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Scottish Mag

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Haven't done this for a while- won't do it again for an even longer while.....


A copy and paste joke.




saw that coming over the comedy horizon, but still smirked at the pay-off.


I been watching Firefly and have found it quite quite good.

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You're mates with Silky???

that's generally random


He was one of the acts last night.


he was excellent, he sung and tore shreds into a guy, it was nice his website is killforaseat.com I think


he's pleasantly scouse and mercifully balding.




Yep, I am indeed friends with Mr Silky himself. Met him during Melbourne Comedy Festival in March and kept in touch ever since. He's good at tearing shreds into people, isn't he? They do tend to deserve it though <_< Absolutely lovely guy, had a bloody awful month or two, but he's pulling through.


Glad you liked him :D


And yes, his website IS killforaseat.com. Him getting people to repeat that really does indeed work.


Did he do his magic carpet joke? I love that one. And the line "ROCK BEATS ALL!!!!!!...... except paper..."


HURRAH because next Sunday one of my Aussie mates (who's currently in London) has a gig in Sunderland. It shall be my first forray over to mackemland! I hope he goes well there. I'll feel guilty if it's crap, seeming as it's purely because of me that he's got the gig up here. :huff:

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Haven't done this for a while- won't do it again for an even longer while.....


A copy and paste joke.




saw that coming over the comedy horizon, but still smirked at the pay-off.


I been watching Firefly and have found it quite quite good.



Firefly is good but just as it was really getting going and showing the promise of what it could become the americans cancelled it, though obviously it has subsequently come back as the film Serenity.

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typical fricking americans...

yes Mags, this means you too


but Lou the carpet joke was ace and also the song about old women in clubs


"pull your dress up because it looks like there's an old fruit bat up there roosting..."


ace biscuits

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I never actually got to see him perform in Melbourne... so it was such a relief when 7 months later I finally saw him on stage and he was ACTUALLY GOOD. It would have been a bit awkward if he'd been crap!


I didn't think he'd be bad though... we randomly ended up seeing an impro show with him in Melb, and they asked him to name an object.... and he came up with "really tight hats". ;)


And then we were chatting to him a couple of days after the Pope died (bad move by Jean Paul there, dying in the middle of a comedy festival, ahh we're all going to hell!)... and some ppl wheeled the closed, rectangular merchandise box past us, and Silky just went "IT'S THE POPE!!!" He was *SO* relieved when me and Trisi just lost it... Ahhh, Pope jokes. They were the best.


I'm definitely going to hell though. We saw my friend Danny's show.. and he was like "I have a pope joke, and he's gonna die soon, so I have to tell it before then or else it won't be funny... so can I tell it now, is that ok?" So we all gave him permission. Afterwards we had to RUN to our next show.... and half way through one of the guys on stage goes "oh, by the way, we just heard that the pope died" and (this is why I'm going to hell...) my reaction was "YES! DANNY GOT HIS JOKE IN!!!"


I'm just going to burn and burn and burn, aren't I?

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I'm confused on many levels.


Are you saying that all standups in training at 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing folk?


Or that I couldn't be a stand up because I'm a 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing person?


And you realise that you've met me, right. And I wasn't 3 feet tall. Or, indeed, wearing clown pants. But that could have just been a one off for all you know.


And are you saying that I should be a stand up in training?? Or that I should NOT??


*goes and takes off the clown pants*


I really don't know what I just typed.... ;)


Oh, but wait, the answer is... umm... no.

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I'm confused on many levels.


Are you saying that all standups in training at 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing folk?


Or that I couldn't be a stand up because I'm a 3 feet tall clown-pant wearing person?


And you realise that you've met me, right.  And I wasn't 3 feet tall.  Or, indeed, wearing clown pants.  But that could have just been a one off for all you know.


And are you saying that I should be a stand up in training??  Or that I should NOT??


*goes and takes off the clown pants*


I really don't know what I just typed.... ;)


Oh, but wait, the answer is... umm... no.




no... it was more like a thousand different ideas all flitting about inside my head.


it's just that you talk about stand up a lot and I was curious as to whether you were pursuing a career in that field.I also thought you were small... but you say you aren't...


also I just imagine seperately about people in clown clothes

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also I just imagine seperately about people in clown clothes
that just made me laugh out loud.


Nope, I don't think I could ever actually be a stand-up myself. I just made friends with about a billion* comedians in Melbourne during the comedy festival (March), and since then just kept going to their gigs in the local area.... ended up going to comedy about 4 nights a week.


