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In Neighbours FOREVER ago Karl got all back into his uni band-ness (The Right Prescription) and started forever singing their old song, Free As A River.


It's so bad it's ABSOLUTELY FAN-bloody-TASTIC.


The only bit I can remember goes "You've got to be free! .. free as a riivvvaaahhhhh....."


Anyways, then when Susan had her amnesia, she found a tape of the song and decided it was the BEST THING EVER and so they played it lots then.


One of my plans for Oz was to go to a Karl gig and request this song until either A- he played it, or B- I got thrown out.  I didn't get to do that in Oz.


Tonight is my night :D






And yes, I'm fully aware of how ridiculously sad and pathetic this all is!! :angry:


What did you do in Oz?

Well, I saw Uluru at sunset, swam off the Great Barrier Reef, visited Sydney Harbour but I never got to see a Karl Kennedy gig :razz:



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Well then I shall go and make my t-shirt and let alex get on with the mocking :D


And after I got you tea, too :icon_lol:


HF - maybe Karl was being ironic??? I dunno. Maybe I should discuss it with him.......

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In Neighbours FOREVER ago Karl got all back into his uni band-ness (The Right Prescription) and started forever singing their old song, Free As A River.


It's so bad it's ABSOLUTELY FAN-bloody-TASTIC.


The only bit I can remember goes "You've got to be free! .. free as a riivvvaaahhhhh....."


Anyways, then when Susan had her amnesia, she found a tape of the song and decided it was the BEST THING EVER and so they played it lots then.


One of my plans for Oz was to go to a Karl gig and request this song until either A- he played it, or B- I got thrown out.  I didn't get to do that in Oz.


Tonight is my night :D






And yes, I'm fully aware of how ridiculously sad and pathetic this all is!! :razz:


What did you do in Oz?

Well, I saw Uluru at sunset, swam off the Great Barrier Reef, visited Sydney Harbour but I never got to see a Karl Kennedy gig ;)




Just because my priorities are different, doesn't mean they're wrong. :icon_lol:


However, they MAY say something about my mental health......!!

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Isn't a river possibly one of the least free things on earth, being as it is constricted by its banks?


Free as a hedgehog would have been better.


Free as a bird is even better again. Free as a hedgehog? :D

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ahh I forget you get me tea.. ok, well here's a thought


hedgehogs aren't particularly free, they're bound by the theory of gravity.


so how about birds?


free as a bird perhaps?


it has a nice ring to it

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Just because my priorities are different, doesn't mean they're wrong. :icon_lol:


However, they MAY say something about my mental health......!!


Don't start that random/wacky shite again, I'm up to here with it :D

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ahh I forget you get me tea.. ok, well here's a thought


hedgehogs aren't particularly free, they're bound by the theory of gravity.


so how about birds?


free as a bird perhaps?


it has a nice ring to it


Is there an echo in here?

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I just found Free as a River on Karl's site!! (I love how I can't bring myself to call him anything but Karl.... like, y'know, call him by his real name or anything)


It really really REALLY is bad. LOVE IT!!!


*ridiculously excited*

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Free as a bird would be plagiarism, The Beatles once decided their hundreds of millions of pounds were not satisfactory and so they released a piece of shit vocal by John Lennon with some tin pot backing to it. On the back of this they were able to sell millions of copies of 3 separate double CD's, a 10 video set (now 6 DVD's) and international rights to a 10 hour documentary which revealed about 2 new stories.


Free as a hedgehog is original (I think).

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"Rejection is the sincerest form of flattery" .


I think plagerism is about fourth. Not sure what goes between the two. Basically, because I just made this all up.


Watch out folks, Gol's about. With some searing putdown I'm sure :D

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"Rejection is the sincerest form of flattery" .


I think plagerism is about fourth.  Not sure what goes between the two.  Basically, because I just made this all up.


Watch out folks, Gol's about.  With some searing putdown I'm sure :D


Sincere flattery is the sincerest form of flattery. In my opinion like.

