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I remember on student night in Bliss you would get posho Tarquin in asking for a bottle of "Newcky broon".  Cringeworthy doesn't even begin to describe it.


You need to be having words with that bloke Lou.


Until I went to to University I'd never even heard it referred to as Newcky Brown. The first time I herad it I said: "What the fuck is Newquay Brown?" It's a bottle of Broon or a bottle of Dog ffs. Or, as my mate calls it, a bottle of shit. ;)

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He's Aussie. He doesn't know any better, yet.


And alex... do you hear that sound.... that's the sound of my little heart breaking  ;)


:razz:  ;)


Do you hear that? It's the sound of the world's smallest violin :razz:

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I remember on student night in Bliss you would get posho Tarquin in asking for a bottle of "Newcky broon".  Cringeworthy doesn't even begin to describe it.


You need to be having words with that bloke Lou.


Until I went to to University I'd never even heard it referred to as Newcky Brown. The first time I herad it I said: "What the fuck is Newquay Brown?" It's a bottle of Broon or a bottle of Dog ffs. Or, as my mate calls it, a bottle of shit. ;)





The first time I heard it was when David Baddiel said it. Probably where the students picked it up from tbh.

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"York and Pork". I wish that was a REAL book.


I also want to write a book of random anecdotes called "We couldn't find a road map of the Maldives". Actually, I may call it "York and Pork: We couldn't find a road map of the Maldives".


I'm think it will include tales such as "The First Time My Mother Almost Went to York". With the follow up story: The First Time My Brother Almost Went to Mongolia. (It goes like this: yesterday he thought "I'm going to go to Mongolia!"... but then he realised "oh. I cannot afford that". So he didn't.)


And of course will go into detail on the felony of apple stealing in my own back garden. It made my dad so upset that he lost sleep over it. For the first time in his life, he still couldn't sleep by 2am.


Best part: it was his 89-yr-old mother and her friend who are the apple theives! And he phoned her friend to demand the apples back... but she'd already eaten them! ;)


Maybe you just had to be at dinner in the restaurant with us today for any of this to make any sense. But oh well. I laughed so hard that I hurt for practically the whole meal, so it's all good.




Brother: He's obviously been sent over to work in a church in spain so that the british church can slowly take over the world!!!

Mum: No, no, he's not like that.... I think he's..

Dad: ...gay?


;):razz: :razz: On a scale of one to ten of things that I would not expect my dad to say, that would be at about 9.9 ....


[shuts up and goes to bed giggling still]

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WOAH, way to switch between moods here, but...



Damn it's hard to delete a number off your phone of a friend who's died ;)


I hadn't been able to bring myself to do it before... it hadn't really sunk in yet... but it was her funeral today (in Melbourne, so evidently I didn't go)... so I figured today was a good day to come to terms with the fact that I don't need that number any more.


Just deleted it. And it stung a bit. "Deleted: Cazz" From my phone, yes. From my memory, and my heart, not a chance. Didn't really know her ALL that well... but the world's a suckier place without her :razz:











[goes back to read the post above in order to start giggling about dad's stolen apples* again, because that's what cazz'd want...]



* this is not some sick and twisted euphemism!!!! ;)

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OK, and now to explain to you why this is a 'yay', '!!' and CAPS LOCK moment.....


Tim's one of my aussie comedy boys.... won Best Newcomer at Edinburgh Fest this year.... so he's gonna be on a show (I presume only for one song) called "Edinburgh and Beyond"... and therefore, that's exciting. because then I'll have a Tim song to watch!! Hurrah! Until he gets his lazy butt in gear and actually lets us all have that DVD of his show that he's been promising...

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OK, and now to explain to you why this is a 'yay', '!!' and CAPS LOCK moment.....


Tim's one of my aussie comedy boys.... won Best Newcomer at Edinburgh Fest this year.... so he's gonna be on a show (I presume only for one song) called "Edinburgh and Beyond"... and therefore, that's exciting.  because then I'll have a Tim song to watch!! Hurrah!  Until he gets his lazy butt in gear and actually lets us all have that DVD of his show that he's been promising...




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There we go. I knew I could make you all understand a little bit.


You just need to work on the adding of exclamation marks and CAPS LOCK next.... but hey, baby steps! ;)

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The CORRECT terminology is "FUCKIN WOO"..... but you went all out with the red colouring and all, so I'll let you off.


But, c'mon guys, it'll only be one song or so... it's not like it'll be the whole of his show on TV.... so don't get TOO excited...... ;)




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The CORRECT terminology is "FUCKIN WOO"..... but you went all out with the red colouring and all, so I'll let you off.


But, c'mon guys, it'll only be one song or so... it's not like it'll be the whole of his show on TV.... so don't get TOO excited......  :razz:





I'll try and hold it down ;)

When's he on out of interest?

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"Edinburgh and Beyond" - Sundays at 10pm.


I'm not sure if he'll be on THIS Sunday.... but I'm guessing so... I'm just going to phone mum and tell her to record them all for me ;)



[edit - it's hosted by Al Murray. Dammit. I've never yet found him funny. Hurrah for the fast forward button...]

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"Edinburgh and Beyond" - Sundays at 10pm.


I'm not sure if he'll be on THIS Sunday.... but I'm guessing so... I'm just going to phone mum and tell her to record them all for me ;)


Sorry I need specific times or I'm not interested ;)

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OOOOOOOooooooooo... well well well...


OK, Minchin's not on THIS Sunday.


But at 11pm on Sunday, they've got the World Comedy Tour 2004 - and Adam Hills is on. Yay! We made Hillsy just laugh *SO* hard. Legend. He has a fake foot.


Oh and then next week is the Umbilical Brothers!!! Haha, I'm mates with one of them too.


But this is COOL, because if they're showing last year's World Comedy Tour, then that implies that they'll show THIS year's too, and my mate hosted that. Yay. But boo, then I won't be able to give him crap about not *actually* being on TV anymore.


Boo... I can only see 3 weeks programming for Edinburgh and Beyond, and Tim's not on any of them. I hope I've not missed him!



[edit: I realise that you people don't. actually. care. but since when has that ever stopped me typing and pressing the 'submit' button?... Sorry!]

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;) He's an Aussie. So he just HAS to be "Hillsy" doesn't he? The same as my mate whose name is Damian HAS to be Damo. It's so Aussie, I love it.


In a hostel in Sydney, we were watching the comedy channel, and for about two hours straight we knew basically EVERYONE on screen. We spent the whole time giggling. Luckily the random guy that was watching TV with us at the time didn't mind.... he could have got seriously pissed off with us if he'd been that way inclined.


He also found it very amusing that we ran off to email one of the guys to tell him that his hair looked funny on his new advert :razz:;)


I live a strange little life..... :razz:

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Has finished WHAT?!!!!!?!??!??!?!


*mind runs wild*



because before it was quite quite tame was it not.

... why are you now a Shrew, in my head?

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