be a cop here, but i can see why people risk it, my mates just recently became one, nearly 30k a year when you're off your probationary year, best chance at a good wage for people with maybe not the best qualifications.


He'd only been doing the job 3 weeks after finishing his training :)

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I don't think CT was that bad to be honest, didn't agree with a lot of what he said but he wasn't offensive. Having said that, the fact he pm'd ASM and spilled the beans about something said in private and then all the coward remarks ect, well, I think he let himself down there in my humble opinion. As for ASM, his posts, whether you agree with them or not can be well thought out and the the lad is no fool, but fuck me, what an attitude when you disagree with him, he turns into Rocky, (Im a weed apparently!) :razz: and spews forth some utter bile,('go fucking die' being one :) ) and I haven't even mentioned the ASM/LM love-ins!! Ant could've maybe held back from putting a thread up, private forum or not. A pm to a mod instead? Anyway, a strange carry on for passing a bit of time on the internet.


I agree, they both added something. Don't see the need for the flouncing tbh.

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.


Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.



Still flouncing but saw this and have to say you are both right.


Craig I sincerely apologise. Like a scouse dwarf, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever.


It was uncalled for and when the internets letting you get that rattled, its time for a break.

Takes a man to admit he's wrong, fair play.

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I've just put my suit on for the national and the pants won't fit, haven't worn it since last year must have put on a few pounds


from now on I'm on a diet, will have to go for a run every day from now till friday and try and shed some pounds

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Just checking that this is still the internet and that I haven't been transported to a strange dimension where any of this actually means something to people.


FWIW CT isn't a bad fella and his Thatcher-shagging views did promote a fair bit of debate on the board.

He could be a decent bloke for a few month, then say things that make you think he's a cunt for a bit, something he said to Craig yesterday was a complete disgrace on any level, I won't go in to it though.


Saw that and thought it was totally unecessary and crossed a line.



Still flouncing but saw this and have to say you are both right.


Craig I sincerely apologise. Like a scouse dwarf, it wasnt big and it wasnt clever.


It was uncalled for and when the internets letting you get that rattled, its time for a break.


Well done

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