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I can't be the only one who wants to walk into rooms to the 20th Century Fox fanfare.


oh, actually


I want mood music, the Vader theme when I'm all stern and menacing, the 20th Century Fox theme when I'm walking into a room, Bacvk in Black when I walk into a bar and Wa Wa Wa Waaaaaaah every time I drop things, oh and a Rimshot everytime I make a pun.

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I once grandly opened the door to my dad's office, and stood proudly, filling up the doorframe with my mighty presence...


...and by complete and utter chance, he was listening to handel's messiah, and JUST as I did that, the music went......






















"HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!"



It was one of the best moments EVER. ;):angry:

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I walked into a bar to "Little Green Bag" once


so cool

especially as I had pushed open both doors.


I couldn't help but strut and loadsa people looked and I reckon at least 1 one of them didn't think I was a total loser.


....good times.

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I walked into a bar to "Little Green Bag" once


so cool

especially as I had pushed open both doors.


I couldn't help but strut and loadsa people looked and I reckon at least 1 one of them didn't think I was a total loser.


....good times.



I had you down as more of a "Theme from Steptoe" man, personally. ;)

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I don't think I know "Little Green Bag". I feel so uncultured.


When I was in, umm, y'know, just some country, we went to the big place that has the casino and stuff. And it's all spangly and grand and whatnot, and my friend and I were heading up the escalator... up into the spangly grandness... and there was really loud, really triumphant "LOOK WHO'S HERE!" type instrumental music playing. We felt special.

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Have any of you guys seen the happy buskers on Northumberland St? One plays the double bass, and the other plays the guitar and the harmonica. They're absolutely wonderful, simply because they're so cheery.


On Friday I RAOKed* them by giving them all the change in my pocket. Although, to be honest, they deserved it because they were playing the happiest version of Don't Look Back in Anger I've ever heard.


Today I was wandering along the street suddenly feeling a bit sad and crappy (talk about mood swings... :angry: ) and I spotted them there again and I just started to giggle. And giggle. And giggle. So I gave them some change again.


I can see those guys are gonna bleed me dry of loose change soon enough... but I can't help it.... they make me happy.






*RAOKed = To perform a Random Act Of Kindness towards someone

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does giving money to someone who is asking for it, truly a random act of kindness?

I wouldn't have thought so


Well it's certainly kinder than just ignoring them, like 99% of everyone else around at the time.


And they provide the randomness themselves. He's playing a DOUBLE BASS! ;) I love it.


And plus, on Friday I also bought an extra cookie at Millie's Cookies so that the next person to stop there would have a FREE COOKIE OF THEIR CHOICE. Which, personally, I think would be quite tremendous. That'd make my day for sure.


Unless that day was the Sunday just gone. That day was better than a million free cookies.


because a million free cookies would make u sick if u tried to eat them all at once. And if u succeeded, you'd probably die.


Can someone ask Jeeves for me - "would eating a million free cookies kill you?"


I'm a tad busy.....

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I bet they made you smile though ;)




Talking of wankers..... Rick Parfitt's son is a bit of a tosser. I can't stand that boy. He's so bloody full of himself, and for no good reason at all. Just thought I'd warn you all to stay clear. Or punch his pointy little face. Either works.


Sorry... just sometimes I have to get this stuff off my chest. Unfortunately for you, this is where I choose to do that.

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I bet they made you smile though  :angry:




Talking of wankers.....  Rick Parfitt's son is a bit of a tosser.  I can't stand that boy.  He's so bloody full of himself, and for no good reason at all.  Just thought I'd warn you all to stay clear.  Or punch his pointy little face.  Either works.


Sorry... just sometimes I have to get this stuff off my chest.  Unfortunately for you, this is where I choose to do that.


Wrong :angry:

Cheers for the advice re: Rick's young 'un though. I'm sure it'll come in handy ;)

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I've seen them two on Northumberland Street. Wankers tbh ;)



I saw them in Milligans about 2 hours ago. Wondered what some bloke was doing in a bakery with a double bass, but now I know........

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talking of kindness ( sharp intake of breath)


shame nobody is kind ehough to offer a solution to my dead pc as mentioned in the 'second PC' thread in the help section.


(sorry for the cheekiness but needs must and all that eh)



I have to admit I laughed a little when this post was ignored.


And again because I'm pointing this fact out without knowing anything about computers ;)

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I didn't ignore it... I actually went and looked at the thread and observed that I could be of no help at all.


I did think of posting a 'hey, look at me, I looked!' kinda thing... but didn't want zico to have the "someone posted! my prayers are answered!" feeling followed by "oh no, no, Lou's just saying hi" thing.


Bah. I hate my mind sometimes. I keep being all happy and then I start thinking about different stuff, or taking a diff view to things, and I start to feel all miserable, and only some very stern thinking about Sunday can cheer me up again. Or random buskers, of course.


But then before I know it, I'm feeling miserable again before I have to remind myself that really, I have no need to. Not *really*.


Bah. It's exhausting.


Meanwhile, back to accounting....

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I didn't ignore it... I actually went and looked at the thread and observed that I could be of no help at all.


I did think of posting a 'hey, look at me, I looked!' kinda thing... but didn't want zico to have the "someone posted! my prayers are answered!" feeling followed by "oh no, no, Lou's just saying hi" thing.


Bah.  I hate my mind sometimes.  I keep being all happy and then I start thinking about different stuff, or taking a diff view to things, and I start to feel all miserable, and only some very stern thinking about Sunday can cheer me up again.  Or random buskers, of course.


But then before I know it, I'm feeling miserable again before I have to remind myself that really, I have no need to.  Not *really*.


Bah.  It's exhausting.


Meanwhile, back to accounting....



again i appreciate you amazing selflessness Lou


where are the computer nerds when you need them eh?

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Ok, on Saturday there are 3 things that I'm torn between, and I can only go to 1 of them!


1) Matty is coming down to Bisonland and he owes me a beer, so would love to catch up and see how he's doing now he's moved to the toon.


2) A lass I have a thing for will be in Bracknell as she plays hockey. Do I go and ask her out at the likely risk I'll get shot down? ;)


3) Bees play Slough and Stu Simmonds has signed for Slough (allegedly); another good bloke.


I also have to get to the footy eary so as to get Sonko's autograph for me mam (xmas pressie)

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Well the pint would be the best thing, there is a pretty good gyarantee that you'll have a good night


I'd not bother with the girl, if she plays hockey she'll have no teeth and be bigger than you.


the silly ice hockey game will be silly and not really worth it, so it's the pint for ye m'laddio



and don't forget to get your mother her prezzie

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My unicycle leg measurement is 34inches. ;)





This does not mean that I have surgically implanted a unicycle as an extra leg. Or replaced one of my legs with a unicycle. I simply mean that to get the right height uni, you have to measure your leg. So, yes. There you go. Thought you might be interested :unsure:

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Imagine how fun it could be with a unicycle implanted in place of a leg. Hmmm... new line of prosthetic for amputees, with a built in sense of humour.

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Imagine how fun it could be with a unicycle implanted in place of a leg. Hmmm... new line of prosthetic for amputees, with a built in sense of humour.



Hmm, but it's not very easy to kick the pedals with only one leg...

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