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Seeing as though am banned from the secret forum, who won the net row between CT and ASM, what was the funniest bit about it, and what was it about?

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Looking at that pic again, if that's not a syrup, I don't know what is!


Kevin will be devastated

Whey it was part of the Irish over 30's thing wasn't it for years. Wogan got away with it for 25 year before anyone realised he had one.

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Wogan wears a wig ??????? :unsure:


Some balls to wear one so publicly…


Then again, balls like a ram ;)

Apparently apart from Liam Neeson he had the biggest cock in world wide show business, though am not sure he counts seein as the highest profile thing he ever did was eurovision, and trying to sober George Best up on his show. I've put this up loads of times but it makes me laugh so much....



19 seconds in :huh::rolleyes::icon_lol::lol::mellow::icon_lol:

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Seeing as though am banned from the secret forum, who won the net row between CT and ASM, what was the funniest bit about it, and what was it about?



Basically Ant called ASM a tedious bastard and petitioned his banning, CT, true to form, creeped off to inform ASM. Then the thread descended into everybody pointing out that snivelling grassing twats are cunts.


Ant probably shouldn't have done it in that restricted forum, despite in the 1st post stating he didn't care if Ant knew or not. However, CT's lowered himself even further.

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I remember watching him pull a similar stunt on a late night Channel 4 show.

Lots of artsy fartsy folk sat round a setee talking shite- they invited Ollie on this one week, the crucial thing was, they had drinks cabinets on set, to "help" the conversation.



It was live, they cut to a break after letting him run riot for at least 5 minutes, when the ad break was over- no Ollie.




After Dark was the name of the show, probably on YouTube.

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See you find out the most about people in adversity Fish, yee naa that as well as anyone. Bad form. People can promote themselves as good blokes as much as they want. Snideyness has nee place anywhere in my books though. Two faced people. Weak characters. Weak. Even in our darkest days fish I never slagged you to no cunt, I just had the odd jibe to you, and you had a god back, which is what banter is about, none of the this cunt said this and this cunt said that. We net rowed like two northern cunts from the toon, well one from the toon one from Lynmouth, but yee naa as well as anyone snideyness is nee good.

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I remember watching him pull a similar stunt on a late night Channel 4 show.

Lots of artsy fartsy folk sat round a setee talking shite- they invited Ollie on this one week, the crucial thing was, they had drinks cabinets on set, to "help" the conversation.



It was live, they cut to a break after letting him run riot for at least 5 minutes, when the ad break was over- no Ollie.




After Dark was the name of the show, probably on YouTube.



Kinell aye - saw it. Probably the best live tv ever. Just serrees in a dark setting. And dark it got too! Remember there was a haggard frumpy old dear that got mighty offended. Might even have been a Millie Tant type ? Yeah amazing viewing. Couldn't believe it at the time. Was a great format that show come to think. Should bring it back!

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See you find out the most about people in adversity Fish, yee naa that as well as anyone. Bad form. People can promote themselves as good blokes as much as they want. Snideyness has nee place anywhere in my books though. Two faced people. Weak characters. Weak. Even in our darkest days fish I never slagged you to no cunt, I just had the odd jibe to you, and you had a god back, which is what banter is about, none of the this cunt said this and this cunt said that. We net rowed like two northern cunts from the toon, well one from the toon one from Lynmouth, but yee naa as well as anyone snideyness is nee good.

To be fair to Ant, he didn't know if ASM could see it or not,and didn't say anything he hasn't said directly to ASM.

Only one chap came out of it looking snidey. :lol:

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See you find out the most about people in adversity Fish, yee naa that as well as anyone. Bad form. People can promote themselves as good blokes as much as they want. Snideyness has nee place anywhere in my books though. Two faced people. Weak characters. Weak. Even in our darkest days fish I never slagged you to no cunt, I just had the odd jibe to you, and you had a god back, which is what banter is about, none of the this cunt said this and this cunt said that. We net rowed like two northern cunts from the toon, well one from the toon one from Lynmouth, but yee naa as well as anyone snideyness is nee good.

To be fair to Ant, he didn't know if ASM could see it or not,and didn't say anything he hasn't said directly to ASM.

Only one chap came out of it looking snidey. :lol:

So if you give a snideyness rating out of 100 about this whole episode rate







0 Ghandi 100 snidiest cunt gan,

Edited by McFaul
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See you find out the most about people in adversity Fish, yee naa that as well as anyone. Bad form. People can promote themselves as good blokes as much as they want. Snideyness has nee place anywhere in my books though. Two faced people. Weak characters. Weak. Even in our darkest days fish I never slagged you to no cunt, I just had the odd jibe to you, and you had a god back, which is what banter is about, none of the this cunt said this and this cunt said that. We net rowed like two northern cunts from the toon, well one from the toon one from Lynmouth, but yee naa as well as anyone snideyness is nee good.

To be fair to Ant, he didn't know if ASM could see it or not,and didn't say anything he hasn't said directly to ASM.

Only one chap came out of it looking snidey. :lol:

So if you give a snideyness rating out of 100 about this whole episode rate







0 Ghandi 100 snidiest cunt gan,


ASM 0 to my knowledge did nothing snidey. He's a prick, but in this incident, he's done nowt

Ant 10 should either have messaged admin/mods only or made it completely transparent, said he didn't know or care if ASM could read it and I take him at his word, but still could have handled it better imo.

CT 100 he is a snivelling shit, creeping off to grass someone up is a base action from a fraction of a man.

LM 0 again, like ASM, in this instance he's done nothing.

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Better than being a complete 0



Thinking on, I wouldn't actually say you did owt snidey.

You said nowt you haven't said "face to face", you didn't know he couldn't see it, when you did know that, thanks to CT, you pm'd Asm the post you'd made.

You've also clearly said why you posted it where you did, but that's backfired somewhat.

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There is a secret forum?


Do you need a secret handshake to get in?


*waves hand* this is not the forum you're looking for


but no ;) its just a thread really for the "rivers" because so many people can't bookmark the same site and remember it for the next game the matchday threads were getting bogged down with requests.

Nothing of interest, i'd just put it in there to keep the irony of a tedious thread about tedious threads out of sight.



So despite previous claims you're now admitting you knew I couldnt see it. What a bloke :lol:

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Anyone suggesting CT is more snidey than Ant here wants to have a word as well. Done absolutely nowt wrong here, and wasn't the only member who PM'd me either

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Are you gonna stop being a fucking helmet though? Whether he was being snidey or not, he was spot on with what he said.


Go fuck yourself gemmill

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