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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.


We're originally all "Welsh" and genetically mostly still are. They found a skeleton in a cave in Cheddar in the early 1900s and few years back analysed dna from it and compared it to samples from various locals...the closest match was almost identicle and belonged to a history teacher at the local high school. Similar studies in Shetland have shown the native "Pictish" gene is stronger than the "Norse" gene that the Vikingd brought in. Very Generally, we are who we were at the end of the last ice age, despite celts, romans,saxons,vikings,normans et al :nufc:


The old border between Hampshire and Dorset is about a mile from where I live, at County Gates in Westbourne, and I can confim that they're all cunts on both sides of it :crylaughin:


Bournemouth used to be in Hampshire, but it changed in the 70s which made the locals very upset to be included in the !west country" i.e. joined to the Borough of Poole, snobby fuckers :lol:


Hampshire played cricket in Bournemouth right up till the 90s, bit like Yorkshire playing at Middlesbrough now and then.

Me sister is 41 now but she had a holiday romance when I was a kid in Cyprus with this lad from Fareham. It's funny I can remember this lad 25 years ago, he was called Darcy and from Fareham, I can categorically say that till that point in my life (7) he was THE biggest mug I'd encountered. Looked like he belonged in Bros and thought he was Gordon Banks cos he played for Fareham in the FA Cup.

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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.

Kent charva's oh dear. I've worked with half of them. Without sounding crude or disrespectful, the smelliest minge I've ever smelt was from a bird from Chatham, not that I should throw all of Kent into that one basket like, but I've worked with loads of people from Kent they're fuckin complete and utter charva's, and on top of that you've got the tens of thousands of gypsies who live in Kent who don't fuckin help matters. Dartford, Chatham, Swanley, Bexleyeef, Ashford, Ramsgate, Margate, Gillingham OH DEAR.


I've read some of the stuff you've posted on genetics and it interests me. I found something on the net a while ago which proved to me that geordies are the master race of the British Isles. We are the tallest people in Britain. Well not just us, from the borders down to the Humber is where Britain's tallest people live, on average 2 inches taller than people on the West side of Britain, it's the Swedish/Danish influence in the NE that's my theory. When I go to Manchester I feel like Nikola Zigic, but here am just relatively tall.

:nufc::crylaughin: you wouldn't throw all of kent into that lass's smelly basket? She must have been hanging. Seen a lass who lived in ashford which was posh but getting the train down there passing through some places, as you say, oh dear.


Wor kid is tall but I'm not. Met my nephew yesterday for the first time, as am over in sweden seeing him. He's the only boy out of 4 kids between us. He's got Swedish in him too and honestly he is going to be massive. He's nearly 3 months younger that mine and already bigger.

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Paddocklad, 'welsh' is Anglo-Saxon for foreigner.


The welsh are a a tribe that was pushed back from the east and what became known as danelaw. However, there were other tribes that stayed and welsh which returned. The welsh genetic heritage is not that different to the rest of britian's, according to recent research anyway..

Edited by ChezGiven
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Paddocklad, 'welsh' is Anglo-Saxon for foreigner. The welsharea a tribe that was pushed back from the east and what became known as danelaw. However, there were other tribes that stayed and welsh which returned. The welsh genetic heritage is not that different to the rest of britian's, according to recent research anyway..


Aye, I said "welsh", but the proper term is "Brythonic" as am sure you're aware. And Oppenheimer is a good read, but as with anything else in this filed just well researched opinion. Brian Syke's "Blood of the Isles" is a similar study but reaches slightly different conclusions.

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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.

Kent charva's oh dear. I've worked with half of them. Without sounding crude or disrespectful, the smelliest minge I've ever smelt was from a bird from Chatham, not that I should throw all of Kent into that one basket like, but I've worked with loads of people from Kent they're fuckin complete and utter charva's, and on top of that you've got the tens of thousands of gypsies who live in Kent who don't fuckin help matters. Dartford, Chatham, Swanley, Bexleyeef, Ashford, Ramsgate, Margate, Gillingham OH DEAR.


I've read some of the stuff you've posted on genetics and it interests me. I found something on the net a while ago which proved to me that geordies are the master race of the British Isles. We are the tallest people in Britain. Well not just us, from the borders down to the Humber is where Britain's tallest people live, on average 2 inches taller than people on the West side of Britain, it's the Swedish/Danish influence in the NE that's my theory. When I go to Manchester I feel like Nikola Zigic, but here am just relatively tall.