*this may be an exaggeration


I'd love to be able to do it.... it's an amazing feeling making so many people laugh like that. But I could never think of what to say on stage. And I wouldn't be able to do the type of comedy that I wanted to do (I'd love to do surreal/vaudeville/'what the fuck?!' type stuff, with sudden surprisingly dark/morbid jokes thrown in every now and then... but I don't think I could pull it off). And I couldn't cope with bad gigs. Or hecklers.


So yeh, I'm quite happy just making people laugh offstage at the mo. And watch others onstage, whilst I laugh so hard that I hurt. Boo, I miss doing that.


And I'm 5'11. You actually paid no attention at all when you met me, did you? ;) *sobs*

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And I'm 5'11.  You actually paid no attention at all when you met me, did you? :D  *sobs*




I'm quite the horrid little man.


I think you're suitably random to make plenty of people smile, laugh and maybe even pay for the privelege, but I might be biased because I thoroughly enjoy flights of fancy into the rediculous and random

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One of my street performer/comedian mates in Oz was *SO* convinced that me and Trisi should do a show because we were such a great double act.


We told him that he didn't have anything to actually DO... and he didn't seem to think that that mattered (this is a man who gets on stage and does Nothing for the first few minutes... so it's hardly surprising...)


We were like 'Our show would consist of us standing there.... clapping our hands together and going "Riiiighhtt....."..... and that'd be it'. And he was CONVINCED we were onto a winner, lol. Then we decided that what we were good at was eating McDonalds without anything to rest the food on.... (so in theory we reckoned we could have a drink balanced on our foot and nuggets on our head etc etc etc) ... and he was like "I'd pay to see that!!!! .... not MUCH.... but I would..."


And hey, thinking about it, "shhh, grown ups are talking..." - I'd not be surprised if that was actually Silky who said that. It's a VERY Silky line.


Mr Fish... come up to Edinburgh Festival next year. I shall introduce you to some DAMN good comedy, I promise. ;)

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Mr Fish... come up to Edinburgh Festival next year.  I shall introduce you to some DAMN good comedy, I promise. ;)



I already going to Edinburgh, cos I've got friends who have freinds who live there. You'll meet me and introduce me to your comedic chums, I'll regale them with my witty erdutie anecdotes, then they'll love me and call me their king, perhaps share their fortunes with me and sell their shoes for a knock down price.


and simply because I've never used it I'd like to practise this smiley I call it the Jonny Bravo standing beside "Confusoman"



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Hurrah for Edinburgh! I really really really can't wait. I forsee me living my life from August to August now... all the useless inbetween uni bit is just a way to pass the time between fringe festivals.


I must say, a certain Mr Jamieson really bailed me out when it came to accommodation costs this year. Hurrah ;) I really need to work out what to do next year though... going to try and work during it one way or another I think. So that I can afford to stay in the city (fecking last bus to Peebles was ridiculously early). Tumtetum, I'll get it sorted I'm sure. Only nine months to go......


And I can't be sure about selling their shoes at knock down prices, but the rest of it sounds like it could be about right. See you there* ;)




*that was not meant to be a thread, but I see how it could be mistaken as one..........

Edited by Lou
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"You can show me Newcy and then we can rock on to Sunderland"


;) That has to be the first time that's been said in such a cheery way, right??


Ahhhh... the Australians. Gotta love 'em!


(yay for one of my aussie comedy boys is coming up for a gig in sunderland on sunday, hence the above...)


(coming up from london, that is. not australia. that'd be a LITTLE far just for a gig in sunderland...!!)

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I stayed in with my girly housemates and worked on a practical report while they payed drinking games and got progressively dishevelled. I was then roped into being the Sultan of Spin, now while you and I may have mistaken this for perhaps a wee jaunt into the wonderful world of cool pseudonym-ed D-J's like Fat Boy Slim and Mr Scruff, it was, instead, simply the task of flicking the Twister Spinner and calling out the designated body part and colour...


now small and petty men may have misused the trust and grown power hungry when faced with this responsibility. One would imagine they would deliberate and asess the most inconvenient limb and coressponding hue, forcing the aforementioned inebriated ladies into the most perplexing and... dare I say provocative of stance for mere amusement...


if I said I didn't do this a little I'd be lying....

so I won't say it


instead I'll say that phrase that rattled around my head for the hour or so, that the game took up.




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"Sultan of Spin" ;) I like it.


Today is my mother's birthday. Dad's taking her out for a meal in York with my brother this evening. What she doesn't know is that I'm turning up too. To further put her off the scent, I phoned her this morning to wish her a happy birthday, and feigned surprise when she told me that Dad was taking her out.


She'll be all happy when I turn up. Hurrah!


By the way, what's with the angry singing bears in Eldon Square? Oh how I laughed!

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