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I like The Beatles but 'Free as a Bird' was gash, it should have stayed unreleased.


Although I do like the little bit that goes:


"whatever happened to

the life that we once knew

can we really live without each other?

something something something touch

something something something so much

that always made me feeeellll sooooooo freeeeeee...."






It's sad that I just phoned home to play Free As A River at the parents, and then giggle and go "I just found it!!!!! ... umm... that's really all I called to say... I have no other news...."



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so... we're going to watch Harry Potter tonight and using that Orange 241 thing, one of the girls doesn't grasp the concept and says we need nine people to go, because then for every two people that go, another gets in for nothing....


yeah, the point is really a question.


Why is it that Girls say these type of things more than blokes?

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Maybe it's because if a guy said such a dumb thing, then he'd get punched by his mates for his stupidity, and he'd learn not to say it again. Girls do not get punched by their mates, and therefore this learning habit does not kick in.


Or maybe it's just because your male mind is on the same level as the other male minds, so when they say a stupid thing, you don't think "what an idiot" instead you think "what a GENIUS!" instead. And therefore you only notice the girlies saying stupid things.




I don't know.


But I thought it'd be rude to ignore.

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so what you're saying is that everytime a girl says something stupid I should punch her.... How do I know that the thing that she has said deserves a punch in the arm? I don't want to get a reputation as a wife beater...


I should maybe get a "dippymeter" and when the needle hits the red I should punch her in the arm..

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so what you're saying is that everytime a girl says something stupid I should punch her.... How do I know that the thing that she has said deserves a punch in the arm? I don't want to get a reputation as a wife beater...


I should maybe get a "dippymeter" and when the needle hits the red I should punch her in the arm..



Just give her a slap with the back of your hand. That's the acceptable way to apply discipline.


Oh.....and say "gertcha" as you do it.

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Dippymeters sound the best way to go. No one could argue with a dippymeter.


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP - the gig's getting closer!!! I can hardly sit still!!


*trying to work to pass the time*. It's not working so well though...

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ARGH I think I'm breaking!!


Y'know when everything's going PERFECTLY and you're VERY EXCITED and happy... and then suddenly something goes TERRIBLY TERRIBLY WRONG and you get brain fade and your world crashes down and you don't know what to do to sort it out and it's all terrible.... and then after a few minutes of UTTER PANIC, you find out that it's all ok again afterall, and you're back to being VERY EXCITED again??


I just had that.


And now I'm fairly exhausted.


And typing RANDOM WORDS in capitals, it seems. Sorry.

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whey... Harry Potter is alright. good effects and average acting. Think a lot of kids might not enjoy it as much though, it drags a bit in parts, oh yes, it does tend to Drag on


was more interested in the preview for a film called Happy Feet

and appalled at the prospect of a Lassie film... I shit you not.

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and appalled at the prospect of a Lassie film... I shit you not.



A mate of mine put it thus:


Unfortunately, I had [my eyes] open to witness one of the most horrific crimes ever committed against celluloid. Seriously, it was the worst trailer ever made, EVER. It seems that there is to be a film of 'Lassie'. Has anyone else seen this? I don't feel that I am adequately able to describe how fucking dire it was... there aren't words. It was probably 2 minutes long and included every single ridiculous, offensive stereotype of poor stupid Northern folk with hearts of gold (I swear it opened with the line "theh clursin' down t'mine, Jurr") intercut with horrible, horrible shots of a stupid dog running around, golden and shiningly illuminated as if from some internal sun. And then STEVE PEMBERTON FROM THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN. What. The. Fuck. Honestly, I still can't believe it's not a joke. It is a joke, right? ...Right? I mean, the shitty guitar ballad music which included the lyrics "she's turning me on"?? Bestiality? Family film? No. Please.


I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or vomit, but then by the time the line "Yer a bad dog Lasseh and we durn't love yeh" was uttered, the choice was no longer mine to make: all three. Argh.

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