:nufc::crylaughin: you wouldn't throw all of kent into that lass's smelly basket? She must have been hanging. Seen a lass who lived in ashford which was posh but getting the train down there passing through some places, as you say, oh dear.


Wor kid is tall but I'm not. Met my nephew yesterday for the first time, as am over in sweden seeing him. He's the only boy out of 4 kids between us. He's got Swedish in him too and honestly he is going to be massive. He's nearly 3 months younger that mine and already bigger.

Aye. They're big cunts the Swedes. With genetics there's normally a reason for things. There's one thing in genetics I don't understand though. Obviously the Chinese and Asians are generally smaller than people in the West, hence they have the smallest cocks. We are Western Europeans, the biggest of the lot, so you'd presume we;d have the biggest cocks. We don't and nor do the blacks according to this documentary on Bravo last year, fuck knows why I was watching it, but it turns out the Mexicans have the biggest cocks, and they're all about 5ft7, I don't know how that works. 8 inches on average, which counts me oot a naa.

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Paddocklad, 'welsh' is Anglo-Saxon for foreigner. The welsharea a tribe that was pushed back from the east and what became known as danelaw. However, there were other tribes that stayed and welsh which returned. The welsh genetic heritage is not that different to the rest of britian's, according to recent research anyway..


Aye, I said "welsh", but the proper term is "Brythonic" as am sure you're aware. And Oppenheimer is a good read, but as with anything else in this filed just well researched opinion. Brian Syke's "Blood of the Isles" is a similar study but reaches slightly different conclusions.

I disagree it's well research opinion. The methods are pure and the conclusions robust. That does not make them true but calling it opinion undermines the rigorous scientific method.


I've not read Sykes but I just looked at the wiki and it's pretty much exactly what Oppenheimer says, there may be some differences but the main thrust is a rejection of received wisdom on Anglo-Saxon / Norman influences.


Thanks for the Sykes reference though, am going to get that and read it. :nufc:

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Paddocklad, 'welsh' is Anglo-Saxon for foreigner. The welsharea a tribe that was pushed back from the east and what became known as danelaw. However, there were other tribes that stayed and welsh which returned. The welsh genetic heritage is not that different to the rest of britian's, according to recent research anyway..


Aye, I said "welsh", but the proper term is "Brythonic" as am sure you're aware. And Oppenheimer is a good read, but as with anything else in this filed just well researched opinion. Brian Syke's "Blood of the Isles" is a similar study but reaches slightly different conclusions.

I disagree it's well research opinion. The methods are pure and the conclusions robust. That does not make them true but calling it opinion undermines the rigorous scientific method.


I've not read Sykes but I just looked at the wiki and it's pretty much exactly what Oppenheimer says, there may be some differences but the main thrust is a rejection of received wisdom on Anglo-Saxon / Norman influences.


Thanks for the Sykes reference though, am going to get that and read it. :nufc:


Yeah am not an academic in any way so am sure you're right about the methods of research. Most histories of these islands start around AD43 with the Roman conquest and go from there but as you say, a lot important things which happened genetically were a long time before that.

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Paddocklad, 'welsh' is Anglo-Saxon for foreigner. The welsharea a tribe that was pushed back from the east and what became known as danelaw. However, there were other tribes that stayed and welsh which returned. The welsh genetic heritage is not that different to the rest of britian's, according to recent research anyway..


Aye, I said "welsh", but the proper term is "Brythonic" as am sure you're aware. And Oppenheimer is a good read, but as with anything else in this filed just well researched opinion. Brian Syke's "Blood of the Isles" is a similar study but reaches slightly different conclusions.

I disagree it's well research opinion. The methods are pure and the conclusions robust. That does not make them true but calling it opinion undermines the rigorous scientific method.


I've not read Sykes but I just looked at the wiki and it's pretty much exactly what Oppenheimer says, there may be some differences but the main thrust is a rejection of received wisdom on Anglo-Saxon / Norman influences.


Thanks for the Sykes reference though, am going to get that and read it. :lol:


Yeah am not an academic in any way so am sure you're right about the methods of research. Most histories of these islands start around AD43 with the Roman conquest and go from there but as you say, a lot important things which happened genetically were a long time before that.

It's fascinating stuff because history is told by the winners but modern science can challenge that. Stevie is right about most of the differences too but they aren't all because of genetics. Has a lot to do with it though.

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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.

Kent charva's oh dear. I've worked with half of them. Without sounding crude or disrespectful, the smelliest minge I've ever smelt was from a bird from Chatham, not that I should throw all of Kent into that one basket like, but I've worked with loads of people from Kent they're fuckin complete and utter charva's, and on top of that you've got the tens of thousands of gypsies who live in Kent who don't fuckin help matters. Dartford, Chatham, Swanley, Bexleyeef, Ashford, Ramsgate, Margate, Gillingham OH DEAR.


