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Scottish Mag

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I am listening to the Offspring and that means you can't upset me


I like their happy carefree ditties


so ner


I wrote her off for the tenth time today

And practiced all the things I would say

But she came over I lost my nerve

I took her back and made her dessert

Oh I know I'm being used

That's okay man cause I like the abuse

Oh I know she's playing with me

That's okay cause I've got no self esteem


We make plans to go out at night

I wait till 2 then I turn out the light

All this rejection's got me so low

If she keeps it up I just might tell her so


When she's saying, oh, that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends

When she's saying, oh, that I'm like a disease

Then I wonder how much more I can spend

Well I guess I should stick up for myself

But I really think it's better this way

The more you suffer

The more it shows you really care

Right? Yeah-eh-eh


Now I'll relate this little bit

That happens more than I'd like to admit

Late at night she knocks on my door

She's drunk again and looking to score

Oh I know I should say no but

It's kind of hard when she's ready to go

I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb

I'm just a sucker with no self esteem


When she's saying, oh, that she wants only me

Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends

When she's saying, oh, that I'm like a disease

Then I wonder how much more I can spend

Well I guess I should stick up for myself

But I really think it's better this way

The more you suffer

The more it shows you really care

Right? Yeah-eh-eh

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there's crow and I know he's outside, but it's really fucking dark, so I can't see him, so I plan to wait for a passing comet or low flying helicopter to either scare him off, or at least reveal his location.

once I know ehere he is I can stop thinking about that Simpsons episode where Bart is the Raven from Edgar Allen Poe's poem.

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My football team are the Ravens and as we are playing in a number of summer fussball competitions I decided that we should be called:

the edgar allen poes - for the 1st team


that knocking raven - for the 2nd team


but do you thnk anyone gets it?

Fucking illiterate Australians.

Edited by sammynb
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whats this? Egg whites? are you trying to kill me?




I love family guy and when my child is old enough to learn words I'm going to teach him Stewie quotes...


oh good night hippy boy, make sure you put the incense candle out before you fall asleep, it's liable to burn your wigwam down... fucking hippy

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whats this? Egg whites? are you trying to kill me?




I love family guy and when my child is old enough to learn words I'm going to teach him Stewie quotes...


oh good night hippy boy, make sure you put the incense candle out before you fall asleep, it's liable to burn your wigwam down... fucking hippy


geordie fish goes to see the doctor.

"What's wrong?" asks the physician.

"Well sometimes I feel like a teepee and sometimes I feel like a wigwan!" answers the fish.

"Well just calm down," answers the doctor, "you're two tents."

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reckon he'd improve our all round game more than Lampard and think he's a better leader for our midfield.


but I'm all alone in that opinion so I'll just shut up about it.

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reckon he'd improve our all round game more than Lampard and think he's a better leader for our midfield.


but I'm all alone in that opinion so I'll just shut up about it.



Jesus wept! You shut up about a labouring point?? Now there's a first! :D

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reckon he'd improve our all round game more than Lampard and think he's a better leader for our midfield.


but I'm all alone in that opinion so I'll just shut up about it.



Random tbh


Not to mention Wacky (in the Races, rather than the Jnr sense).

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I was bliddy asked by Craig!


not as random as it could have been, nor as wacky.


I was being ironic, since it was out of character for your 'crazee' self :D

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