I've read some of the stuff you've posted on genetics and it interests me. I found something on the net a while ago which proved to me that geordies are the master race of the British Isles. We are the tallest people in Britain. Well not just us, from the borders down to the Humber is where Britain's tallest people live, on average 2 inches taller than people on the West side of Britain, it's the Swedish/Danish influence in the NE that's my theory. When I go to Manchester I feel like Nikola Zigic, but here am just relatively tall.


Cant believe you shagged a bird from Chatham Stevie. If you'd been there you'd know not to...

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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.

Kent charva's oh dear. I've worked with half of them. Without sounding crude or disrespectful, the smelliest minge I've ever smelt was from a bird from Chatham, not that I should throw all of Kent into that one basket like, but I've worked with loads of people from Kent they're fuckin complete and utter charva's, and on top of that you've got the tens of thousands of gypsies who live in Kent who don't fuckin help matters. Dartford, Chatham, Swanley, Bexleyeef, Ashford, Ramsgate, Margate, Gillingham OH DEAR.


I've read some of the stuff you've posted on genetics and it interests me. I found something on the net a while ago which proved to me that geordies are the master race of the British Isles. We are the tallest people in Britain. Well not just us, from the borders down to the Humber is where Britain's tallest people live, on average 2 inches taller than people on the West side of Britain, it's the Swedish/Danish influence in the NE that's my theory. When I go to Manchester I feel like Nikola Zigic, but here am just relatively tall.


Cant believe you shagged a bird from Chatham Stevie. If you'd been there you'd know not to...

Chatham, Sunderland, Scotswood are my worst three in terms of location....it's a tale of woe... :lol:


I see the Scotland fans chucked a banana at Neymar yesterday. Thought those days were behind us to be honest.

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People from Hampshire shouldn't be lumped in with Bristol, who are in with the south west including your dorset and Cornwall lot. Going east there's just londoners and wannabe londoners as you say.

Apart from Portsmouth who are just generic southern charva's, Southampton across to Bournemouth, Weymouth and Bognor Regis are all just farmer types by the coast. I mean look at the state of Mick Channon's accent. However, I've never lived there, so my grouping isn't set in stone, largely speaking I think I'm right about the rest though.

Well if you're goingnto get down to it, there are subtle differences anywhere. Got a few mates from Portsmouth and lived with a lad from university from Southampton. Nowt to differentiate themselves from the restof the south. There's fucking millions of charvas in Kent for example.


Bristol and south west are different people though, genetically and culturally. I base the genetic differentiation on that Oppenheimer book I must have mentioned on here about 10 times now. You should have a read of it. Google his name plus origin of the British.

Kent charva's oh dear. I've worked with half of them. Without sounding crude or disrespectful, the smelliest minge I've ever smelt was from a bird from Chatham, not that I should throw all of Kent into that one basket like, but I've worked with loads of people from Kent they're fuckin complete and utter charva's, and on top of that you've got the tens of thousands of gypsies who live in Kent who don't fuckin help matters. Dartford, Chatham, Swanley, Bexleyeef, Ashford, Ramsgate, Margate, Gillingham OH DEAR.


I've read some of the stuff you've posted on genetics and it interests me. I found something on the net a while ago which proved to me that geordies are the master race of the British Isles. We are the tallest people in Britain. Well not just us, from the borders down to the Humber is where Britain's tallest people live, on average 2 inches taller than people on the West side of Britain, it's the Swedish/Danish influence in the NE that's my theory. When I go to Manchester I feel like Nikola Zigic, but here am just relatively tall.


Cant believe you shagged a bird from Chatham Stevie. If you'd been there you'd know not to...

Chatham, Sunderland, Scotswood are my worst three in terms of location....it's a tale of woe... :lol:


I see the Scotland fans chucked a banana at Neymar yesterday. Thought those days were behind us to be honest.


My best mate lived there for a few years as he moved with his bird who was studying at Rochester Uni. He used to get eggs thrown at him cos he worked in the city & had suit on! Plus, whenever he got off the train at Rochester there were a range of 50+ year old heroin addict prossies. Absolute shit hole. Real dregs of Britain.

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Seen Peter Lovelyhands in the Metrocentre with his family. His bairns were in a softplay in a restaurant with my young'uns. What a timid looking bloke he is, he looks scared of his own shadow.

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